Monday, June 1, 2020

                                       Pollution Science 101 - Egypt

                                                 Edited By Michael J. Ross



Section 1: Nuclear Radiation, Heavy Metals & Cyanide
Section 2: Fracking
Section 3: Volcanoes
Section 4: Plagues 
Section 5: Methane & Greenhouse Gasses
Section 6: Water Pollution, Ocean Acidification & Coral Reefs
Section 7: Soil Pollution, Soil Salinity & The Nile
Section 8: Ocean Acidification
Section 9: The Nile
Section 10: Waste
Section 11: Desertification
Section 12: Pesticides & Chemicals
Section 13: Cotton
Section 14: Ancient History
Section 15: Animals
Section 16: Water Quality
Section 17: Crime, Violence & Terrorism



The following documents will detail pollution in Egypt, Africa and across the planet.




Section 1: Nuclear Radiation, Heavy Metals & Cyanide




Radioactive Contamination of the Atmosphere of Cairo, Egypt, From the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant Accident



Radioactivity Levels in Crucial Middle East Water Source Exceed International Standards

Scientists sound alarm over radiation in Nubian Aquifer, but other experts say the health risk is unclear.

December 19, 2018


Egypt discovers large amounts of uranium

January 18, 2013

The Nuclear Materials Authority announced the discovery of huge amounts of uranium ore, giving a glimpse of hope for improving the country’s collapsing economy.

But while uranium extraction is expected to help develop many national industries, there are concerns about its environmental and health dangers.

Mohsen Ali Mohamadeen, head of the Nuclear Materials Authority, says the uranium was discovered in high concentrations in five main areas, included Abu Zenima in Sinai, Abu Rashid on the Red Sea, Sila in Upper Egypt, and the Gtar area, which is located 70 kilometers away from Hurghada.


Uranium  Bearing  Phosphorite, West Sibaiya, Egypt: Exploited Mines Characterization, and Potential of Surrounding Areas



Uranium resources and reserves in Egypt

 Nov 25, 2017


Radioactive material stolen in Egypt

20 January 2012

The theft this week of radioactive material from a nuclear power plant under construction in Egypt has highlighted once again the dangers of nuclear looting in countries undergoing social upheaval.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that the material was taken from a laboratory at the El Dabaa nuclear power plant on the country’s Mediterranean coast. “According to the information we have, the items that have gone missing are low-level radioactive sources,” says an IAEA spokesperson.

The sources probably have a long half-life, and would have been used to calibrate radiation detectors, says Ronald Chesser, director of the Center for Environmental Radiation Studies at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. “They were small check sources, in the microcurie range,” says Chesser. “This is pretty low-level stuff, but it still is a concern that they are in unknown hands.” Calibration sources typically contain small amounts of an isotope — not enough to cause widespread contamination, but with the potential to trigger public panic if released.


High-enriched uranium traces found in Egypt: IAEA

May 6, 2009

VIENNA (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog is investigating the discovery of traces of highly enriched uranium at a nuclear research site in Egypt, according to a restricted International Atomic Energy Agency report obtained by Reuters.


 The IAEA Reports on Egypt: Reluctantly?

June 02, 2009

Editor's Note: In an article in the February-March 2009 issue of Survival on "Exposing Nuclear Non-Compliance," Pierre Goldschmidt suggested that the lack of discussion about Egypt in the IAEA Annual Report for 2005 and subsequent Safeguards Implementation Reports gave the false impression that the issue has been resolved. The IAEA’s credibility is at stake, as Dr. Goldschmidt lays out in this Proliferation Analysis.

Following the spectacular revelations in 2003 about Iran’s clandestine nuclear program, little attention has been paid to the less spectacular but nonetheless clear violations of safeguards that occurred in both South Korea and Egypt. In 2004, South Korea admitted to undeclared activities as it prepared to adopt its Additional Protocol. In that same year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) followed up on some open source information about undeclared nuclear material and activities in Egypt. The IAEA reported in February 2005 that Egypt failed, inter alia, to declare 67 kg of imported UF4, 3 kg of uranium metal, 9.5 kg of imported thorium compounds, unirradiated fuel rods containing 10 percent enriched U-235 (some of which had been used in undeclared fuel dissolution experiments), and the undeclared irradiation of uranium and thorium targets that had been dissolved in three laboratories.

Since then, no information has been released publicly by the IAEA about its safeguards verification in Egypt. When the IAEA Board of Governors convenes in June, however, Director General Mohamed ElBaradei will ask it to approve the Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR) for 2008, which contains a one-page report on Egypt. This report deserves closer examination because it might reveal a general reluctance of the IAEA to fully and promptly disclose the results of its verification findings.


El-Debaa nuclear power plant in Egypt

April 13, 2020

El-Debaa nuclear power plant in Egypt will receive a reliable supply of fuel once it is built following the announcement that Russia will supply nuclear fuel components including uranium and aluminium items to Egypt for a period of 10 years, following an agreement signed between the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority and Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP), a subsidiary of Russia’s Rosatom TVEL.

“The business development expectations in Egypt include the supply of nuclear fuel to all four power units of the planned 4,800MW El-Debaa nuclear power plant for its entire operation period,” says Rosatom TVEL on a statement.

The fuel components will mainly be used in Egypt’s ETTR-2 research reactor, located at a nuclear research facility in Inshas, Egypt’s Sharqiya governorate.  ETTR-2 focuses on the research of particle physics and material studies, as well as the production of radioisotopes’

Oleg Grigoriyev, the senior vice-president for commerce and international business at Rosatom TVEL said that the long-term contract is a follow-up to a number of contractual documents for shipments of fuel components to Egypt which were successfully fulfilled by NCCP in the past three years.


Egypt’s Nuclear Deal with Russia



 Russia's NCCP to supply Egyptian research reactor

06 April 2020

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP) has signed a 10-year contract with the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority for the supply of low-enriched nuclear fuel components, such as uranium and aluminium items, for the ETRR-2 research reactor. NCCP is a subsidiary of Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer TVEL.


Jordan plans to sign uranium production agreement with Egypt

December 4, 2019


Egypt Can't Make Up Its Mind about Iran's Nuclear Program

Cairo’s stance has long been ambiguous.


Iran steps up pressure with plan to boost uranium enrichment capacity

Jun. 6, 2018


Iran says it will enrich uranium 'at any level', challenging U.S.

Jul. 7, 2019


Iran’s Stockpile of Enriched Uranium Has Jumped, U.N. Atomic Agency Says

March 3, 2020

Experts and diplomats warn that Tehran has slashed the time it would need to amass enough fuel for a nuclear weapon


Investigators found uranium particles at a secret facility in Iran, suggesting a further rejection of the nuclear deal

Nov 12, 2019

The UN's nuclear watchdog reported on Monday that uranium particles had been discovered at a site not previously declared by the Iranian government, multiple news reports say.


Multinational uranium enrichment in the Middle East

July 2017


In the Middle East, Soon Everyone Will Want the Bomb

May 21, 2018

The region is at risk of a nuclear arms race. Washington needs to stop proliferation before it starts.


 Will the Middle East go nuclear?

May 15, 2020


Nuclear program of Egypt

Undeclared nuclear activity

In late 2004 and early 2005, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started to investigate undisclosed experiments, which was published in open sources by former and current staff of the AEA, that indicated nuclear material, activities and facilities connected to uranium extraction, conversion, irradiation and reprocessing that unreported to the agency and a team of Agency inspectors visited the Nuclear Research Center in Inshas from 9 to 13 October 2004.

On 14 February 2005, IAEA's Director General Mohamed ElBaradei circulated a report to the board of Governors finding "a number of failures by Egypt to report to the agency in accordance with its obligations."

Egypt justified its reporting failures as the government and the IAEA had “differing interpretations” of Egypt’s safeguards obligations and emphasizing that the country’s “nuclear activities are strictly for peaceful purposes.” Accordingly, Egypt had taken corrective actions and maintained full cooperation during the 2004/2005 investigation, which ended that the IAEA found no discrepancies between what have been declared during the investigation and IAEA's findings and no evidences of extraction of plutonium or enrichment of uranium and the investigation had been closed.

On May 2009, according to a restricted IAEA report (IAEA's Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR) for 2008) obtained by Reuters, the U.N. nuclear watchdog was investigating the discovery of traces of highly enriched uranium (HEU) at a nuclear research facility. The detection was made by the environmental swipe samples taken in 2007 and 2008 at the Nuclear Research Center, which was tested positive for both low enriched uranium (LEU) and highly enriched uranium without confirming whether the (HEU) particles were weapon-grade material.

Egypt accounted for the discovery of (HEU) material that it "could have been brought into the country through contaminated radioisotope transport containers," and the IAEA's inspectors had not verified the source of the particles, and there were no evidence that Egypt's explanation was not correct. Also, the report concludes that earlier issues of undeclared nuclear activities and material reported to the Board of Governors in February 2005, are no longer outstanding and all declared nuclear material remained in peaceful activities.

Uranium conversion experiments

During December, 2004 and January, 2005 inspections the IAEA found that Egypt failed to declare in the initial report in 1982, a 67 kg of imported uranium tetrafluoride (UF4), 3 kg of imported and domestically produced uranium metal, 9.5 kg of imported thorium compounds, and small amounts of domestically produced uranium dioxide (UO2), uranium trioxide (UO3) and UF4 stored in the basement of the Nuclear Chemistry Building at Inshas. Egypt reported that it had imported nuclear material and carried out uranium conversion using that material prior to the force entry of the Safeguards Agreement and granted the agency with access to the Nuclear Chemistry Building where the experiments on the uranium conversion had been conducted within the framework of staff development for the front end of the fuel cycle, and provided a list of the nuclear material that had been imported and the subsequent nuclear material that had been produced, which was unreported in the initial report in 1982.

Egypt notified the Agency that, the Nuclear Material Authority (NMA) had conducted a project to recover uranium ore concentrate as a by-product of activities at the Phosphoric Acid Purification Plant in Inshas but failed to separate uranium. Egypt presented to the agency the program for heap leaching of uranium ore in the Sinai and Eastern deserts and declared that none of the uranium ore concentrate produced as a result of the leaching activities had been of a purity and composition that required to be reported.

Uranium and thorium irradiation experiments

In December 2004 investigation, Egypt acknowledged that between 1990 and 2003, about 12 unreported experiments to the IAEA performed using a total of 1.15 g of natural uranium compounds and 9 thorium samples had been irradiated and conducted at the ETRR-1 and between 1999 and 2003 about 4 unreported experiments using a total of 0.24 g of natural uranium compounds irradiated at the ETRR-2, these experiments involving the irradiation of small amounts of natural uranium in the reactor to test the production of fission product isotopes for medical purposes and the irradiated compounds had been dissolved in three laboratories located in the Nuclear Chemistry Building with no plutonium or U-233 was separated during these experiments. Egypt provided modified design information for the two reactors and submitted inventory change reports (ICRs). Also, Egypt declared that similar experiments had been conducted between 1982 and 1988, prior the entry of safeguards agreement into force.

Activities related to reprocessing

In March 2001 and July 2002, the IAEA was investigating on the environmental samples which was taken from the ETRR-1's hot cells that revealed traces of actinides and fission products, which was explained by Egypt in July 2003, that the presence of the particles was attributed by a damaged nuclear fuel cladding resulted in contamination of the reactor water that penetrated the hot cells from irradiated sample cans.

In December 2004, Egypt declared that it failed to include in the initial report, a total gross weight (include cladding and containers) of one kilogram of imported unirradiated fuel rods containing 10% enriched U-235, which was used in experiments involved in laboratory scale testing of fuel dissolution prior to the development of a reprocessing laboratory (Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant) and presented to the agency one intact fuel rod enriched 10% U-235, a number of pieces of other fuel rods (natural and enriched uranium), and uranyl nitrate solution with uranium enriched 10% U-235. These experiments were conducted at the Nuclear Chemistry Building prior to force entry of the Safeguards Agreement. Egypt had agreed to correct its initial report to include these materials.

Egypt also declared that, at the end of the 1970s, it concluded several contracts with a foreign company to build the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant (HPP) and in 1982, laboratory 2 became operational. The Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant designed for conducting bench scale radiochemistry experiments involving the separation of plutonium and uranium from irradiated fuel elements of the ETRR-1 research reactor. In November 2004 and January 2005, Egypt acknowledged that, in 1987, it had carried out acceptance tests in the HPP using unirradiated uranyl nitrate in chemical reagents purchased on the local market while the uranyl nitrate had been mixed with a solution obtained from the dissolution of domestically produced scrap UO2 pellets (with 1.9 kg of uranium compounds). Egypt did not declare it to the IAEA for safeguarding, due to the fact that the facility was never completed and it was designed for bench scale experiments. Egypt had submitted the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant design information and had agreed to provide ICRs.

In 2004, Egypt shows the IAEA's inspectors the Radioisotope Production Facility at Inshas, which was a new facility under construction intended for the separation of radioisotopes from enriched 19.7% U-235 irradiated at the ETRR-2 reactor while Egypt should have reported the decision to construct the new facility no later than 1997. Egypt took a corrective measure, and provided the agency with the facility design information.


Landmines, Radioactive Waste and other Concerns over Egypt’s Nuclear Power Plant

August 16, 2017


Excluding uranium mining and all associated fuel cycle activities, industries known to have NORM issues include:

April 2020

    The coal industry (mining and combustion)
    The oil and gas industry (production)
    Metal mining and smelting
    Mineral sands (rare earth minerals, titanium and zirconium).
    Fertiliser (phosphate) industry
    Building industry


Egypt’s Atomic Energy Authority can eliminate any radioactive contamination: Nuclear Regulatory Authority

 Dec 2019


 Processing of Gattar Pilot Plants Tailing Piles for Removing Residual Uranium, Eastern Desert, Egypt



Decontamination of Uranium-Polluted Groundwater by Chemically-Enhanced, Sawdust-Activated Carbon

October 2017


Natural Radioactivity Levels and Associated Health Hazards From the Terrestrial Ecosystem in Rosetta Branch of the River Nile, Egypt



Twenty soil and 25 sediment samples were collected from the banks and bottom of the River Nile in the surroundings of biggest cities located close to it. Natural radioactivity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K have been evaluated for all samples by means of γ spectrometric analysis. The radioactivity levels of soil and sediment samples fall within the internationally recommended values. Nevertheless, high natural background radiation zones are detected in the Kafr El-Zayat region due to the presence of a fertilizer factory, and in the Rosetta region due to the presence of black sand deposits. The absorbed dose rate, the γ index and excess life time cancer risk are calculated. High values for some of the radiation health parameters are detected in the Kafr El-Zayat and Rosetta regions representing a serious problem to public health because the soil and sediment are used as constructing material for buildings. Furthermore, the isotope analysis of uranium for representative collected sediment samples via α spectrometry showed average specific activities of 18.7 ± 3.6, 0.087 ± 0.0038 and 18.6 ± 3.8 Bq kg-1 for 234U, 235U and 238U, respectively. In general, these values confirm the balance in the isotopic abundance of U isotopes.


Pharaohs left behind a radioactive curse

23 October 1999

FORGET fatal fungi and diabolical booby traps. Some of Egypt’s ancient
monuments harbour a more insidious threat—they contain high levels of the
radioactive gas radon.

Jaime Bigu of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, and researchers with
the Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt in Cairo looked at seven ancient monuments.
Three had potentially hazardous radon concentrations. The highest
level—5809 becquerels of radon per cubic metre—was in the Sakhm Khat
Pyramid at Saggara, south of Cairo. Nearby, there were 1202 becquerels per cubic
metre in the Abbis Tunnels and 816 becquerels per cubic metre in the Serapeum

Radon is produced by the decay of uranium in the ground and in rocks used to
build the monuments. High levels increase the risk of lung cancer. Britain’s
National Radiological Protection Board, for example, recommends that homes with
radon concentrations above 200 becquerels per cubic metre should install fans to
disperse the gas.

In the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity(vol 47, p 245), Bigu
recommends improving ventilation at the three sites. Guides currently work
inside the monuments for around four hours a day. But if their working hours
doubled they would exceed the international safety limit for workers of 20
millisieverts a year.

Visitors are not at risk. But concentrations of radon would have been much
higher when the sites were opened. “The high radon levels may not have caused
the Curse of Tutankhamen,” says Murdoch Baxter, editor of the Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity, “but it probably won’t have done those early
Egyptologists much good.”

Read more:


Conditioning of disused Ra-226 radioactive sealed sources in Egypt



Ages of Quaternary pluvial episodes determined by uranium-series and radiocarbon dating of lacustrine deposits of Eastern Sahara

15 June 1993


U series age and origin of two secondary uranium deposits, central Eastern Desert, Egypt



At two sites in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt secondary uranium minerals are found at the surfaces of tabular fractured rock bodies which host primary uranium mineralization at depth. At El Atshan the host rock is a 28-m-thick bostonite sill cutting siltstones, and at El Erediya the host rock is a 20-cm jasperoid vein cutting granite. Whereas the primary mineralization at depth is pre-Tertiary, we obtain U series ages for the secondary mineralization at both sites of 80,000 to 140,000 yr. We interpret this episode of uranium mobilization to have resulted from ground-water saturation during humid oxygen isotope climatic stage 5. At both sites adsorbed uranium in the host rock immediately below the secondary ores is shown to have been the result of subsequent mobilization during the last 60,000 yr.


Oklo, the Two Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor

Jan 12, 2015

SciShow takes you to a uranium deposit in Africa where, eons ago, a unique set of conditions came together to form the world’s only known natural nuclear reactor.


The Workings of an Ancient Nuclear Reactor

January 26, 2009

Two billion years ago parts of an African uranium deposit spontaneously underwent nuclear fission. The details of this remarkable phenomenon are just now becoming clear


Determination of Uranium Possibility Occurrence in the Late Orogenic Granites of Upper Proterozoic, Eastern Desert, Egypt


Many of the world's uranium deposits oc-cur in (1) Precambrian rocks, commonly below, but associated in space with, the Pro-terozoic rocks unconformity; and (2) as con-centrations introduced into Proterozoic rocks during an orogenic period at the end of Precambrian time. The oldest Precambrian rocks in Egypt are Proterozoic in age, plus or minous 1195 m.y. (EL SHAZLY et al., 1973), and hence above the unconformity. Thus, one can assume that the Precambrian rocks of Egypt are most likely to be hosts for uranium that has been introduced near the end of the Precambrian. The late orogenic granitic intrusions are of potential interest where they are accompanied by veins of high-temperature quartz mineral-ized with gold, molybdenite and wolframite. Moreover, certain masses of pink granites con-taining uraniferous fissure zones are associ-ated with quartz, fluorite and some sulphide
minerals. The available information pertaining to the structure of uranium-bearing veins was re-viewed and the feature of the structural pat-tern associated with the veins were studied to provide any guidance to the localizations of uranium occurrences before prospecting and exploration.


Immobilization of Simulated Borate Radioactive Waste Solution in Cement-Poly(methylmethacrylate) Composite: Mechanical and Chemical Characterizations





Radioactive waste management in Egypt


Evaluation of synthetic aluminum silicate modified by magnesia for the removal of 137Cs, 60Co and 152+154Eu from low-level radioactive waste.


The best way forward: nuclear or renewables for Egypt?

 25 April 2013


 Bioleaching of Rare Earth Elements and Uranium From Sinai Soil, Egypt Using Actinomycetes

October 2013


Direct leaching of rare earth elements and uranium from phosphate rocks

February 2019


Uranium Extraction from El-Hammamat Sediment, Eastern Desert, Egypt Using Solvent-in-Pulp Method



Bomb Watchers Twitching as Looser Rules Weighed for Uranium

April 14, 2019

Countries encouraged to look at extraction from phosphates, providing potential new pathways to the nuclear material used in reactors and weapons


Geochemistry and Uranium Mineralization in Neoproterozoic Leucogranite of Gabal Homra Dom, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

July 16, 2019


 Uranium mobility and its implication on favourable potentiality concentration in Gabal Um-Araka area, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt



Determination of uranium in Egyptian graniteic ore by gamma, alpha, and mass spectrometry

02 Nov 2016


Three methods were employed for the determination of uranium in granitic ore rock samples. Gamma spectrometry is a non-destructive technique while alpha spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are destructive methods needing application of radiochemical separation before uranium measurement. In gamma spectrometry, the activity concentration of uranium is measured via its daughter (234mPa) in the decay series, while in alpha spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the activity concentration of uranium is measured directly. The activity concentrations of uranium in the samples by gamma spectrometry were between 36.7 ± 0.5 and 239 ± 2.3 Bq g−1. The activity concentrations of uranium by alpha spectrometry and ICP-MS were from 28.7 ± 1 to 145 ± 1 Bq g−1 and 34.3 ± 1.4 to 155.9 ± 1.6 Bq g−1, respectively. The ICP-MS and alpha spectrometry methods provided reliable results. The uranium concentrations obtained by gamma spectrometry were, however, systematically too high.


Mapping of Structurally Controlled Uranium Mineralization in Kadabora Granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt Using Remote Sensing and Gamma Ray Spectrometry Data





 Determination of uranium and thorium in Egyptian monazite by gamma-ray spectrometry

January 1997


Using Portable Gamma‐Ray Spectrometry for Testing Uranium Migration: A Case Study from the Wadi El Kareim Alkaline Volcanics, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt

27 December 2018


Secondary uranium in phosphorites and its relation to groundwater in Egypt





Vein-type uranium deposits have been the source of uranium since its discovery by Martin Klaproth in 1789. The vein-type deposits constitute 7% of the global reserves and about 10% of uranium has been produced from deposits of this type. Vein-type uranium deposits are those in which uranium minerals fill cavities such as cracks, veins, fractures, fissures, pore spaces, shear zone, breccia and stockworks in igneous, meta-sediments and metamorphic rocks.


Relation Between Uranium Mineralization and Structural Features, Gebel Gattar, North Eastern Desert, Egypt.






Biosorption of Uranium from Trachytic Rocks at G. Nasb El-Atshan Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt



       In Gabal (G.) Nasb El Atshan area, central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The main rock types exposed in that area are the older granites, Hammamat sedimentary rocks, younger granites and trachytic sills and dikes. The field and radiometric survey indicate that the trachytic rocks are the main rock type in the investigated area which contains secondary uranium minerals. Ulva lactuca are used to capture the uranium elements from the trachytic rocks where the analysis indicate that it leaching the uranium content by 91% to 98% as well as, it change in the chemical composition of the mineral content, as some elements disappear or decreased while other elements are increased, such as columbite (Fe,Mn)Nb2O6 .The columbite contains Nb more than Ta because it carry Uranium, the treatment of G. Nasb ElAtshan samples with Ulva luctuca led to decreasing of Nb and U from 7.24% to 0.23% because Nb and U adsorbed on the Ulva luctuca.


Gamma-Ray Spectrometry and Induced Polarization Studies for El Atshan-II Uranium Prospect Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt






The hydrothermal uranium and some other metal deposits of the extensional faulting during the advanced opening of the Red Sea, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt

Dec 2018


The hydrothermal uranium and some other metal deposits occur within the zone of the major NW-SE trending normal fault and its associated minor normal faults that cut the Miocene clastic-carbonate sediments at Ochre-Um Greifat and Wadi Wizr locations. Samples from these locations were subjected to mineralogical and geochemical studies in order to determine their concentrations of strategic and economic elements (e.g., U, Th, Mo, Zn, Pb, As and V) as well as their petrogenesis. The mineralogical studies were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the environmental scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy ESEM/EDX. The geochemical data was determined by ICP-MS and ICP-OES (Acme Lab. of Canada). The results showed that the Ochre-Um Greifat deposits are enriched in U and Zn elements, with significant concentrations of Cu and Th while Wadi Wizr deposits are enriched in Mo, Zn, Pb and As elements. The discrimination diagrams based on major and trace elements indicated that the Ochre-Um Greifat and Wadi Wizr deposits are of hydrothermal origin. Additionally, uranium deposit was subjected to the supergene processes. Moreover, radionuclides showed that the state of disequilibrium as a result of physicochemical conditions of the hydrothermal solutions and the nature of ambient rocks. The study concluded that the locations need further geological and geophysical studies to determine if nuclear materials (uranium and molybdenum) and other associated elements are economically valuable.


Comparison of Natural Radioactivity of Commonly Used Fertilizer Materials in Egypt and Japan



Uranium from phosphates – Current status of Egyptian UxP project

October, 2015


Environmental Impacts of Mining Operations: a Case Study: Monitoring the Impacts of Abu Tartour Phosphate Mine, Egypt

January 2011


Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, Western Desert of Egypt



Natural radioactivity and radiation hazard assessment of phosphate mining, Quseir-Safaga area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt






MOPCO plant resumes work after 4-month closure

March 16, 2012

The MOPCO-Agrium fertilizer plant in Damietta reopened Friday morning after promises from company officials that the factory has no negative impact on the health of nearby residents or the environment.

On 13 November, Egyptian authorities shut down MOPCO Petrochemicals Company in Damietta Port after residents protested, demanding that the company halt its production, saying that it was harming their health and damaging the marine ecosystem.


MOPCO fertilizer factory environmental conflict, Egypt



Effect of cyanide on selected Nile water algae



Algal bioassays were performed to investigate the toxic effect of cyanide on selected algal and cyanobacterial species. The results showed that Scenedesmus growth rate decresed as cyanide concentration increased. In contrast, cyanide did not affect the growth of Anabaena. Clear changes in dominancy and diversity of natural phytoplankton took place and cyanobacteria were the most tolerant group. Algae and cyanobacteria had the ability to remove cyanide completely from the media. Statistical analysis showed a highly significant relationship between cyanide concentration and algal growth.


Cyanide Pollution in Different Water Sources in Assiut, Egypt: Levels, Distributions and Health Risk Assessment



Heavy metal removal and cyanide destruction in the metal plating industry: an integrated approach from Egypt

21 October 2007



September 2010




Cyanide in Water and Soil
Chemistry, Risk, and Management

December 9, 2005


Heavy metals and cyanide distribution in the villages surrounding Buzwagi gold mine in Tanzania



Threats to Coral Reefs: the Effects of Chemical Pollution

Chemical Fishing

Coral reefs are among the richest and most diverse fishing grounds in the oceans. The greatest driver of increased pressure on reefs since 1998 has been an 80% increase in the threat from overfishing and destructive fishing, most significantly in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Coral fish are targeted for food, sport, and for live fish for restaurants and for aquarium fish. Cyanide fishing, which involves spraying or dumping cyanide onto reefs to stun and capture (live) fish, kills coral polyps and degrades the reef habitat. More than 40 countries are affected by cyanide fishing activities, and it is now practised in countries from East Africa to the central Pacific. Exposure of corals to cyanide can result in a reduction or cessation of respiration, a reduction in phototrophic potential and a decrease in growth rates and fecundity. The most obvious response is bleaching. Re-establishment of the symbiosis may take from six months to one year or more.


Effects of Illegal Cyanide Fishing on Vitellogenin in the Freshwater African Catfish, Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)



The effects of cyanide, used in illegal fishing, on one of the most economically important Nile fishes, the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), were studied. Cyanide impacts were evaluated in terms of biochemical, molecular and histopathological characteristics. After exposure to sublethal concentration (0.05mg/l) of potassium cyanide (KCN) for two and four weeks, GOT (glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) was significantly increased in both male and female, while GPT (glutamate pyruvate transaminase), total plasma protein, phosphoprotein phosphorus (Vgt) in serum, vitellogenin gene expression (Vtg mRNA) and estrogen receptors (ER mRNA) were significantly decreased in female. On the other hand, male C. gariepinus showed a significant increase in Vtg and Vtg mRNA. Liver, testis and ovaries showed distinct histopathological changes. It was concluded that, cyanide caused damaging effects to fish and can cause serious disturbance in the natural reproduction and a drastic decline in fish population. Therefore, it is recommended that, the use of cyanide compounds must be prohibited to conserve the fisheries resources.


Cyanide fishing


Cyanide fishing and cyanide detection in coral reef fish using chemical tests and biosensors

July 2005


Toxicity and stability of sodium cyanide in fresh water fish Nile tilapia

October 2014


Environmental Radioactivity of TE-NORM Waste Produced from Petroleum Industry in Egypt: Review on Characterization and Treatment

December 2nd 2011


Natural Radioactivity Measurements in Soil and Phosphate Samples from El-Sabaea, Aswan, Egypt





Studies on the microbial decontamination of Egyptian bee pollen by γ radiation







Section 2: Fracking






Shallow groundwater poses pollution problem for Africa


Risk of groundwater pollution across Africa. Level of risk is displayed from lowest (green) to highest (red).


Shell frack Egypt, threatening scarce water resources; Egyptians demand moratorium

Sep 19, 2012


Oil Companies in Egypt Use Controversial Technology Banned in a Number of Countries - EIPR warns: gas extraction using hydraulic fracturing threatens Egypt’s water resources

19 September 2012

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights calls on the Egyptian government to place an immediate moratorium on unconventional extraction activities using hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, at least until independent impact studies have been conducted and made public, and regulations have been created. Fracking involves pumping a chemical cocktail of toxic and carcinogenic substances deep underground to facilitate gas extraction. EIPR also calls on companies that frack to make public the chemical components used and processes of treatment and disposal.

EIPR is alarmed by recent news that British-Dutch Shell is introducing “hydraulic fracturing”, an unconventional natural gas extraction method which pumps toxic chemicals into the ground to increase extraction, but is likely to pollute Egypt's limited groundwater supplies. Adding to EIPR's alarm is the fact that Shell has a long history of environmental violations and pollution both in general and with fracking specifically.

EIPR condemns the use of this technology in view of the  of the lack of any regulations to govern the process.

Reem Labib, Environmental Justice Researcher at EIPR says: “Fracking threatens Egypt's drinking water, but Shell and Apache's drilling is mired in secrecy. Egyptians have a right to know how their resources are managed and how that impacts their environment and life. It is unacceptable that the Government allow the application of such a controversial technology without a thorough independent assessment of its impacts on public health and the environment.”

European countries like France and Bulgaria and US American states like New York and Vermont have placed moratoria on the practice to prevent pollution of their drinking water sources.

Groundwater contamination is the most immediate threat of fracking, although it also uses significant quantities of water: Fracking a single well uses more water than an Egyptian citizen consumes in around 40 years or more.

The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) has said that the relevant Environmental Impact Assessment study from Shell / Bapetco for the fracked wells has not reached the agency.

Investigations into the extent of fracking operations in Egypt revealed its use by at least two other companies: Apache (USA) in wells in the East Bahariya field in the Western Desert, which contains essential aquifer systems of fresh groundwater on which both tourism and all agriculture by the inhabitants of the western oases depend. Agiba Petroleum (joint venture with Italian Enni, Russian Lukoil, and IFC) is also using the technology in its “Falak” and “Dorra” fields in the Western Desert.

Furthermore, Dana Gas (UAE) began fracking the West Al Baraka-2 well near Komombo in June 2011, which raises fears that toxic chemicals could leak into the Nile, threatening the livelihoods of those downriver.

As well as contaminating water, the water-intensive nature of fracking makes it unjustifiable in Egypt. The UN already predicts water scarcity in Egypt by 2025, with estimates of only 500 cubic meters available per person annually.

Reem Labib added: “Local communities and future generations will bear the brunt of pollution. Their health and livelihoods will be impacted by water and air poisoning, all without effective participation in the decision-making process, and without benefiting from the resources.”

For more on fracking and its impacts... click here.


Origin of Bahariya oil in Salam oil field, Western Desert- Egypt


The origin of Bahariya oil is a debatable issue. Bahariya Formation produces oil from the Lower sandstone unit by normal pressure mechanism, while the Upper Bahariya shale produces oil by fracking mechanism. The main question is: is there any genetic relationship between the two oils.
To answer this question, “50” ditch samples, “12” extract samples and “2” oil samples represent Khatatba and Bahariya formations and Abu Roash ‘G’ Member, collected from six wells drilled in Salam oil field, have been geochemicaly analyzed, using LECO SC632, Rock–Eval- 6 pyrolysis, GC and GC/MS techniques.The analysis shows that the Total Organic Carbon content (TOC) for the studied formations ranges from fair to v.good, with poor to good hydrocarbon potentiality. The maturity evaluation using Tmax, and calculated Vitrinite reflectance (Ro) showed that the studied samples have good thermal maturation reaching the stage of oil generation. Also the analysis revealed that the kerogen is a mixture of type II/III kerogen, reflecting the potential generation of oil and gas. The GC and GC/MS data showed that the organic matter is a mixed marine/terrestrial input deposited in transitional environment under prevailing reducing conditions. The oil samples fingerprint of the saturated hydrocarbons fraction from Baharyia reservoir (Lower and Upper) members suggest that the oil samples have a mixed organic source with significant terrestrial organic matter input deposited under saline to hypersaline environment with slightly oxidizing environment.
Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the Bahariya oil has been sourced mainly from deeper horizons (Khatatba Formation) with some contribution from upper and lower Bahariya source rocks.


2/3 of Egypt’s oil is gone 20 years after its peak

July 11, 2013


The impact of several hydraulic fracking chemicals on Nile tilapia and evaluation of the protective effects of Spirulina platensis.



Fracking and flooding in Fares, Egypt


Are oil and gas companies fracking up Egypt’s environment?

October 21, 2012


 Israel begins exporting natural gas to Egypt

15 Jan 2020

Milestone moves Egypt closer toward its goal of becoming an energy re-export hub to Europe.


New study blames some Permian Basin earthquakes on fracking



Fracking earthquakes pop up in unexpected corner of shale patch



Fracking and earthquakes—weighing up the dangers in South Africa

December 20, 2017


UK halts all fracking after report fuels earthquake fears


 Fracking makes the earth shake

Seismologists in the US have found a direct connection between fracking and earthquakes. Environmentalists have opposed fracking for various reasons - is this the contentious method's biggest fault yet?


US government says drilling causes earthquakes – what took them so long?


US Geological Survey backpedals on previous research on wastewater fracking-induced earthquakes that have shaken eight states in last seven years


List of earthquakes in Egypt

Seismic hazard

Seismic hazard in Egypt is highest at the southern end of the Gulf of Suez, the northern Red Sea and around the Gulf of Aqaba, the location of the active plate boundaries. The highest risk is the southern end of the Dead Sea Transform.

Seismic hazard for the Eastern Mediterranean from the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) in terms of peak ground acceleration with a 10% chance of being exceeded (or a 90% chance of not being exceeded) within the next 50 years


The 1992 Cairo earthquake: A case study of a small destructive event



Seismic hazard studies in Egypt

December 2012


The study of earthquake activity and seismic hazard assessment of Egypt is very important due to the great and rapid spreading of large investments in national projects, especially the nuclear power plant that will be held in the northern part of Egypt. Although Egypt is characterized by low seismicity, it has experienced occurring of damaging earthquake effect through its history. The seismotectonic sitting of Egypt suggests that large earthquakes are possible particularly along the Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea transform, the Subduction zone along the Hellenic and Cyprean Arcs, and the Northern Red Sea triple junction point. In addition some inland significant sources at Aswan, Dahshour, and Cairo-Suez District should be considered. The seismic hazard for Egypt is calculated utilizing a probabilistic approach (for a grid of 0.5° × 0.5°) within a logic-tree framework. Alternative seismogenic models and ground motion scaling relationships are selected to account for the epistemic uncertainty. Seismic hazard values on rock were calculated to create contour maps for four ground motion spectral periods and for different return periods. In addition, the uniform hazard spectra for rock sites for different 25 periods, and the probabilistic hazard curves for Cairo, and Alexandria cities are graphed. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) values were found close to the Gulf of Aqaba and it was about 220 gal for 475 year return period. While the lowest (PGA) values were detected in the western part of the western desert and it is less than 25 gal.


Magnitude 4 earthquake hits Egypt, no causalities

December 31, 2018


Sudden earthquake hits Egypt

December 27, 2019

A sudden earthquake struck Egypt’s Berket al-Saba in the Monufiya governorate on Friday, causing panic and anxiety among the city’s residents and leading to major cracks in one of the area’s main bridges.

The cause of the earthquake was not immediately known.

Mayor of the city of Berket al-Saba Mohamed Hindawy confirmed that city officials and maintenance engineers arrived to the bridge in question immediately following the incident in order to inspect and address the damage brought on by the earthquake.

Hindawy added in a statement that the bridge is safe, with traffic now moving normally.

Earlier in September, a 3.7 magnitude earthquake bit Egypt’s north Sinai. No casualties were reported.

July 2019 saw three earthquakes across Egypt, according to the chairman of Egypt’s National Seismic Network Gad Mohammed al-Qadi, the strongest of which struck north of Alexandria on July 5.

On October 12, 1992, an earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale killed 541 people and injured 6,522 others in Egypt, destroying 398 buildings and leaving another 8,000 close to collapse.

Three years later, the largest earthquake in modern Egyptian history — measuring in at 7.2 on the Richter scale — hit the city of Nuweiba on the Red Sea, killing five people and wounding dozens of others. It was felt in North Africa, Spain and Turkey.


A Series of Small Earthquakes Shook Egypt Recently and Here’s What You Need to Know

Feb 5, 2020




Tsunami hits Alexandria, Egypt

July 21

On this day in the year 365, a powerful earthquake off the coast of Greece causes a tsunami that devastates the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Although there were no measuring tools at the time, scientists now estimate that the quake was actually two tremors in succession, the largest of which is thought to have had a magnitude of 8.0.

The quake was centered near the plate boundary called the Hellenic Arc and quickly sent a wall of water across the Mediterranean Sea toward the Egyptian coast. Ships in the harbor at Alexandria were overturned as the water near the coast receded suddenly. Reports indicate that many people rushed out to loot the hapless ships. The tsunami wave then rushed in and carried the ships over the sea walls, landing many on top of buildings. In Alexandria, approximately 5,000 people lost their lives and 50,000 homes were destoyed.

The surrounding villages and towns suffered even greater destruction. Many were virtually wiped off the map. Outside the city, 45,000 people were killed. In addition, the inundation of saltwater rendered farmland useless for years to come. Evidence indicates that the area’s shoreline was permanently changed by the disaster. Slowly, but steadily, the buildings of Alexandria’s Royal Quarter were overtaken by the sea following the tsunami. It was not until 1995 that archaeologists discovered the ruins of the old city off the coast of present-day Alexandria.

Today, the anniversary of the tsunami is celebrated annually with the residents saying prayers and marking the evening by illuminating the city.


Earthquakes strike near Puerto Rico and the Greek island of Crete

May 2, 2020


 Historical seismicity of Egypt

January 1999


Why are we having so many earthquakes? Has naturally occurring earthquake activity been increasing? Does this mean a big one is going to hit? OR We haven't had any earthquakes in a long time; does this mean that the pressure is building up for a big one?


Tons of Major Quakes Have Rattled the World Recently. Does That Mean Anything?

August 23, 2018


Seismic hazard evaluation using strain energy release in Egypt



Structural setting and tectonic evolution of off shore North Sinai, Egypt

September 15, 2016


The major tectonic boundaries of the Northern Red Sea rift, Egypt derived from geophysical data analysis



Nubia–Arabia–Eurasia plate motions and the dynamics of Mediterranean and Middle East tectonics

September 2011


Seismicity and focal mechanisms of earthquakes in Egypt from 2004 to 2011

 08 May 2019


1969 Sharm El Sheikh earthquake

The 1969 Sharm El Sheikh earthquake occurred on March 31 off the southern Sinai peninsula in northeastern Egypt. The epicenter was located near Shadwan island, southwest of the city of Sharm El Sheikh, at the confluence of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez. This normal-slip shock measured 6.6 on the moment magnitude scale, had a maximum reported intensity of VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, and was responsible for several deaths and injuries.


Stress analysis and tectonic trends of southern Sinai Peninsula, using potential field data analysis and anisotropy technique

21 Aug 2012


Fault orientations in the upper crust beneath an intraplate active zone in northern Egypt

23 August 2013


Late Precambrian ophiolitic mélange in the eastern desert of Egypt

12 June 1980


Serpentinite masses in late Precambrian sediments of the eastern desert of Egypt are in a mélange with associated metagabbros and pillow lavas; they represent pieces of Precambrian oceanic crust. The mélange is of regional extent and is interpreted as a olistostrome which has been thrust northwestwards over shelf sediments and is overlain by island arc volcanics: thus the observed sequence is a structural rather than a stratigraphic one. A plate tectonic model is implied with a suture to the south-east. The interpretation of the late Precambrian (Pan-African) fold belts in Africa is controversial. It is uncertain whether, like Phanerozoic fold belts, they were formed by plate tectonic processes1–5, or whether they are ensialic and unrelated to subduction of oceanic crust6,7 or collision of continental plates. Here we present evidence relating to this problem from the part of the Pan-African belt exposed in the eastern desert of Egypt.


A new contribution to the geology of the Egyptian Red Sea shelf using geophysical data

 29 January 2020


The Great Rift Valley (East African Rift)


Evaluation of the deformation parameters of the northern part of Egypt using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)



Plate Tectonics and the Giza Pyramids



A simplified tectonic map of the Egypt (modified from Bosworth et al., 1999).


Earth And Space Science

ISRAEL is situated on the AFRICAN Tectonic Plate along with LEBANON, EGYPT and every other country on the continent of Africa .


African Tectonic Plate: Facts & Movement


Tectonic evidence for the ongoing Africa‐Eurasia convergence in central Mediterranean foreland areas: A journey among long‐lived shear zones, large earthquakes, and elusive fault motions

02 December 2010


Plate tectonics and cratonal geology in Northeast Africa (Egypt, Sudan)

October 1986


Africa-Arabia-Eurasia plate interactions and implications for the dynamics of Mediterranean subduction and Red Sea rifting



Southern Italy: Active tectonic plates puts region at risk

22nd February 2017

International research team publishes latest seafloor maps

Tectonically, the Mediterranean is very active and faces the threat of natural disasters, as demonstrated by the recent earthquakes in Central Italy.

Over the last few years, an international scientific team, with the collaboration of GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, has extensively examined the seabed south of Sicily and Calabria.

Since the early civilisations, the lives of the people in Europe, the Near East and North Africa have been closely linked to the Mediterranean, with natural catastrophes like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis repeatedly shattering neighbouring cultures and states. This is due to the fact that the Eurasian and African tectonic plates meet in the Mediterranean.


The Aegean: plate tectonic evolution in Mediterranean

September 2014


The Adriatic Region: An Independent Microplate within the Africa-Eurasia Collision Zone


Mountains and volcanoes in the Mediterranean rise due to pressure from mantle below

June 3, 2010


Plate kinematics of the Western Mediterranean region during the Oligocene and Early Miocene

September 2006


Active Tectonics of the Mediterranean Region

01 December 1972


Collision tectonics of the Mediterranean region: Causes and consequences

January 2006


Why the Mediterranean will eventually disappear

Aug 27th 2018

In the formation of a new Pangea, the Earth will completely change


Earth's Oldest Oceanic Crust Uncovered in Mediterranean Sea

August 19, 2016


Increasing seismic activities in Aegean Sea, Greece (with tectonic summary)

January 28, 2012


 Understanding Volcanic Eruptions Where Plates Meet

16 May 2016

A new project elucidates the relationships between tectonics and volcanic systems and how they influence hazards on Italy's Mount Etna and Vulcano and Lipari islands.


Facts About the African Plate

April 24, 2017


Africa is splitting in two – here is why

April 7, 2018


Goodbye Atlantis, Hello ‘Greater Adria’. A Lost Continent Has Been Mapped By Geologists

Sep 15, 2019

 (Reconstruction of Greater Adria, Africa and Europe, about 140 million years ago).


Researchers Discover What Became of a Lost Continent, Now Hidden Under the Adriatic Sea

September 25, 2019


‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe

September 24, 2019


Europe's future lies under Africa, scientists suggest

11 April 2011

Europe may be starting to burrow its way under Africa, geologists suggest.


Turkey earthquake reveals a new active fault zone

24 October 2011


Dry cave deposits and their palaeo environmental significance during the last 115ka, Sodmein Cave, Red Sea Mountains, Egypt

July 2000


Palaeotsunamis and tsunami hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean

28 October 2015


Mega Tsunami with 500-Foot Waves Swallowed Ancient Island

October 02, 2015

A mega tsunami taller than a 50-story skyscraper once engulfed an island off the west coast of Africa, researchers say.

This finding suggests the giant landslides and killer waves that such tsunamis can trigger might pose a major hazard to people living on islands and coasts, scientists added.


Wave-influenced deltas: geomorphological implications for facies reconstruction



There Were Mega-Tsunamis on Mars

May 19, 2016


Tsunamis in Egypt


The Great Red Sea Tsunami and the Disappearance of an Ancient Eritrean City


One day in the 7th Century AD a great earthquake in the Red Sea rocked the sea bed and created a tsunami so powerful that it traveled over six kilometers inland and completely wiped off from the face of the earth the ancient African city of Adulis, capital of Punt, “Land of the Gods” or “God’s Land”.

Adulis, built in the dry stone method, was an extensive city that existed for thousands of years before the giant wall of water sent it stones and inhabitants alike tumbling inland and then back out to sea, that which would float.

Today all that remains of Adulis is windblown sand filled foundations and stones, stones everywhere, scattered suddenly by a cataclysmic event so powerful it even erased history.

The story of Adulis is just now being uncovered with the discovery of another great Red Sea earthquake and a Biblically related tidal wave that destroyed an ancient civilization.


Active tectonics and paleotsunami records of the Northern coast of Egypt



Did a Tsunami Hit Ancient Israel 2,800 Years Ago and Nobody Noticed?


Anomalous layer of sandstone overlying Phoenician graves in Tel Achziv, Israel is otherwise hard to explain, archaeologists say, though there's no known record of the event



May 4, 1981


Mediterranean Tsunami Could Have Been the Inspiration for the Biblical Story of Moses Parting the Waters

27 September, 2015


10 Tsunamis From Ancient Times That Were Terrifying

 January 2, 2017

4. Alexandria

In AD 365, an earthquake off the coast of Greece caused the sea to withdraw from the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt. Not quite grasping this major warning sign, lesser characters rushed forward to rob stranded ships. When the tidal wave inevitably made its appearance, it killed the looters and breached the city’s sea walls, claiming another 5,000 lives. 50,000 residences were destroyed, some by ships being hurled down on them.

The carnage outside Alexandria was even worse. Farming communities lost 45,000 people, and in some places, entire villages were erased. The saltwater poisoned farmland for years, making planting useless. The velocity of the tsunami was so great that it physically altered the shape of the shoreline. The tragedy is still commemorated every year in Alexandria.

3. Atlit-Yam

Atlit-Yam was a Neolithic fishing community. When its remains were found in what is now Israel, evidence pointed toward a sudden abandonment by the villagers. For almost two decades, nobody was really sure why. For the first time, researchers are considering the possibility that it might have been a tsunami evacuation.

The smoking gun is the still-rumbling Mt. Etna in Sicily. The volcano experienced a landslide around 8,000 years ago, dumping enough material into the ocean to bury Manhattan up to the Empire State Building. The result was a ten-story tsunami. It powered across the entire Mediterranean and devastated the seaboards of three continents. The villagers of Altit-Yam were one group of people who didn’t stand still when they saw the sea recede. The residents fled in haste, leaving valuable commodities like prepared fish behind.

2. The Lost Landmass (Doggerland)

Doggerland once connected Britain to mainland Europe. During Mesolithic times, Doggerland was a paradise for both wildlife and humans, but it was slowly being taken by the sea. Over a period of thousands of years, the ocean systematically ate more and more up, until the once-bountiful environment turned into a Wales-sized swamp.

Around 8,000 years ago, the last of the tribes left the landmass, which has since disappeared under the sea. During that time, a crushing underwater landslide near Norway spawned a tidal wave that flooded the entire low-lying island. All Mesolithic relics that have been salvaged from the North Sea zone date to before the ancient disaster, supporting the belief that the 5-meter (16 ft) tsunami destroyed what human civilization was left on Doggerland.

A closer look at an ancient tale penned by Greek historian Herodotus suggests that a story of divine intervention is in fact a real-life account of a tidal wave. In 479 BC, a small Greek town faced invasion by the Persian army. Herodotus perfectly described how the attackers surged forward onto the exposed seabed when the water retreated, only to be drowned by giant waves and a high tide. The Greeks believed Poseidon, their sea god, sent the savior wave.

The town, Nea Potidea, still exists. Local drilling revealed evidence of a tsunami. Ocean sediment on the land contained shells roughly dating back to the time of the invasion. Scientists also found the area to be ideal for kicking up tsunamis. It’s prone to both earthquakes and landslides, and the seafloor nearby dips into a massive, tub-shaped hollow. Together, they have the capacity to create tidal waves up to 5 meters (16 ft) high.

1. Wave Of Poseidon

A closer look at an ancient tale penned by Greek historian Herodotus suggests that a story of divine intervention is in fact a real-life account of a tidal wave. In 479 BC, a small Greek town faced invasion by the Persian army. Herodotus perfectly described how the attackers surged forward onto the exposed seabed when the water retreated, only to be drowned by giant waves and a high tide. The Greeks believed Poseidon, their sea god, sent the savior wave.

The town, Nea Potidea, still exists. Local drilling revealed evidence of a tsunami. Ocean sediment on the land contained shells roughly dating back to the time of the invasion. Scientists also found the area to be ideal for kicking up tsunamis. It’s prone to both earthquakes and landslides, and the seafloor nearby dips into a massive, tub-shaped hollow. Together, they have the capacity to create tidal waves up to 5 meters (16 ft) high.


Ancient Rome: Sunken City Devastated by a Tsunami 1,600 Years Ago Discovered off Tunisian Coast



Israel at tsunami risk

Mar 21, 2019


365 Crete earthquake

The 365 Crete earthquake occurred at about sunrise on 21 July 365 in the Eastern Mediterranean,[4][5] with an assumed epicentre near Crete. Geologists today estimate the undersea earthquake to have been a magnitude 8.0 or higher. It caused widespread destruction in central and southern Greece, northern Libya, Egypt, Cyprus, Sicily, and Spain. On Crete, nearly all towns were destroyed.

The Crete earthquake was followed by a tsunami which devastated the southern and eastern coasts of the Mediterranean, particularly Libya, Alexandria and the Nile Delta, killing thousands and hurling ships 3 km (1.9 mi) inland. The quake left a deep impression on the late antique mind, and numerous writers of the time referred to the event in their works.


'Sunken Cities' at Mia unlocks ancient mysteries long submerged

November 2, 2018


 Tons of Major Quakes Have Rattled the World Recently. Does That Mean Anything?

August 23, 2018


Land damage has Gazans pointing finger at ‘Egypt pipeline’

5 May 2016,

Palestinians left with a bitter taste as flooding of smuggling tunnels by Cairo salinates water supplies, devastates crops


Caves of the Nile Valley (Governorate of Assiut, Middle Egypt): a long-term interaction between human societies and their environment





Karst Limestone Geohazards in Egypt and Saudi Arabia


Three areas in Egypt and Saudi Arabia were selected as pilot sites for studying karst foundation problems. Globally, the dissolution of carbonate rocks results in extensive karst landforms that can pose significant challenges to civil engineering projects. Most karst caves and sinkholes are structurally controlled by major faults and joints. Detection of karst limestone foundation bedrock (caves, sinkholes and open fractures) in the three studied sites has been conducted using geological and geophysical studies. The geological studies are based on review of published geologic maps for the three sites. The geophysical studies included a 2D electrical resistivity survey and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Karst limestone foundation bedrock treatments have been performed in several projects worldwide and include engineering fill, engineering fill with geosynthetics, concrete filling and cement grout low pressure injection. Upper Egypt’s El Minia-Maghagha caves, underlying newly constructed settlement areas have been treated using high-slump concrete filling. Engineers treated foundations in northwestern Riyadh City and in eastern Al Hofuf City, Saudi Arabia, using engineering fill, high slump concrete filling and low pressure cement grout injection. This article summarizes the classification of encountered karst foundation bedrock according to Ford and Williams (1989) engineering classification, introduces the optimum methods for detecting karst features and presents engineering treatments of karst limestone landforms.


Urban sinkhole reveals lost memorial chapel to Pharaoh Mentuhotep II under Abydos’ streets

July 8, 2014

A CRACK in the wall. A growing pothole. Strange rumblings in the night. When a sinkhole in suburban Abydos collapsed, it opened a portal to a long-lost temple.


Car Swallowed by Cairo Sinkhole (Raw Video)

Sep 14, 2009


Qattara Depression

The Qattara Depression is a depression in northwestern Egypt, specifically in the Matruh Governorate. The depression is part of the Western Desert of Egypt. The Qattara Depression lies below sea level, and its bottom is covered with salt pans, sand dunes, and salt marshes. The depression extends between the latitudes of 28°35' and 30°25' north and the longitudes of 26°20' and 29°02' east.

The Qattara Depression was created by the interplay of salt weathering and wind erosion. Some 20 kilometres west of the depression lie the oases of Siwa in Egypt and Jaghbub in Libya in smaller but similar depressions.

The Qattara Depression contains the second lowest point in Africa at an elevation of 133 metres (436 ft) below sea level, the lowest point being Lake Assal in Djibouti. The depression covers about 19,605 square kilometres (7,570 sq mi), a size comparable with Lake Ontario or twice as large as Lebanon. Due to its size and proximity to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, studies have been made for the potential to generate hydroelectricity here.


5 of the Most Extreme Sinkholes in the World


The Qattara Depression is known as the largest natural sinkhole on earth measuring 80km long, 120km wide, and 133m deep. The vast, sludge-filled giant was created by winds blowing the salt beds right down to the water table. It has been used in battle and now scientists are trying to harness its vastness for energy purposes.


Groundwater quality and vulnerability assessment in west Luxor Governorate, Egypt



Toshka Lakes in Egypt show signs of rapid drying

July 16, 2012


Optimum coverage of irrigation canals to minimize evaporation and maximize dissolved oxygen concentration: case study of Toshka, Egypt

22 September 2018


A Multisensor Approach to Satellite Monitoring of Trends in Lake Area, Water Level, and Volume



Impact assessment of some heavy metals on tilapia fish, Oreochromis niloticus, in Burullus Lake, Egypt

14 February 2018


Water Quality Management in Manzala Lake, Egypt



Geochemical Assessment of Pollution at Manzala Lake, Egypt: Special Mention to Environmental and Health Effects of Arsenic, Selenium, Tin and Antimony



Evaluation of Some Pollution at Manzala Lagoon: Special Reference to Medical Importance of Mollusca in Egypt



Impact of diffused pollution on histological and hematological properties of Mugil cephalus and Mugil capito collected from lake Manzalah, Egypt.



Distribution of essential heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Manzala, Egypt



Trace metals in seawater, sediments and some fish species from Marsa Matrouh Beaches in north-western Mediterranean coast, Egypt



Snails and Fish as Pollution Biomarkers in Lake Manzala and Laboratory B: Lake Manzala Fish

July 1, 2016


Studies on the Effect of Pollution on Lake Manzala Ecosystem in Port-Said, Damietta and Dakahlia Governorates, Egypt



Microbial load as Pollution Indicator in Water of El-Khadra Lake at Wadi El-Natroun, Egypt



Microbial Water Quality and Diazotrophic Bacteria Community in Lake Nasser Khors, Egypt



Metal pollution assessment in the surface sediment of Lake Nasser, Egypt



Eight heavy metals were measured seasonally in the sediment of Lake Nasser during 2013. 27 sites were chosen through 9 sectors across the main channel of the lake from Abu-Simbel to Aswan High Dam to assess the levels of the selected metals. The abundance of these metals was in the order of Fe > Mn > Zn > Cr > Ni > Cu > Pb > Cd, with mean concentrations of 12.41 mg/g, 279.56, 35.38, 30.79, 27.56, 21.78, 11.21 and 0.183 μg/g, respectively. Heavy metals are positively correlated with fine particles (mud fractions) and organic matter accumulation. The results showed perspicuous spatial high significant differences (P < 0.01) for all the measured metals. Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd exhibited temporally high significant differences (P < 0.01) before and after the flood period. Four Pollution Indices were used for the environmental assessment of Lake Nasser sediment. The indices included three single indices, Enrichment Factor (EF), Index of Geo-accumulation (Igeo) and Contamination Factor (CF). While the fourth, Pollution Load Index (PLI) was an integrated index. The pollution indexes confirmed that the Lake Nasser sediment was not contaminated with these elements. Sediments of Lake Nasser may be represented as a reference for the pre-industrial background of River Nile Sediments downstream Aswan High Dam.


Effect of Pollution Type on the Phytoplankton Community Structure in Lake Mariut, Egypt



Phytoplankton abundance and structure as indicator of water quality in the drainage system of the Burullus Lagoon, southern Mediterranean coast, Egypt.



Using zooplankton in some environmental biotic indices to assess water quality of Lake Nasser, Egypt



Sudan’s Minerals Minister admits to Lake Nasser pollution

December 16 - 2015

The Minister of Minerals for Sudan, Ahmed El Sadeg El Karori, has acknowledged that Lake Nasser is heavily polluted.

On Monday, he told Parliament that laboratory results proved that the lake, locally known as the Nubia Lake, is polluted with mercury, lead, and arsenic.

El Karori pointed to the use of arsenic by fishermen to catch fish and that of mercury by traditional gold miners in the Northern State.

Nubian fishermen have denied the use of arsenic, however, and attributed the mercury, lead and arsenic pollution to “companies brought in by the government” that make use of these toxic substances for the extraction of gold.

People in northern Sudan have staged protests more than once over the past few years against the use of mercury and cyanide by gold mining companies. They also complain about an unusually high rate of cancer cases, which they attribute to cyanide that spreads via the air.


Assessment of Contamination in Sediments of Lake Nubia in Sudan


Evaluation of Trace Metals in Water and Fish Meat, from Lake Nubia and Khartoum City, Sudan


Sudan's anti-dam movement fights the flooding of Nubian culture

Dec 2014


Qattara Depression

Qattara Depression, Qattara also spelled Qaṭṭārah, arid Libyan Desert (Eastern Saharan) basin in northwestern Egypt. It covers about 7,000 square miles (18,100 square km) and contains salt lakes and marshes, and it descends to 435 feet (133 metres) below sea level. During World War II, because it was impassable to military traffic, the depression formed a natural anchor at the southern end of the British defense lines at El-Alamein (Al-ʿAlamayn; in northwestern Egypt) against the final advance of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s German army in July 1942. In the late 1970s oil deposits were discovered in the southern part of the depression.


The World's Largest Sinkhole Could Be Used To Power Egypt. Here's How

June 2, 2014

Learn the story behind the Qattara Depression, an enormous sinkhole in northern Africa that's as big as Lake Ontario and the second-lowest point on the continent.




Section 3: Volcanoes




How volcanoes may have ended the dynasty of Ptolemy and Cleopatra

October 17, 2017

Volcanic ash layers suggest eruptions may have messed with crop-dependent monsoons, leading to an era of revolt


Is this the first weather report? 3,500 year old inscription revealing a 'tempest of rain' could rewrite Egyptian history

2 April 2014

    Inscription tells of a 'tempest of rain believed to have followed a volcanic eruption
    Shows Egyptian pharaoh Ahmose ruled at a different time
    Could rewrite the history of how the Bronze Age empires realigned


Ancient Egypt 'wiped out by SOCIAL STRESS’ caused due to VOLCANOES and climate change

Oct 18, 2017


Icelandic Volcano Caused Historic Famine In Egypt, Study Shows

November 22, 2006


    An environmental drama played out on the world stage in the late 18th century when a volcano killed 9,000 Icelanders and brought a famine to Egypt that reduced the population of the Nile valley by a sixth. A study by three scientists demonstrates a connection between these two widely separated events, and is the first to conclusively establish the linkage between high-latitude eruptions and the water supply in North Africa.


Ottoman Iceland: A Climate History

 18 March 2015


In June 1783, the Laki volcanic fissure began erupting in Iceland. It would continue to do so for the next eight months. One of the largest volcanic discharges in recorded history, the ash it produced led to cold summers across Europe, the Mediterranean, the Americas, and parts of Central Asia. This article examines the impacts of the explosions on Ottoman Egypt and uses this climate history of Iceland and Egypt to analyze ways of doing global environmental history. By focusing on the directly linked climate history of Iceland’s environmental and political impacts on Ottoman Egypt, the article attempts to show the utility of analyzing small-scale instances of global climate change. It moreover argues for the importance of the history of Laki for Middle Eastern history and also shows how considering the history of the Middle East adds to our understanding of the global history of Laki.


Lava from ancient volcano found in Egypt


Egyptian archaeologists have presented white stones of pumice that they believe a tsunami in ancient times carried 850 kms across the Mediterranean to north Sinai.

The pumice was discharged by a volcanic eruption in the ancient Greek island of Santorini in the 17th century BC.

Traces of this solidified lava foam that floats have been found in Crete and southwestern Turkey, but Egypt's archaeologists believe it also reached this site in the Sinai desert, about 7 kms south of the coast.

The Santorini explosion was devastating. It sunk most of the island and killed over 35,000 people of a thriving Minoan community.

The head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, hailed the discovery as opening a "new field" of study in Egyptology.


Turns Out, The 10 Plagues Of Egypt Might’ve Actually Happened Because Of A Volcanic Eruption And This Person Explains It All


 The Science of the 10 Plagues

April 11, 2017


The ten plagues of Egypt

7 January 2019


New carbon-dating tool could pinpoint ancient eruption, gauge if tied to Exodus

23 August 2018

Calibration technique aims to show exactly when Thera erupted on Santorini, some 4,000 years ago. Volcanic blast has been linked to rise and fall of civilizations, even the Plagues


Volcanic Eruptions May Have Doomed an Ancient Egyptian Dynasty

October 17, 2017

Thousands of years ago, fallout from volcanic activity may have sounded a death knell for a centuries-old Egyptian dynasty, according to a new study.

In Ptolemaic Egypt (305 B.C. to 30 B.C.), the region's prosperity was linked to the flood cycle of the Nile River, with regular flooding sustaining local agriculture. When floods failed, so did crops, and social unrest shook the region.


Volcanic suppression of Nile summer flooding triggers revolt and constrains interstate conflict in ancient Egypt



Volcanic eruptions provide tests of human and natural system sensitivity to abrupt shocks because their repeated occurrence allows the identification of systematic relationships in the presence of random variability. Here we show a suppression of Nile summer flooding via the radiative and dynamical impacts of explosive volcanism on the African monsoon, using climate model output, ice-core-based volcanic forcing data, Nilometer measurements, and ancient Egyptian writings. We then examine the response of Ptolemaic Egypt (305–30 BCE), one of the best-documented ancient superpowers, to volcanically induced Nile suppression. Eruptions are associated with revolt onset against elite rule, and the cessation of Ptolemaic state warfare with their great rival, the Seleukid Empire. Eruptions are also followed by socioeconomic stress with increased hereditary land sales, and the issuance of priestly decrees to reinforce elite authority. Ptolemaic vulnerability to volcanic eruptions offers a caution for all monsoon-dependent agricultural regions, presently including 70% of world population.


The Parting of the Sea: How Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Plagues Shaped the Story of Exodus



Egypt's Apocalypse Volcano


How A Climate-Changing Volcano Helped The Roman Conquest Of Egypt

Oct 18, 2017


Asp – or ash? Climate historians link Cleopatra's demise to volcanic eruption

Oct 2017

Study of ice-core records and Ancient Egyptian documents suggests environmental forces helped seal the last Ptolemaic ruler’s fate in 30BC


 Mysterious volcanic ash layer blanketing the Mediterranean 29,000 years ago traced to volcano in Naples, Italy

25 Apr 2019


Ashes from Santorini’s Cataclysmic Volcanic Eruption Found in Smyrna Excavation

5 June, 2018


Santorini eruption: new theory says ‘pyroclastic flows’ caused devastating Bronze Age tsunamis



 New study could explain why volcanoes form far from the edges of tectonic plates


According to the old model of how volcanoes grow, the volcanoes of the Mediterranean shouldn't exist. A new model could explain how they got there.


Nabro Volcano

The Nabro Volcano is an active stratovolcano in the Southern Red Sea Region of Eritrea. It is located at the south-east end of the Danakil Alps in the Danakil Depression. Before its 2011 eruption, the volcano was widely believed to be extinct.


Mediterranean Volcanoes You Have to See to Believe

November 13, 2019


Europe's largest underwater volcano at risk of collapse


The biggest underwater volcano in Europe could erupt at any moment and cause a tsunami, according to new research. For residents of southern Italy, the Marsili is just one more disaster threat to live with.


Campi Flegrei: Ancient Eruption at Dangerous Supervolcano Discovered by Scientists as Magma Beneath Builds



Mountain range formation and plate tectonics in the Mediterranean region integrally studied for the first time

2 September 2019


Biblical plagues and parting of Red Sea 'caused by volcano'

April 2020


The Mystery Cloud of 536 CE in the Mediterranean Sources


 Plate Tectonics and Volcanic Activity

October 30, 2014

A volcano is a feature in Earth's crust where molten rock is squeezed out onto the Earth's surface. Along with molten rock, volcanoes also release gases, ash, and solid rock.


Sixth-Century Misery Tied to Not One, But Two, Volcanic Eruptions

July 8, 2015

The ancient event is just one among hundreds of times volcanoes have affected climate over the past 2,500 years


Ancient foundations: the earth of the bible. Part II: Volcanics in the fertile crescent



These 4 Ancient Apocalypses Changed the Course of Civilization

July 26, 2019

No zombies here, just some ancient natural disasters.


The Late Bronze Age Eruption of Santorini Volcano and Its Impact on the Ancient Mediterranean World



The Date of The Legendary Volcano Explosion of Thera Has Finally Been Traced

16 AUGUST 2018


Scientists solve mystery surrounding catastrophic volcanic eruption that wiped out ancient civilisation

15 August 2018





Section 4: Plagues





 {This chapter will discuss the Ancient Plagues of Egypt, the information in this section will explain what could have caused some of these epidemics in Ancient Egypt. We can now see that many of these plagues described in ancient texts are now happening around the globe}.


Do the news reports of rivers turning blood red have anything to do with the end times?

Question: "Do the news reports of rivers and other bodies of water turning blood red have anything to do with the end times?"

Answer: In recent years, several news reports of water turning a blood-red color have appeared. A canal in Nootdorp, the Netherlands; Bondi Beach in Australia; the Beirut River in Lebanon; a river in Zhejiang Province, China; rainfall in Sewanagala, Sri Lanka—all reported blood-red by reliable news outlets. These stories have had many people wondering: is this a fulfillment of end-times prophecy? Is the water turning to blood?

The water-to-blood prophecies are found in the book of Revelation. The second trumpet judgment will bring a great calamity upon the earth: “The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed” (Revelation 8:8–9).

In Revelation 16:3, during the second half of the tribulation, God will indeed turn the waters of the sea to blood: “The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.” Then in verses 4–6 God does the same to the world’s fresh water supply: “The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: ‘You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are and who were; for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.’”

We also see that God’s two special witnesses during the tribulation will be empowered to perform miracles: “They have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want” (Revelation 11:6). The two end-times prophets will have the same ability as Moses, who turned the Nile River to blood (Exodus 7:20).

Modern reports of water turning bloody red do not match up with the end-times prophecies of Revelation. For one thing, the tribulation has not started yet. For another, the sea turning to blood at the third trumpet judgment is preceded by trumpets one and two—the first will involve hail and fire and blood raining down on the earth, and the second will cause a third of the trees and all of the grass to be burned. None of that has happened yet. And the bowl judgments that turn the sea and fresh water to blood are later still.


 Did the Nile River Really Turn to Blood?


Red Tide in Sinai Lagoon Leads to Algae Pill that Treats Child Blindness

May 28, 2013

A condition of child blindness called retinitis pigmentosis afflicts about one in every 3000 births. A new treatment pulled out of a Sinai lake is now an orange algae powder pill: it can quadruple the vision improvement in some people, finds new research from Israel.

Algae in its various forms and colors is not only a superfood (read here about a DIY kit for spirulina), it is also lauded as a great potential for algae-based biofuel.

Now researchers at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer Hospital in Israel have found that orange algae, fed to people with retinitis pigmentosis, can improve vision loss, according to Haaretz.


The ocean turns red (or orange) (or blue).

 Much of the luminescence that we see in the ocean comes from bioluminescent dinoflagellates — single-celled protists which can live by photosynthesis or by ingesting other organisms.

At times, dense blooms of dinoflagellates can occur, and a species can increase to form huge numbers. Such occurrences are called red tides.
When the species involved is toxic, these red tides can harm marine life and make shellfish dangerous to eat. When the species is bioluminescent, it can produce spectacular displays which light up crashing waves and the wakes of boats. During the daytime, due to the pigmentation of the dinoflagellates, the water can turn a deep red, brown, or orange color, giving red tides their name.


 A bioluminescent dinoflagellate can make a flash of light inside its cell when disturbed. This light is the result of a chemical reaction using a light emitting molecule called luciferin. In the case of dinoflagellates, this luciferin has a structure very similar to that of chlorophyll, which the organism might use to gather light during the day. Some of the brightest kinds of dinoflagellates leading to visible blooms are Noctiluca and Protoperidinium, which can eat other microorganisms, and Lingulodinium (Gonyaulax) or Pyrocystis (a tropical genus), which can photosynthesize.

Left alone, dinoflagellates will not make much light, but if something tries to capture them, or swims past and stirs up the water, then it will be triggered to display. There are two suspected functions of these flashes: one is to directly startle the organism that is trying to eat the dino, and the second is as a burglar alarm. Burglar alarms means that if something is swimming through a large bloom of dinoflagellates, then it will leave a trail of light that might attract other predators, to eat the organism which is threatening the dinos. For example a shrimp grazing on dinoflagellates might be captured by a fish which notices the light it stimulates.

Blooms of dinoflagellates happen when conditions are right, meaning there are plenty of nutrients, either for the dinoflagellates themselves, or to encourage the growth of the algae that some dinoflagellates eat. The timing of the bloom can follow a regular sequence: nutrients enter the ocean (from rivers or from deep water brought to the surface after string winds.) After this influx, the dinoflagellates will divide and their numbers will increase, almost like a culture of cells in a flask. If the ocean is calm, then the bloom will not get mixed around, and the dinoflagellates will for dense layers. While these layers persist is when the displays are most visible to people visiting the sea shore or boating through the waters. Such conditions can occur at any point in the year, but often in late summer or fall, when there are alternating periods of nutrient upwelling and calm seas.

 Noctiluca Red Tide

In Monterey Bay, California, in May 2011, there were several areas that experienced red tides, consisting of the species Noctiluca scintillans. As the bloom matured and the cells aged, their buoyancy increased, and they floated to the surface to form an orange slick about an inch thick.

Within the slick, the dinoflagellates were densely packed, with 9500 of the 0.5 mm diameter cells per milliliter (nearly 10 million per liter). Noctiluca species are not "armored" nor are they photosynthetic. They use a little tentacle or flagellum to ingest other phytoplankton cells, including other smaller dinoflagellates and diatoms. As a result, they don't have high amounts of chlorophyll in them, which will become important below.

Sampling the bigger picture

Using an autonomous underwater vehicle called an AUV (basically a smart and friendly torpedo) we are able to measure the oceanographic conditions over a large area.
Bioluminescence was high in areas of high fluorescence (left side of the images below). This indicates co-occurrence of luminescence with phytoplankton like diatoms or photosynthetic dinoflagellates, but it was even higher in areas where the fluorescence (and thus chlorophyll) was low (right side of the images). This indicates either zooplankton producing the luminescence or, in this case, non-photosynthetic dinoflagellates like Noctiluca.


 BLOODY HELL Israel river turns red with blood ‘like biblical plague of Egypt’


A VILE blood-filled river in Israel is prompting fears of an imminent "major environmental disaster".

One horrified photographer described the reddened Nahal Alexander waterway as looking "like the Bible's plague of blood in Egypt".

Israeli's media has for weeks been publishing pics of red, blood-filled water gushing into Alexander River - loved for its wildlife and beauty.

Blood, feathers and other animal body parts are pouring out of slaughterhouses "from one or more Palestinian slaughterhouses in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem", reports the Times of Israel.

The Society for the Protection of Nature warned last month that "Israel's lax laws have enabled the Alexander River - one of Israel's most ecologically important - to turn into blood.

"Polluted runoff from slaughterhouses and other industries have polluted this river and turned it red in the middle of Passover.

"And it's not the first time!"

With the blood pollution coinciding with the coronavirus crisis, the campaign group urged leaders to "realise how vital nature is to our mental wellbeing and act to make sure ecological plagues like this don't happen again."

It's called upon the Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin to deal with the issue.
The Alexander River runs the width of Israel, from the hills of the Nablus on the West Bank to the sea.

Tourist Israel says that "until ten years ago, the river was heavily polluted" before a major joint effort by the regional council and their Palestinian counterparts to transform it.
But, according to the Daily Star a local photographer, Amberto, said it now “looks like the plague of blood in Egypt.”

Although the blood and animal waste would normally be cleaned by a purification plant, heavy rainfall has swamped the system, and it wasn't cleared before washing into Nahal Alexander.
The deluges coincide with last month's heavy demand for chicken to supply to Israelis marking Passover, as well as Muslims before the month-long Ramadan festival.

Hareetz news said blood-contaminated water oozing from slaughterhouses in the Palestinian Authority, through the Nablus and Nahal streams, had been treated via filtration networks and separation tanks.


Beirut River mysteriously runs blood red

Feb. 16, 2012

The Beirut River mysteriously turned blood red Wednesday after a stream of unidentified red liquid began pouring from the southern bank of the river in Furn al-Shubbak.

Authorities have yet to determine the source of the substance causing the red color.


Plagues loom as Kenyan river turns red? No, 2016 photo of Russian river polluted by possible factory leak

 17th January 2020


 A Siberian River Has Mysteriously Turned Blood Red

September 8, 2016

As National Geographic reported, two major theories are emerging to explain the change. "The first is that the red color comes from the large quantity of iron that occurs naturally in the ground in that region," National Geographic said. "The second is a chemical leak."

Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said in a statement that it suspects the latter explanation: "According to our initial information, a possible reason for the pollution of the river might be a break in the pipeline" belonging to a local factory, which is owned by the nickel and palladium giant Norilsk Nickel.

The ministry did not specify what kind of chemical may be leaking into the river. According to the BBC, the government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta suggested that the pipeline could be leaking waste copper-nickel concentrate.


 Shock as Russian river turns blood red and no one knows why

Jan 31, 2018

A RIVER has turned an alarming “blood red” colour in Russia, but experts do not know why.

 The Molchanka River has turned an alarming 'blood red' colour


Terrifyingly Biblical Scene in Indonesia as River Turns Blood Red, Killing All Fish [WATCH]

 August 10, 2017

Terrifyingly Biblical Scene in Indonesia as River Turns Blood Red, Killing All Fish [WATCH]

 “Thus says Hashem, ‘By this you shall know that I am Hashem.’ See, I shall strike the water in the Nile with the rod that is in my hand, and it will be turned into blood.” Exodus 7:17

 A river in Indonesia suddenly turned blood-red.


Indonesia's sky turned blood red, here's why


Videos and images emerged showing villages and highways blanketed by a red-colored haze in the middle of the day.


 BREAKING NEWS: Tukad Badung River Turns To Blood Red

December 2019

 Locals were shocked, the Tukad Badung river in Denpasar suddenly turned red yesterday morning (11/27),  Bali Express reports. Officials acted fast. Upon receiving the reports, samples were taken and it showed horrific signs of water pollutions caused by textile chemicals.

Hariyono, a worker at a construction company nearby the area stated that at 9 am local time, the river was suddenly changed colour. The red flow came from the upstream at the north and kept running downstream to the south.

Officials conducted investigations to several textile printing around the area. The investigation revealed illegal waste disposal from a small textile company owned by Hj. Nurhayati. The business owner admitted the accusation, stating that her company consciously and illegally disposed the chemical waste to the river. The investigation even further revealed that the company is not legally operated with officials permits. For this, she will be charged with the regional law number 12 year 2002 regarding business permits and her business will likely to be shut down.


Discharged waste from mills in China's Yulin turns nearby river red (News Flare)


 Qingwan River in southern China's Yulin city turned red due to waste discharged from nearby mills.


River In China Mysteriously Turns Bloody Red Overnight

July 25, 2014

Local environmental bureau is investigating the bizarre situation.

A waterway in eastern China has mysteriously turned a blood red color.

Residents in Zhejiang province said the river looked normal at 5 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday morning. Within an hour, the entire river turned crimson. Residents also said a strange smell wafted through the air.

“The really weird thing is that we have been able to catch fish because the water is normally so clear,” one local villager commented on China’s microblogging site Weibo.

The water in a river in Xinmeizhou village in eastern China's Zhejiang province turned red overnight, baffling locals, July 25, 2014.


Three rivers turns blood red in Malawi and Indonesia shocking baffled residents

Jan 2, 2019

Signs of the End of Times? Three rivers turn blood overnight in Malawi and Indonesia.

Blood red river in Malawi

The source of Linthipe River in Dedza turned blood red on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, shocking residents living along the river.

River in Malawi, Africa, suddenly turns blood red just before Christmas 2018.

 Conflicting information has emerged, with some saying the blood red water is colored by red oxide from a nearby mine, and others arguing the water is dyed by blood. Some geologists however are saying the discharge is from a red oxide mine located closer to the river.

 Weirdly, the same phenomenon occurred on central Java in November 2018, when the Logawa Banyumas River turned blood red mysteriously:


Blood-red lakes and rivers in southern France are a natural phenomenon

August 11, 2012

The blood-red lakes and rivers in Camargue, France are a scary apocalyptic scene to those unaware that they are just a natural phenomenon. The high concentration of salt made by trillions of salt crystals crusting rocks, branches and shoreline paints the rivers and lakes in blood-red color.

Though it is unclear how often this phenomenon occurs, salt has been a lifeblood of the region for hundreds of years. The area is also home to riz rouge, or red rice, so-named for its unmistakable blood-red color.

The Camargue is a triangular area lying on the coast between the Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence. It is a river delta where the Rhône meets the sea - a marshy island bounded by two branches of the Rhône and the Mediterranean Sea. With an area of over 930 km² (360 sq. miles), the Camargue is western Europe's largest river delta, with exceptional biological diversity. Much of the area is under water - inland salt water lakes, called étangs in the Languedoc. Approximately a third of the Camargue is either lakes or marshland. The largest of these salt water lakes is the The Étang de Vaccarès.

These salt water lagoons are surrounded by sand dunes. Originally sculpted by the wind they are now man-made - at least around Salin-de-Giraud. They are where salt is produced - dried by the sun and wind in immense spaces called "salins". This salt was a source of great wealth for the so-called "salt abbeys" of Ulmet and Psalmody in the Middle Ages. The salt industry started up again in the nineteenth century and big chemicals companies founded the salt extraction city of Salin-de-Giraud.

Today, evaporation pans at Salin-de-Giraud - the largest in Europe - extend over 11,000 hectares and produce some 1,000,000 metric tons a year, Sodium and chlorine from the salt are used in many chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Low-lying salt plains (sansouires) dry out and crack in summer. These plains are submerged in winter but in the spring they re-emerge as wetlands for marsh birds such as black-winged stilts, godwits, and sandpipers.


End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red

August 01, 2011

 OC Fisher, a reservoir in West Texas, turned blood-red in recent weeks — what's left of it anyway. Due to unrelenting drought in Texas, the lake has almost entirely dried up, leaving thousands of dead fish behind. As of the last week in July, when this photo was taken, bacteria had turned the stagnant dregs of the lake red.


The river of blood: Villagers' shock as Slovakian waterway turns red overnight 'like something from a horror film'

3 December 2013

    River flowing through Slovakian village turns blood red
    Superstitious locals say the colour of the river is a sign of 'evil'
    Possibly caused by faulty filter at nearby slaughterhouse

Riverrun: Residents in the small town of Myjava in Slovakia awoke to a river red as blood


Red Beach in Panjin, China

The crimson flora is a variety of seepweed, a type of salt-tolerant grass, that turns red as it matures. It's most dramatic in September...


Soak In the Color at China’s Crimson Beaches

September 16, 2015

Panjin Red Beach turns an eye-popping hue every autumn.

 Location and biology are the key to the wetlands’ dramatic color. Because the beaches sit near the mouth of the Liaohe River (locals call it the “Mother River”) in the salty coastal plain of Liaodong Bay, the soil is very saline and alkaline-tolerant seaweed called seepweed dominates the area. Seepweed itself isn’t rare — it can be found in many coastal regions throughout the United States — but the red beaches’ particular combination of seepweed and alkaline-heavy soil is. What makes Suaeda heteroptera unique is that as it matures and absorbs more and more saltwater, it changes colors. In the spring, it’s green. As the summer progresses, it slowly turns darker. By late August and into early September, the seepweed takes on a deep shade of red. It ripens into a purplish color by October, then wilts and dies off before starting anew.


 Green algae hits Qingdao beaches


A tourist inspects the green algae sprawled on a beach in Qingdao on Tuesday. The rapidly growing sea grass is posing a threat to marine environment.

Popular coastal city fears sea grass may affect tourism as researchers scramble for reason

QINGDAO - An expanse of green algae sprawled over 440 square kilometers in the coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province, remains an ecological threat, local marine forecasters said on Friday.

Though the plankton, namely enteromorpha prolifera, is not toxic, it blocks sunshine for marine life, experts said.

Moreover, once the algae hits the beach and is left untreated, its fast decomposition may trigger an outbreak of red algae.

The expanse has been proliferating since it was first reported.

From 330 sq km, the algae had spread over 12,400 sq km on the Yellow Sea as of June 23, according to official data.

Due to the wind and currents, the algae reached some islands and beaches south of Qingdao, blanketing its western coastline since June 28, the North China Sea Branch (NCSB) of the State Ocean Administration said.


 In photos: Growing algae bloom in Arabian Sea tied to climate change

March 15, 2017

The Gulf of Oman turns green twice a year, when an algae bloom the size of Mexico spreads across the Arabian Sea all the way to India.

Scientists who study the algae say the microscopic organisms are thriving in new conditions brought about by climate change, and displacing the zooplankton that underpin the local food chain, threatening the entire marine ecosystem.

Khalid al-Hashmi, a marine biologist at the Sultan Qaboos University in Oman, wrinkles his nose as the research vessel nears the bloom. “Sea stench,” he says, referring to the algae’s ammonia secretions. “It’s here, you can smell it.”

He signals the boat to stop as it speeds beneath a gigantic rock arch off the coast of Muscat, the capital of Oman, an arid sultanate on the southeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. The captain kills the engine and drops anchor into a slick of bright green muck surrounded by crystal-clear blue water.

The swarms of microscopic creatures beneath the surface of the Gulf of Oman were all but invisible 30 years ago — now they form giant, murky shapes that can be seen from satellites.

 Composite image from the NASA Aqua-MODIS satellite, a mass of the algae noctiluca scintillans blooms in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Oman stretching past Pakistan to India (Norman Kuring/Courtesy of NASA, via AP)

Across the planet, blooms have wrecked local ecosystems. Algae can paralyze fish, clog their gills, and absorb enough oxygen to suffocate them. Whales, turtles, dolphins and manatees have died, poisoned by algal toxins, in the Atlantic and Pacific. These toxins have infiltrated whole marine food chains and have, in rare cases, killed people, according to the UN science agency.

In the Great Lakes of North America, Thailand and the Seychelles, the algae bloom green. In Florida they are red, in the North Atlantic they are chalky white, and in Puget Sound they are orange. The Irish call it the “sea ghost,” and the Taiwanese refer to the blooms as “blue tears.”

NASA uses satellites and floating robots to monitor the blooms, said Paula Bontempi, the manager for ocean carbon and biology projects at the US space agency. “It’s like a Van Gogh painting,” she said, referring to satellite images of swirls of chlorophyll spiraling across the world’s oceans. “Absolutely beautiful.”

It’s less attractive up close, where it can be “almost guacamole-like” in some lakes. “It smells bad, it looks bad,” she said.

The satellite technology has enabled scientists to link the algae to higher levels of air and water pollution in recent decades, but Bontempi said questions remain. “We know that our Earth is changing,” she said. “It may be in a direction we might not like.”

Scientists based at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University trace Oman’s blooms to melting ice in the Himalayas. Less ice has raised temperatures in South Asia and strengthened the Indian Ocean’s southwest monsoon. As this weather front moves across the Arabian Sea every year, it churned up oxygen-poor water thick with nutrients that have fueled the rise of a 1.2-billion-year old algae called noctiluca scintillans.

For the past 15 years, observatory biogeochemist Joaquim Goes, al-Hashmi and biological oceanographer Helga do Rosario Gomes have tracked blooms in the Arabian Sea using boats, satellites and remote sensors.

Goes said the blooms have caused a “short-circuiting of the food chain,” endangering other marine life.

“Normally these things happen slowly, usually we talk about tens of hundreds of years. Here it’s happening overnight,” he said. “The transformation is happening before our eyes.”

The algae blooms pose a number of threats to Oman, whose fishing and trading ships have plied these waters for centuries.

Thick blooms reduce visibility, making it difficult for divers to repair undersea gas infrastructure. It can also clog the intake pipes of the desalinization plants that produce up to 90 percent of the country’s fresh water.

Fishermen call Oman’s marine research center when they spot blooms.

Marine ecologist Ahmad al-Alawi adds these reports to four decades of observations before comparing them with satellite images of the swirling chlorophyll. He says the blooms are growing bigger and lasting longer, displacing the zooplankton at the bottom of the local food chain.

The algae has attracted more whale sharks — a major draw for divers — but many tourists have cancelled their trips at the sight of the green, murky waves, said Ollie Clarke, a dive instructor at the Bandar al-Rowdah marina near Muscat.

It also poses a threat to the country’s fisheries. An outbreak of a different kind of algae in 2008 led to the beaching of 50 tons of oxygen-starved fish, which rotted up and down the coast, al-Alawi said.


 6 incredible places where the ocean glows

At these special places, phosphorescent waves light up the night.

July 14, 2016

1. The Blue Grotto, Malta

 The Blue Grotto is one of nine caves near the island of Filfa that produces a phosphorescent glow.

 Reachable only via specially licensed boat, the Blue Grotto of Malta is said to be one of the most spectacular natural sights in the world. These oceanic caves on the small island of Filfa are surrounded by tall cliffs that are constantly pounded by waves, producing the phosphorescent glow for which they are known. Blue Grotto is actually just one of nine caves, all of which are popular tourist destinations. Filfa itself, located more than three miles out to sea, is completely uninhabited except for several species of birds and a subspecies of wall lizard that can be found nowhere else.

2. Bioluminescent Bay, Puerto Rico
3. San Diego, California
4. Navarre Beach, Florida
5. Toyama Bay, Japan
6. Matsu Islands, Taiwan


Photographer Captures the Magic of Cape Town’s Glowing Bioluminescent Waters

March 26, 2018

If fireflies were aquatic, they’d probably be something like bioluminescent plankton.

In bays around the world, water will sometimes glow up with a constellation of shimmering blue light. The magical marine light show is known as “bioluminescence,” caused by multitudes of phytoplankton.

                                              (Bioluminescence in Cape Town, South Africa).


Tips on enjoying San Diego's bioluminescence waves safely

May 04, 2020

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — With the red tide along San Diego's shore, locals have been flocking to the coast nightly to catch a glimpse of bioluminescent waves.

The waves are created when phytoplankton, called "dinoflagellates," crash in the tide, reacting and causing bioluminescence when jostled.

Red tide creates scenes of bioluminescent waves along Sunset Cliffs.


Surface-Adsorbed Contaminants Mediate the Importance of Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis for Bacterial Transport Through Soils


26 November 2019

Chemotaxis and haptotaxis are important biological mechanisms that influence microbial movement toward concentrated chemoattractants in mobile liquids and along immobile surfaces, respectively. This study investigated their coupled effect, as induced by naphthalene (10 mg L−1), on the transport and retention of two pollutant-degrading bacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL (Pf5RL) and Pseudomonas stutzeri DQ1 (PsDQ1), in quartz sand and natural soil. The results demonstrated that PsDQ1 was not chemotactic, whereas Pf5RL was chemotactic at 25°C but not at 4°C due to the restricted movement. In a quartz sand column, haptotaxis did not play a role in increasing the transport of Pf5RL as compared with chemotaxis. Compared with a naphthalene-free soil column, Pf5RL broke through naphthalene-presaturated soil columns to reach a stable effluent concentration 0.5 pore volumes earlier due to advective chemotaxis occurring behind the plume front in the bulk solution. Pf5RL also demonstrated greater retention (e.g., a doubled rate of attachment and a one-third smaller breakthrough percentage) due to along-surface haptotaxis and near-surface chemotaxis occurring in less mobile water near the soil surface. However, both chemotaxis and haptotaxis were weakened when Pf5RL co-transported with naphthalene due to reduced adsorption of naphthalene on the soil. This study suggests that surface adsorption of naphthalene can mediate the relative importance of advective chemotaxis (facilitating initial breakthrough), near-surface chemotaxis (increasing bacterial collision), and haptotaxis (increasing bacterial residence time).


Aquatic fungi from Egyptian soils (Upper Egypt) 



 The distribution of algal blooms at North Delta-Egypt is controlled by the environmental conditions and the nutritional requirements of the organisms. The environment at this region favors the formation of many algal blooms. Despite the severe problem caused by algal blooms, the phenomenon has received limited attention. Nevertheless, the massive growth
of algae can be viewed upon as a natural economic resource rather than a harmful impact.


Phytoplankton and bacterial community structures and their interaction during red-tide phenomena

26 July 2017


Harmful Algal Blooms and Marine Biotoxins


A miracle! Science claims it has figured out how sea was parted for Israelites


Researchers reconstruct wind and wave combinations that could have produced dry path across sea described in Exodus

The researchers determined that a strong east wind, blowing overnight, could have driven back the waters on a coastal lagoon in northern Egypt long enough for the Israelites to walk across the exposed mud flats before the waters rushed back in, engulfing the Pharaoh's cavalry.


Are There Oceanographic and Explanations for the Israelites' Crossing of the Red Sea?


Two relatively simple physical oceanographic processes are suggested as plausible explanations for the biblical description of the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea during their exodus from Egypt.  The first involves strong wind that blows along the Gulf of Suez and pushes the water a considerable distance away from the regular shoreline. This process is examined with the aid of a simple conceptual model consisting of a shallow, narrow, and long channel (corresponding to the  Gulf of Suez) connected to a large body of water (corresponding to the main body of the Red Sea). Uniform wind is allowed to blow over the entire gulf for a period of about a day and the resulting phenomena are examined by solving the appropriate governing equations.

 The second possible mechanism that is considered is a tsunami (i.e., a flood resulting from an earthquake under the sea) that arrived at the Gulf of Suez from the main body of the Red Sea. In a similar fashion to the wind setup mechanism, a fast nonlinear gravity wave that could be responsible for the drowning is involved. Of the two possible mechanisms, the wind setdown appears to be a more plausible explanation, because it is more closely related to the biblical description in terms of the strong wind prior to the event, the receding water, and the crossing in the midst of the sea.

 1. Introduction

The ancient flight of the Israelites from Egypt into Canaan and the unusual events associated with it are of utmost historical and biblical importance. It is, therefore, of interest to examine whether events, such as the Red Sea crossing, can be explained in terms of natural phenomena. Furthermore, because of the significant advancement of physical oceanography during the past 50 years, such an examination appears to be appropriate at this time. We shall not be concerned here with the question of whether a flight and crossing actually occurred in the past but rather with the issues of providing a possible scientific explanation for such a crossing. We shall do so by using an analysis of the possible oceanographic processes that the Red Sea can be subject to as a result of strong winds acting on it or as a result of an earthquake. With the aid of these analyses, we shall argue that the Israelites' crossing and the Egyptians' drowning could have been a result of known natural phenomena. Furthermore, it will be shown that, although such events are probably not very  common, they are certainly possible from a scientific point of view.

...the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen... And the Lord said unto Moses: 'Stretch out thy hand over the sea, that the waters may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen.' And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the waters returned, and covered the chari-ots, and the horsemen (Ex. 14: 21-23; 26-28)

In this quotation, special attention is given to the strong east wind prior to the event, the receding water, and the abrupt return of the water.


In situ observations of coral bleaching in the central Saudi Arabian Red Sea during the 2015/2016 global coral bleaching event

April 19, 2018


 Red Sea is warming faster than global average

King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)



Natural Climate Oscillations may Counteract Red Sea Warming Over the Coming Decades

15 March 2019


Red Sea may be cooling rather than warming, study finds

May 29, 2019


Corals and global warming:

The Mediterranean versus the Red Sea


Mediterranean Sea surface warming 1985–2006

 April 2009


Global sea warming and “tropicalization” of the Mediterranean Sea: biogeographic and ecological aspects



Sea warming and fish distribution: the case of the small pelagic fish, Sardinella aurita, in the western Mediterranean



Seawater warming at the northern reach for southern species: Gulf of Genoa, NW Mediterranean

February 2018


Global warming is facilitating the poleward range expansion of plant and animal species. In the Mediterranean Sea, the concurrent temperature increase and abundance of (sub)tropical non-indigenous species (NIS) is leading to the so-called ‘tropicalization’ of the Mediterranean Sea, which is dramatically evident in the south-eastern sectors of the basin. At the same time, the colder north-western sectors of the basin have been said to undergo a process of ‘meridionalization’, that is the establishment of warm-water native species (WWN) previously restricted to the southern sectors. The Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) is the north-western reach for southern species of whatever origin in the Mediterranean. Recent (up to 2015) observations of NIS and WWN by diving have been collated to update previous similar inventories. In addition, the relative occurrences of both groups of southern species have been monitored by snorkelling between 2009 and 2015 in shallow rocky reefs at Genoa, and compared with the trend in air and sea surface temperatures. A total of 20 southern species (11 NIS and 9 WWN) was found. Two WWN (the zebra seabream Diplodus cervinus and the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense) and three NIS (the SW Atlantic sponge Paraleucilla magna, the Red Sea polychaete Branchiomma luctuosum, and the amphi-American and amphi-Atlantic crab Percnon gibbesi) are new records for the Ligurian Sea, whereas juveniles of the Indo-Pacific bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii have been found for the first time. While temperature has kept on increasing for the whole period, with 2014 and 2015 being the warmest years since at least 1950, the number of WWN increased linearly, that of NIS increased exponentially, contradicting the idea of meridionalization and supporting that of tropicalization even in the northern sectors of the Mediterranean basin.


 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean

 7 January 2019

1st National Workshop on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean; Rome, Italy, 5–6 July 2018


Heavy metals contamination of a Mediterranean Coastal Ecosystem, Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt


River Nile Pollutants and Their Effect on Life Forms and Water Quality


Light pollution may be increasing West Nile virus spillover from wild birds

July 24, 2019


Light pollution could cause problems for coral reefs

October 16, 2019


Israel Searches for Solutions to Limit Light Pollution in the Red Sea

May 4, 2020


Sustainability of coral reefs are affected by ecological light pollution in the Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat

05 August 2019


Litter pollution on the Jordanian shores of the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)

July 2004


Assessment of heavy metal pollutants at various sites along the Jordanian coastline of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

14 Jan 2019


Plagues of Egypt

The Plagues of Egyt, in the story of the book of Exodus, are ten disasters inflicted on Egypt by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery; they serve as "signs and marvels" given by God to answer Pharaoh's taunt that he does not know Yahweh: "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD."

1 Plagues

    1. Water to Blood: Ex. 7:14–24
    2. Frogs: Ex. 7:25–8:15
    3. Lice or gnats: Ex. 8:16-19
    4. Wild animals or flies: Ex. 8:20-32
    5. Pestilence of livestock: Ex. 9:1–7
    6. Boils: Ex. 9:8–12
    7. Thunderstorm of hail and fire: Ex. 9:13–35
    8. Locusts: Ex. 10:1–20
    9. Darkness for three days: Ex. 10:21–29
    10. Death of firstborn: Ex. 11:1–12:36


Why are there suddenly so many flies in Egypt during the Summer?


So many flies!!


Studies on Control of House Flies in Egypt by Chemosterilants. I. Laboratory Studies on Musca domestica vicina



The efficiency of tepa, metepa, apholate, and hempa in sterilizing both sexes of the oriental house fly (the Egyptian common house fly), Musca domestica vicina Macquart, was determined in the laboratory by 3 methods: ingestion by adult flies, exposure of flies to residues on glass surfaces, and treatment of larvae. Sterility was induced in mixed and segregated sexes when the chemosterilants were added to the adult food. Complete sterility was achieved at relatively lower concentrations with males than with females. When adult flies were exposed to residues of the chemosterilants on glass surfaces, complete sterility in males and inhibition of oviposition in females were obtained with tepa and metepa at concentrations of 10-100 mg/0.09 m2. Hempa induced 100% sterility in males but not in females at 10 mg/O.09 m2. Apholate showed no appreciable effect on either sex exposed to residues up to 250 mg/0.09 m2. Larval treatment did not hold any promise, since the chemosterilants acted as larvicides and pupicides to varying degrees at all the concentrations tested. Adult-food treatment is recommended for future field tests.


Cimex lectularius L., the common bed bug from Pharaonic Egypt

December 1999


Bed bugs have been troubling humans for at least 3550 years, as shown by examples from Tell el-Amarna. Here we report on the bug's habits and history, as revealed by archaeology.


Even our ancient ancestors had to deal with bed bugs

April 4, 2017

Scientists uncover the oldest bed bug relative ever found


 Egypt: A Modern Problem as Old as the Pyramids (Lice)


Lice from mummies provide clues to ancient migrations



 Environmental and Medical Aspects Related to the Sixth Plague of Egypt



Did the 10 Plagues of Egypt Really Happen? Here Are 3 Theories


Locusts, pandemics, floods: East Africa can’t catch a break

May 2, 2020


 Heavy storm struck Egypt: At least 21 people dead

Mar, 11, 2020

Egypt has been struck by one of the most extreme weather phenomena in 26 years that has resulted in, at least, 21 casualties.

Heavy rainfalls initiated on late Wednesday, March 11, 2020, and persisted the following 2 days. The weather phenomenon has caused intense flooding, strong winds and sandblasts in the region. "This level of instability in weather conditions has not occurred with such force since 1994," Mahmoud Shahin, director of the analysis department at the Egyptian Meteorological Authority, stated.


Africa Braces for a Record Wave of Locusts

April 29, 2020

A new swarm threatens to be the largest ever, threatening food security across much of East Africa as it braces for the full impact of the coronavirus


Plant oil mixtures as a novel botanical pesticide to control gregarious locusts

01 November 2019


Locusts: UN calls for international help in East Africa

24 January 2020


Environmental and health effects of locust control –An annotated bibliography

January  2004


To stop locust plagues, we must copy locusts

February 22, 2020


Africa's Huge Locust Swarms Are Growing at the Worst Time


As coronavirus takes hold and farmers plant crops, the continent faces a new wave of locusts 20 times larger than one earlier this year.


COVID-19 Restrictions Hurt East Africa's Fight Against Locusts

April 24, 2020


Fighting a locust plague amid Covid-19 in east Africa – video

May 15, 2020


‘Locust-19’ set to ravage crops across east Africa


Thousands of locusts swarm over Israel, Egypt — just in time for Passover

Mar 06, 2013


‘We are in the last days’ Locust swarm approaching Egypt sparks Bible apocalypse fears

Feb 21, 2020

A LOCUST swarm approaching Egypt has led a Bible scholar to claim "we are in the last days," urging Christians to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ.


How a single locust becomes a plague

May 5, 2020

Vast swarms of desert locusts that tore through East Africa and beyond earlier this year are breeding again, with a second wave of insects now threatening food supplies and livelihoods. It's the worst infestation in a quarter of a century. How did it get so bad?

 A desert locust like this - a type of grasshopper - usually likes to live a shy, solitary life. It develops from an egg into a young locust - known as a hopper - and then into a flying adult. It's a simple, if unremarkable, existence.

But every now and then, desert locusts undergo a Jekyll and Hyde transformation. When they get crowded together - such as on diminishing areas of green vegetation - they stop being solitary creatures and become "gregarious" mini-beasts.

In this newly-sociable phase, the insects change colour and form groups that can develop into huge flying swarms of ravenous marauding pests.

Such swarms of locusts can be huge. They can contain up to 10 billion individuals and stretch over hundreds of kilometres. They can cover up to 200km (120 miles) in a day, devastating rural livelihoods in their relentless drive to eat and reproduce.

Even an average swarm can destroy crops sufficient to feed 2,500 people for a year, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The last major upsurge - a sharp rise in the number of swarms - in West Africa in 2003-05 cost $2.5bn in harvest losses, according to the UN.


 Second wave of locusts in east Africa said to be 20 times worse

April 13, 2020

UN warns of ‘alarming and unprecedented threat’ to food security and livelihoods in the region


Bible coming to life? Locusts 'plague' Middle East, Asia, Africa

 FEBRUARY 20, 2020

One swarm in Kenya was three times the size of New York City; the number of locusts could multiply 400-fold by June if not treated, according to reports.


Egypt records largest coronavirus death toll in Africa: WHO

May 18, 2020


Wasted milk, euthanized livestock: Photos show how coronavirus has devastated US agriculture

 May 2 2020


Millions of farm animals culled as US food supply chain chokes up

Apr 2020

US government vets said to be ready to assist with culls, or ‘depopulation’ of pigs, chickens and cattle because of coronavirus meat plant closures


Desertification In Egypt Is Putting Food Supplies At Risk

July 12, 2011


‘Filthy bloody business:’ Poachers kill more animals as coronavirus crushes tourism to Africa

Apr 24 2020


Invading Bullfrogs Appear Nearly Unstoppable


A booming population of North American bullfrogs has been hopping outside places that aren't their native habitats.


Heavy rains lead to toad, frog population explosion

 March 1, 2005


They are toxic invaders that have conquered swathes of northern Australia as they continue their seemingly irrepressible march west towards the Indian Ocean.

22 March 2017







Section 5: Methane & Greenhouse Gasses






Unexpected Surge in Atmospheric Methane


A dramatic and surprising surge in atmospheric methane has emerged over the past several years. If not mitigated, this new trend could off-set the gains anticipated from the Paris Climate Agreement. In response, scientists have begun ringing alarm bells in several high-profile peer-reviewed publications.

Several sources have been identified as significant contributors to the surge, including the production of U.S. oil and gas. The full balance among these factors is not clear. However, there is a firm consensus among scientists that the best response to the surge is a deep and rapid reduction in methane emissions from the production and distribution of natural gas.


Red Sea Floor Is Leaking Vast Amounts of Gas, Scientists Discover


Seeping from fracturing seabed, tectonic plate movement and deep-water super-saline pools is as much as produced by Kuwait or the UAE, a team from Max Planck determines


Red Sea huge source of air pollution, greenhouse gases: study

January 28, 2020

Hydrocarbon gases bubbling from the bottom of the Red Sea are polluting the atmosphere at a rate equivalent to the emissions of some large fossil fuel exporting countries, researchers said Tuesday.

The gases seeping from the waters—which are ringed by the resorts and ports of several countries, including Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia—then mix with emissions from industrial shipping and turned into noxious pollutants that are very harmful to human health.

The Middle East holds more than half of the world's oil and gas reserves and the intense fossil fuel exploitation that takes place there, and the region releases enormous amounts of gaseous pollutants into the atmosphere.

But during a 2017 expedition around the Gulf, researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Chemistry noticed that levels of ethane and propane in the air above the Northern Red Sea were up to 40 times higher than predicted, even accounting for regional manmade emissions.

The team analysed possible sources for the gas emissions, including traffic, agriculture, burning of biomass, and power generation from hydrocarbons.

They came to an unexpected conclusion: the two gases had to be seeping out of the sea bed after escaping natural subterranean oil and gas reservoirs.

They were then carried by currents to the surface, where they mix with another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, which is emitted in high amounts by industrial shipping.

The resulting gas compounds are extremely harmful to human health, according to the team's study, published in Nature Communications.

"I have to admit that I was surprised myself with these results," lead author Efstratios Boursoukidis told AFP.

"We spent almost two years working on this dataset to confidently prove that the emissions were coming some two kilometres below the sea surface."

The team calculated that the rate of ethane and propane leakage was "comparable in magnitude" to those of several hydrocarbon exporting nations, such as the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait.

The emissions result in another source of atmospheric methane, a potent greenhouse gas, the study said.

The situation is exacerbated by nitrous oxide pollution from the large number of shipping containers passing through the northern Red Sea, one of Earth's busiest transport lanes.

And it's only likely to get worse as the route gets busier.

"In the coming decades, ship traffic through the Red Sea and Suez Canal is expected to continue to increase, with a concomitant rise in nitrogen oxide emissions," said Boursoukidis.

"We expect that such increase will amplify the role of this source, leading to significant deterioration of the regional air quality."


Methane is coming from swamps – Sudd wetlands account for a third of increase of world’s methane

December 19, 2019

Methane is a greenhouse gas. It means that when it is released into the atmosphere, it allows energy from the Sun to pass through, but reflects it back when heat is trying to escape Earth. A large portion of methane emissions can be traced to human activity. But not all of it – a new study revealed that swamps in East Africa accounted for a third of the increase in global levels of methane between 2010 and 2016.

Methane oftentimes is released as a byproduct of degradation of biological material. For example, landfills are a huge source of atmospheric methane. It is also released by various industries, farming and some natural phenomenon. For example, swamps often breathe methane as organic material is breaking down.

Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas – it is around 25 times more potent at trapping heat than carbon dioxide. However, there is much more of carbon dioxide, which is why you don’t hear about methane as much. Nevertheless, it is still very important to be able to predict methane emissions and find the best way to manage them. Researchers now found that  third of the increase in global levels of methane between 2010 and 2016 can be blamed on microscopic bacteria in a vast swamp in South Sudan called the Sudd wetlands.

Atmospheric methane has been rising steadily since 2007 and scientists are not sure why. A big portion of global methane is actually natural. Scientists found that around 90 % of the 1.5 million tonne rise in emissions each year came from East Africa alone.They analysed satellite data and found that the most likely source is the wetlands in South Sudan. At that period of time Sudd wetlands have increased due to the increased water levels in upstream rivers. This might have resulted in a sudden spike in methane emissions.

Dr Mark Lunt, one of the authors of the study, said: “In order to understand how methane might change in the future, it is essential that we can adequately explain changes in the present and recent past. Studies such as this can help narrow down the list of possible explanations, and hopefully improve our predictive capabilities for the future”.

Greenhouse gasses have been around longer than humans. We did not invent them, but we did increase their concentrations in the atmosphere. However, due to the huge impact of humans on the global climate, we now have to learn to manage and predict those natural emissions.


One-third of recent global methane increase comes from tropical Africa

December 11, 2019


 15,000 Perfectly Circular Holes Appeared on the Ocean Floor off the California Coast

Feb 29, 2020


Concentric Structures and Hydrothermal Venting in the Western Desert, Egypt

18 October 2019


Quantifying methane emissions from the largest oil-producing basin in the United States from space

 22 Apr 2020


Methane Emissions Reduction Programme in Gas Supply Chains in Egypt



Greenhouse gases in atmosphere hit new high: UN

November 22, 2018


Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions from Africa



Egypt - Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions (kt Of CO2 Equivalent)

Total greenhouse gas emissions in kt of CO2 equivalent are composed of CO2 totals excluding short-cycle biomass burning (such as agricultural waste burning and Savannah burning) but including other biomass burning (such as forest fires, post-burn decay, peat fires and decay of drained peatlands), all anthropogenic CH4 sources, N2O sources and F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6).


Egypt Carbon (CO2) Emissions 1960-2020


Volume of carbon dioxide emissions from petroleum products and natural gas in Egypt from 2007 to 2016

Apr 2, 2019


Assessing greenhouse gasses emitted from on-farm irrigation pumps: Case studies from Egypt


Scientists Just Found an Unexpectedly Large Source of Natural Greenhouse Gases

30 JANUARY 2020

Hydrocarbon gases bubbling from the bottom of the Red Sea are polluting the atmosphere at a rate equivalent to the emissions of some large fossil fuel exporting countries, researchers said Tuesday.


Opportunities identified for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in industrial sectors in Egypt


Low-Carbon Roadmap for the Egyptian Cement Industry

October 2016


Red Sea Huge Source of Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases: Study

January 28, 2020

PARIS (AFP) — Hydrocarbon gases bubbling from the bottom of the Red Sea are polluting the atmosphere at a rate equivalent to the emissions of some large fossil fuel exporting countries, researchers said Tuesday.

The gases seeping from the waters — which are ringed by the resorts and ports of several countries, including Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia — then mix with emissions from industrial shipping and turned into noxious pollutants that are very harmful to human health.

The Middle East holds more than half of the world’s oil and gas reserves and the intense fossil fuel exploitation that takes place there, and the region releases enormous amounts of gaseous pollutants into the atmosphere.

But during a 2017 expedition around the Gulf, researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Chemistry noticed that levels of ethane and propane in the air above the Northern Red Sea were up to 40 times higher than predicted, even accounting for regional manmade emissions.

The team analyzed possible sources for the gas emissions, including traffic, agriculture, burning of biomass, and power generation from hydrocarbons.

They came to an unexpected conclusion: the two gases had to be seeping out of the sea bed after escaping natural subterranean oil and gas reservoirs.

They were then carried by currents to the surface, where they mix with another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, which is emitted in high amounts by industrial shipping.

The resulting gas compounds are extremely harmful to human health, according to the team’s study, published in Nature Communications.

“I have to admit that I was surprised myself with these results,” lead author Efstratios Boursoukidis told AFP.

“We spent almost two years working on this dataset to confidently prove that the emissions were coming some two kilometers below the sea surface.”

The team calculated that the rate of ethane and propane leakage was “comparable in magnitude” to those of several hydrocarbon exporting nations, such as the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait.

The emissions result in another source of atmospheric methane, a potent greenhouse gas, the study said.

The situation is exacerbated by nitrous oxide pollution from the large number of shipping containers passing through the northern Red Sea, one of Earth’s busiest transport lanes.

And it’s only likely to get worse as the route gets busier.

“In the coming decades, ship traffic through the Red Sea and Suez Canal is expected to continue to increase, with a concomitant rise in nitrogen oxide emissions,” said Boursoukidis.

“We expect that such increase will amplify the role of this source, leading to significant deterioration of the regional air quality.”


Evaluation of carbon sequestration potentiality of Lake Burullus, Egypt to mitigate climate change



Carbon sequestration potential of reclaimed desert soils in Egypt



Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factsheet: Egypt

November 2015


Greenhouse gas emissions to set new record this year, but rate of growth shrinks

Dec. 4, 2019


Egypt’s CO2 emissions up by 2.13%, fossil fuels largely to blame

June 6, 2016


Global carbon emissions decline 17% during pandemic

May 21, 2020



Many African countries are considering how carbon pricing and carbon marketscan benefit their continent and foster their participation in climate action.





Section 7: Water Pollution, Ocean Acidification & Coral Reefs





Rising Acidity in the Ocean: The Other CO2 Problem

Emissions are making the oceans more acidic, threatening sea life

September 1, 2008

Climate change caused by rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is now widely recognized. But the other side of the equation—the massive absorption of CO2 by the ocean—has received far less attention. The planet’s seas quickly absorb 25 to 30 percent of humankind’s CO2 emissions and about 85 percent in the long run, as water and air mix at the ocean’s surface. We have “disposed” of 530 billion tons of the gas in this way, and the rate worldwide is now one million tons per hour, faster than experienced on earth for tens of millions of years. We are acidifying the ocean and fundamentally changing its remarkably delicate geochemical balance. Scientists are only beginning to investigate the consequences, but comparable natural changes in our geologic history have caused several mass extinctions throughout the earth’s waters.

That careful balance has survived over time because of a near equilibrium among the acids emitted by volcanoes and the bases liberated by the weathering of rock. The pH of seawater has remained steady for millions of years. Before the industrial era began, the average pH at the ocean surface was about 8.2 (slightly basic; 7.0 is neutral). Today it is about 8.1.

Although the change may seem small, similar natural shifts have taken 5,000 to 10,000 years. We have done it in 50 to 80 years. Ocean life survived the long, gradual change, but the current speed of acidification is very worrisome. Emissions could reduce surface pH by another 0.4 unit in this century alone and by as much as 0.7 unit beyond 2100. We are hurtling toward an ocean different than the earth has known for more than 25 million years.


Oil pollution in the Red Sea — Environmental monitoring of an oilfield in a coral area, Gulf of Suez



 Suez canal scheme ‘threatens ecosystem and human activity in Mediterranean’


Scientists say new channel will herald arrival of more invasive species, with potentially harmful impact on region as a whole


Red Sea’s coral reefs are in serious trouble: Environmental NGO

September 17, 2018


Researchers call for 4000km of Red Sea coral reefs to be declared Marine World Heritage Site by UNESCO


Scientists call for ‘urgent’ regional effort to save Red Sea coral

Reefs near Eilat may be world’s most resilient, but they need management as climate change threatens marine ecosystems, international team of researchers says

8 March 2020


Water Pollution in Egypt



Seasonal physico-chemical and microbiological pollutants of potable groundwater in Qena governorate, Egypt: A case study



Impact of Surface Water and Groundwater Pollutions on Irrigated Soil, El Minia Province, Northern Upper Egypt

Dec 2015


Sea Turtles of the Mediterranean Sea

February 4, 2019


Sea warming and fish distribution: the case of the small pelagic fish, Sardinella aurita, in the western Mediterranean



Exploring the presence of pollutants at sea: Monitoring heavy metals and pesticides in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the western Mediterranean

November 2017


Mercury and Organochlorine Pesticides in Tissues of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) Stranded Along the Southwestern Mediterranean Coastline (Andalusia, Spain)

Mar 2020


Nineteen loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) stranded along the southwestern Mediterranean coastline (Andalusia) were used in this study. A total of 68 samples of fat (n = 18), liver (n = 15), kidney (n = 13), pectoral muscle (n = 19), and brain (n = 3) were analysed for total mercury (Hg) and organochlorine pesticides [OC: ∑Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (∑DDT), ∑Hexachlorocyclohexane (∑HCH), ∑Heptachlor, ∑Drins and ∑Endosulfan]. These loggerhead sea turtles showed tissue Hg and OC concentrations similar to or lower than those reported in other studies. Few growth-related variations in Hg or OC levels in relation to straight carapace length were found, probably because the specimens were mostly juveniles. This study will help to fill the gap on spatio-temporal exposure data and ascertain the real world-wide picture of the contamination levels in loggerhead sea turtles.


Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Pesticides in Sediments and Siganus rivulatus from Two Areas Along the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast



Quality Assessment of River Nile Sediment Between Qena and Sohag Cities, Egypt





Geochemical mobilization of some heavy metals in water resources and their impact on human health in Sohag Governorate, Egypt

November 2013


Concentrations and sources of pesticides and PCBs in surficial sediments of the Red Sea coast, Egypt



Pesticides and PCBs distribution in the Red Sea Sediment

November 2015


Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Chlorinated Pesticides in Mussels From the Egyptian Red Sea Coast



Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Carcinogens Residual in some Fish and Shell Fish of Yemen



Distribution of organochlorine pesticides in sediments and mussels from the Istanbul Strait



Residues Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in Fish, Sediment and Water Samples from Tekeze Dam, Tigray, Ethiopia



Degradation of Organchlorine Pesticides in Carbonate Sediments from the Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea



Seagrasses and Mangroves of Yemen’s Red Sea


The Elemental Composition of Demospongiae from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba

April 23, 2014


Pharmaceuticals, alkylphenols and pesticides in Mediterranean coastal waters: Results from a pilot survey using passive samplers



21 pharmaceuticals, 6 alkylphenols and 27 hydrophilic pesticides and biocides were investigated using polar organic contaminant integrative samplers (POCIS) during a large-scale study of contamination of French Mediterranean coastal waters. Marine and transitional water-bodies, defined under the EU Water Framework Directive were monitored. Our results show that the French Mediterranean coastal waters were contaminated with a large range of emerging contaminants, detected at low concentrations during the summer season. Caffeine, carbamazepine, theophilline and terbutaline were detected with a detection frequency higher than 83% in the coastal waters sampled, 4-nonylphenol (4-NP), 4-tert-octylphenol (4-OP) and 4-nonylphenol diethoxylate (NP2EO) were detected in all coastal waters sampled, and diuron, terbuthylazine, atrazine, irgarol and simazine were detected in more than 77% of samples. For pharmaceuticals, highest time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations were measured for caffeine and carbamazepine (32 and 12 ng L-1, respectively). For alkylphenols, highest TWA concentrations were measured for 4-nonylphenol mono-ethoxylate and 4-nonylphenol (41 and 33 ng L-1, respectively), and for herbicides and biocides, they were measured for diuron and irgarol (33 and 2.5 ng L-1, respectively). Except for Diana lagoon, lagoons and semi-enclosed bays were the most contaminated areas for herbicides and pharmaceuticals, whilst, for alkylphenols, levels of contamination were similar in lagoons and coastal waters. This study demonstrates the relevance and utility of POCIS as quantitative tool for measuring low concentrations of emerging contaminants in marine waters.


Assessment of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments of the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast



In an attempt to evaluate the toxicological condition of the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea from El-Sallum to El-Arish, 10 surficial sediment samples were collected from different locations covering the region that receives the majority of the industrial, agricultural and urban effluents (land-based activities), and thus is expected to be contaminated with different degrees of pollution. Sediment samples were analyzed for PCBs (PCB 18, 28, 44, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180 and 194), and organochlorine pesticides (α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, heptachlor, methoxychlor, heptachlor-epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, endrin ketone, γ-chlordane, α-endosulfane, β-endosulfane, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, p,p′-DDT). The investigated sediments were dominated by the sand fraction, except Rosetta station. The concentration of organic pollutants in sediments followed the order: Total cyclodienes > PCBs > DDTs > HCHs. Sediments were dominated by the metabolites of DDT (DDD and DDE) indicating that the detected DDTs in the bay sediments are not recently introduced into the bay. At the same time, DDE concentrations were higher than DDD in all the sediment samples (except El-Sallum and Sidi-Kreer) indicating oxic conditions. The risk assessment for organic pollutants were studied, indicating a greater possibility of the occurrence of toxic adverse ecological effects with respect to all investigated organic pollutants and frequent toxic effect is expected for lindane and p,p′-DDT.


Chlorinated pesticides and HCB/PCBs releases by sector, 2008


Carcinogenic pesticides: Mubarak's pernicious legacy for Egypt

February 29, 2020

Israeli pesticides

The case started in 2003 with the accusation of Yousef Wali, the minister of agriculture at the time, and 21 of his advisers and assistants, of importing carcinogenic agricultural pesticides from Tel Aviv.

Although there is a law prohibiting the import or circulation of any of the 38 pesticides that have been classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as possibly carcinogenic, Wali lifted the ban on these pesticides, later proven in the case.

From 1999 to 2004, five internationally prohibited pesticides were smuggled into the Egyptian market, in addition to 59 other variations used under specific conditions and specifications, with the knowledge of the Ministry of Agriculture.

These Israeli carcinogenic pesticides caused the spread of many deadly diseases among Egyptians, including cancer, sterility, kidney and heart diseases. These deadly pesticides also destroyed the fertile agricultural lands, rendering them infertile.


Import, disposal, and health impacts of pesticides in the East Africa Rift(EAR) zone: A review on management and policy analysis

October 2018


The perfect threat: Pesticides and vultures

15 October 2019


Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Egyptian Fruits and Vegetables During 1996

15 November 2019


DDT and Silent Spring: Fifty years after


Trump Administration Refuses to Ban Neurotoxic Pesticide

EPA Science Says Chlorpyrifos Exposure Threatens Public Health

July 22, 2019


Monsanto Pleads Guilty to Spraying Banned Pesticide in Hawaii

Company agrees to pay $10.2 million in fines

Nov. 22, 2019


Russia blocks two potato shipments from Egypt due to detection brown rot

Mar 20, 2018


Europe-banned insecticide ‘threatens Africa’s food security’


[CAPE TOWN]  Scientists are calling on African policymakers to act urgently to control the use of pesticides called neonicotinoids, which threaten the wider ecosystem and food security, and have been banned by the European Union.


Avoiding future bans on Egyptian onion exports: Quality control as a remedy?

Saturday 26 Jan 2019

Saudi Arabia has banned Egyptian onion imports, citing high levels of pesticides; some industry operators say more attention should be paid to picking and packing procedures with a view to promoting quality control.


Egypt aims to reverse bans on agricultural exports

August 8, 2017


No ban by Iraq or Oman on Egyptian exports: Naglaa Balabel

 Jul. 30, 2017


Pesticides as Obesogens: How pesticides are increasing sensitivity to metabolic disorders and how alternative pesticide practices need to be pursued

May 15, 2018



October 2004


Concentrations and Hazard Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Shark Liver From the Mediterranean Sea






Survey of Residues of Organochlorine Pesticides in Some Marketable Egyptian Fish






Investigations on Mass Mortalities among Oreochromis niloticus at Mariotteya Stream, Egypt: Parasitic Infestation and Environmental Pollution Impacts



The Nile, a vital source of water, turns into source of disease



Egypt’s Filthy Canals Are Breeding Disease and Discontent

October 11, 2012

(Egypt’s network of canals are filthy, stagnant and have become dumping sites which breed disease and discontent).

 A local resident speaking to Al Jazeera explains that due to limited garbage collection, the residents of Abu Sir are forced to dump their rubbish where they can – usually the canals. The dire state of the canals has forced farmers to hire out contractors to clear the rubbish, something they say that the government should be doing. There is clearly a lack of infrastructure and the government needs to do more to provide locals with the amenities to dispose of their rubbish safely.


Nile's drying waterways stall Egypt's growth

Oct 7, 2012


Is The Nile Running Dry?

Aug 24, 2016

The End of the Nile (2012): As Egypt struggles with the growing population, the demand for its water increases as well. The situation proves to be difficult as Egypt refuses to agree on equal share of Nile river water with bordering states. Will this escalate to a military conflict?


‘Food Is the Ultimate Power’: Parched Countries Tap the Nile River Through Farms

Nov. 24, 2019

Oil-rich Gulf states grow crops in Egypt and Sudan to export, leaving locals increasingly dependent on imports


As the Risk of a ‘Water War’ Fades, Is It Too Late to Save the Nile?

Feb. 4, 2020


Problems of drinking water treatment along Ismailia Canal Province, Egypt



Exposure  Assessment  and  the  Risk  Associated  with  Trihalomethane Compounds in Drinking Water, Cairo – Egypt



Microbial quality of Nile water and drinking water in some areas of Greater Cairo, Egypt

November 2011


Water Quality and Cairo, is it Safe?

5 February 2013

In Egypt the industrial waste-water is considered one of the main sources of water pollution because of the toxic chemicals and organic loading.  Even 80%of the whole country’s annual industrial effluent is discharged untreated into the Nile, canals, wells, municipal sewage systems, and the Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt’s 329 major factories continue to discharge as much as 2.5 million m3 per day of untreated effluent into Egypt’s waters. The following results are that Egypt’s shores and coastal fishing and tourism are being damaged, areas around industrial zones are becoming inhospitable, and water purification is becoming very costly.

Cairo is one of the main industrial centers in Egypt. 40% to 50% of industrial activity is mainly located in the capital. Its public sector industries (75%) consist of chemical, textile, metal (iron and steel), food, and engineering and cement production operations. They use 162 million m3 of fresh water per year, and discharge 129 million m3 per
year. Each day they discharge 0.75 tons of heavy metals. The private industries include tanneries, gasoline stations, and marble and tile factories. While most of the discharges to the sewage collection systems are from domestic sources, other industries in Cairo discharge 56 million m3 annually to the collection system, and in many cases
,without pretreatment.
Only half of the industry had,
in 1992,
some type of effluent treatment before discharging to the collection system. The limited data on this issue available restricts evaluation of different pollution concentrations from effluents from discharged
waste-water. No accurate information is available of the amount of toxic substances.

“Even if heavy metals do occur in Cairo’s water, they are all below the detection level and thus do not present any threat,” said Edward Smith, Professor of Environmental Engineering at the American University in Cairo, who carried out two long-term studies of Nasr City and Maadi’s tap water between 2005 and 2008. “The problem is more with high levels of chlorine and trihalomethanes (THMs, byproducts of chlorine),
which occasionally exceed local and international standards, but when you have to choose between dangerous diseases resulting from inadequate water treatment and high levels of those chemicals that might lead to future health issues; you opt for the latter without the slightest of doubts.”


Scientists sound alarm over radiation in Nubian aquifer

December 20, 2018

But other experts say the health risk is unclear.

 People in Egypt's western desert are drinking groundwater with naturally high levels of radium, a radioactive element, according to research presented last week at the American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington. Experts disagree on the cancer-related health risks, but babies who rely on the most radioactive wells could get more than 100 times the maximum levels recommended by the World Health Organization for long-term exposure from drinking water, according to the researchers. Many communities across the Middle East and northern Africa are likely also using water with elevated levels of radiation.

Identifying the danger

Most people in Egypt get their water from the Nile River. But in the adjacent deserts and the Sinai Peninsula, people rely instead on groundwater, said Neil Sturchio, a geochemist at the University of Delaware in Newark, who conducted the study with graduate student Mahmoud Sherif. In many cases, this groundwater is pumped from an ancient reservoir called the Nubian aquifer -- a sandstone formation that extends some 2 million square kilometers (about 800,000 square miles) beneath Egypt, Libya, Chad and Sudan.

Long ago when the climate was wetter, water soaked into the pores of the now-buried sandstone, said Sturchio. The oldest water in the Nubian aquifer has been there for about a million years. It is a nonrenewable resource; the more people pump out, the lower the levels drop. But it is vast. The aquifer waters in Egypt alone would be enough to keep the Nile flowing for 500 years, according to Sturchio.

 Sturchio and Sherif were inspired to test the Nubian aquifer after Avner Vengosh, a geochemist at Duke University, found high levels of radioactivity in a similar fossil aquifer in Jordan in 2009. These fossil aquifers are tempting resources for communities to tap because they contain fresh water that is low in most types of contaminants and disease-causing organisms. Vengosh initially assumed they would also be low in radioactive chemicals such as radium. Instead, he found radium levels up to 20 times higher than international standards.

Radium forms naturally from uranium and thorium in rocks, and it is removed when it binds to certain minerals. But in the studied aquifers, the types of minerals that remove radium tend to be scarce, said Sturchio.

To see how widespread the radiation problem was, Sturchio and Sherif tested groundwater from sites across Egypt. They consistently found that radium levels in wells that tapped the Nubian aquifer exceeded safety thresholds set by the WHO. The deeper and more ancient the water, the more radioactive it tended to be, said Sherif.


Distribution of natural radionuclides and assessment of the associated hazards in the environment of Marsa Alam-Shalateen area, Red Sea coast, Egypt

July 2017


The precipitation of fluoride, calcium and magnesium minerals from Egyptian Mediterranean Sea coast in relation to discharged waters

26 Apr 2014


Red Sea-Dead Sea Pipeline Planned


Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have signed an agreement on an ambitious and contested project to replenish the rapidly shrinking Dead Sea by transferring in water from the Red Sea along a 177-kilometer (110-mile) pipeline. (Guardian)


What Egyptians go through to find pure drinking water!;lang=en&lang=en#.XsUWnMBOlPY


Egypt’s Water Crisis – Recipe for Disaster


 Rising populations and rapid economic development in the countries of the Nile Basin, pollution and environmental degradation are decreasing water availability in the country. Egypt is facing an annual water deficit of around 7 billion cubic metres.


Hundreds in Egyptian town suffer from contaminated water

Aug 24, 2012


Dam upstream leaves Egypt fearing for its lifeline, the Nile

October 02, 2017


Nile River evolution in Upper Egypt during the Holocene: palaeoenvironmental implications for the Pharaonic sites of Karnak and Coptos




Permo-Triassic Qiseib Formation, Western Side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: A Link of Fluvial Facies with Sequence Stratigraphy


Egypt's Nile Delta in Late 4000 Years BP: Altered Flood Levels and Sedimentation, with Archaeological Implications

24 June 2019


Air Pollution Goes Back Way Further Than You Think

 January 11, 2016

Thousands of years ago, humans were adding lead fumes and other pollutants to the air


The Black Death helped reveal how long humans have polluted the planet

September 25, 2017

Before this 14th-century plague, there was lead in the air.

A polluted past

Of course, air pollution was a problem long before the Black Death reared its ugly head.

Burning wood and charcoal for warmth and cooking degraded the indoor air quality in ancient human settlements. Smoke pollution was a major cause of ill health for most pre-industrial societies, Stephen Mosley, an environmental historian at Leeds Beckett University in England, said in an email.

Anthracosis, or black lung, has been found in mummified lung tissue from Egypt to Peru; people put up with the acrid smoke because it kept away mosquitoes and other pests, Mosley says.


Holocene lake sediments from the Faiyum Oasis in Egypt: a record of environmental and climate change

10 May 2017


How Fast Is the Nile Delta Sinking?

24 April 2018


Clay Distributions, Grain Sizes, Sediment Thicknesses, and Compaction Rates to Interpret Subsidence in Egypt's Northern Nile Delta

January 2014's_Northern_Nile_Delta


Patterns of nearshore sediment transport along the Nile Delta, Egypt


Sediment Balance in the Nearshore Zone of the Nile Delta Coast, Egypt

Summer, 1993


Evaluation of Sediment Transport along the Nile Delta Coast, Egypt



Dataset of elemental compositions and pollution indices of soil and sediments: Nile River and delta -Egypt.

23 Dec 2019


Levels of pesticide residues in water, sediment, and fish samples collected from Nile River in Cairo, Egypt



Physico-Chemical Evaluations And Trace Metals Distribution in Water-Surficial Sediment of Ismailia Canal, Egypt



Persistent Organochlorine Pollutants and Metals Residues in Sediment and Freshwater Fish Species Cultured in a Shallow Lagoon, Egypt



Risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in water, sediment and plants in the Nile River in the Cairo region, Egypt

06 Mar 2020


Comparative  study  on  some heavy  metals  in  water,  sediments and  fish along the Suez Canal, Egypt



Assessment of heavy metal pollution in soil and bottom sediment of Upper Egypt: comparison study

December 2019


Modeling the Impact of controlled flow and sediment releases for the restoration of the Nile River-Delta system, Egypt

December 2016


Sinking sediment in deltas is as important as swelling seas



Deposition in a changing paleogulf: evidence from the Pliocene–Quaternary sedimentary succession of the Nile Delta, Egypt



Assessment the Leachable Heavy Metals and Ecological Risk in the Surface Sediments inside the Red Sea Ports of Egypt



What is Egypt made of? (Egypt is fairly representative of the composition of an “average” continent.)


Soil characterization and heavy metal pollution assessment in Orabi farms, El Obour, Egypt

15 March 2019


Assessment of heavy metal pollution in soil and bottom sediment of Upper Egypt: comparison study

09 December 2019


Metal Pollution assessment in the surface sediment of Lake Nasser, Egypt


Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)

July 2020


Metals in agricultural soils and plants in Egypt

23 Sep 2014


Assessing Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils of Damietta Governorate, Egypt



Arab Republic of Egypt - Cost of Environmental Degradation : Air and Water Pollution


Heavy metals hazard in Rosetta Branch sediments, Egypt



The distribution, contamination and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and shellfish from the Red Sea coast, Egypt.

29 Sep 2016


Microbiological Quality of Bivalves and Their Water Beds Along the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt



There is widespread concern about the safety of shellfish, which are harvested from quite shallow locations along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Investigation of some microbiological properties of the collected bivalves and their water beds, and surface and bottom areas, were done during four seasonal sampling cruises from March, 2016 to February, 2017 at eleven stations. All samples were analyzed for the total plate count, fecal pollution indicators, bacteria (total coliforms, E.coli, and fecal streptococci), and the prevalence of three emerging food-borne pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter, and E.coli 0157:H7. In addition, some environmental parameters of the coastal water samples, including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH were also measured. Sampling techniques were done according to IOS standers, and the membrane filtration technique was applied using the total plate count agar and the respective selective media. Identification using the biochemical tests was done and the final counts were calculated as cfu/100ml/gm water/meat. Fecal pollution bacterial counts ranged from <1 to 104 of all the detected microorganisms, depending on the investigated area and dates of sampling. The incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in the examined water samples varied widely from 0 to 15%. Campylobacter was found in percentages of 2 to 20%. E.coli 0157:H7 was detected in 3 to 25% of the investigated locations. There was an association between the fecal contamination indicators and the presence of the studied pathogens. The same trend was observed in the oyster meat samples. These results may help to develop sanitary strategy/strategies for better Mollusca shellfish safety.







HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR THE SACRED LAKE POLLUTION  AT ELKARNAK TEMPLE, EGYPT,%20Shoubra/Civil%20Engineering/3672/publications/Gamal%20Helmy%20Mohamed%20Elsaeed_Microsoft%20Word%20-%20Hydraulic%20Study%20For%20The%20Sacred%20Lake%20Pollution%20At%20ElKarnak%20Temple,%20Egypt.pdf


Study of Water Pollutants in El-Mahmoudia Agricultural Irrigation Stream at El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt

15 March 2019


Quality Assessment of River Nile Sediment Between Qena and Sohag Cities, Egypt

June 2019


Temporal and spatial evaluation of the River Nile water quality between Qena and Sohag Cities, Egypt



Hydrogeochemical processes and evaluation of groundwater aquifer at Sohag city, Egypt

November 2019


Assessment of industrial contamination of agricultural soil adjacent to Sadat City, Egypt

07 Jul 2016


Integrated electrical tomography and hydro-chemical analysis for environmental assessment of El-Dair waste disposal site, west of Sohag city, Egypt

16 June 2015


Sohag authorities announce state of emergency over burning waste pollution

October 24, 2018


River Nile Pollutants and Their Effect on Life Forms and Water Quality

January 2009


Environmental pollution in the River Nile, Egypt: Overview

April 25-26, 2016


Looming crisis of the much decreased fresh-water supply to Egypt's Nile delta

March 13, 2017


Identification of Marine Microplastics in Eastern Harbor, Mediterranean Coast of Egypt, Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry



Mediterranean could become a 'sea of plastic', says WWF



The Mediterranean at risk of becoming ‘a sea of plastic’, WWF warns

Today, plastic represents 95 percent of the waste floating in the Mediterranean and lying on its beaches.


This is how much plastic is thrown into the Mediterranean Sea every second



The Land-Based Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea: Present State  and Prospects


'World's most important underwater archaeological site' under threat from pollution

20 February 2018

The world's other great underwater site, the sunken Egyptian city of Alexandria, is also threatened by pollution.


The secrets of a lost Egyptian city were underwater

May 07, 2016


Asbestos Use in Egypt: a Growing Threat to Public Health?

March 6, 2019


Asbestos, despite the ban, is killing people more than ever

September 26, 2011

Egypt's asbestos factories were officially closed down in 2005, and yet the impact of this extremely dangerous material is being felt more vividly than ever today, because of the long timespan between the actual exposure to deadly asbestos fibers and the onset of asbestos-related cancers.

Studies conducted by both the National Cancer Institute and Abbasseya Hospital have revealed a rise of asbestos-related cancer patients in the past few years, a number that is expected to grow in the coming years.


Epidemiology of mesothelioma in Egypt. A ten-year (1998-2007) multicentre study



Residents Near Asbestos Plant at 26 Times Greater Risk of Mesothelioma, Study Says

November 18, 2009


Garcia: SWMCOL slow to address asbestos problem near school

11 May 2018

Education Minister Anthony Garcia is blaming the Trinidad and Tobago Solid Waste Management Company (SWMCOL) for the Ministry’s slow response to treating with asbestos particles causing illness to students at the Egypt Government Primary School.


Blood superoxide dismutase and plasma malondialdehyde among workers exposed to asbestos



Assessment of Asbestos in Drinking Water in Alexandria, Egypt



Egypt's Asbestos Legacy

The tragic legacy of asbestos use in Egypt continues to haunt ex-workers and residents of communities located near redundant asbestos factories.1 Prior to the adoption of a national asbestos ban in 2005, asbestos processing facilities such as those belonging to the ORA-Egypt cement factory in the Tenth of Ramadan City liberated asbestos fibers not only as a result of commercial operations but also through the haphazard and unregulated dumping of contaminated waste. As a result of this pollution, the incidence of mesothelioma, an aggressive type of asbestos cancer, has skyrocketed in Egypt from 159 cases during 1984-1999 to 733 cases during 2000-2005.2
Unfortunately, recent air pollution tests conducted by the (Egyptian) National Research Center confirm the continued presence of asbestos in air samples taken near the site of former plants such as those owned by ORA-Egypt and the Sigwart Cement Company, believed to have been Egypt's biggest producer of asbestos cement. Some of the findings are very disturbing:
  • Within a 7 kilometer radius of the Sigwart-El Maasara site, asbestos fiber counts of up to 3.02 f/cc were recorded in 2005; samples with the highest readings were collected in an area near a site where factory waste was disposed;
  • In a residential area within 2.5 kilometers of the Sigwart Shoubra El-Kheima plant, airborne asbestos fiber counts of up to 2.6 f/cc were found in 2007 with readings decreasing the further downwind from the factory they were taken. Residents living 100 meters from the factory were at much higher risk than people living further away.
  • In areas near the ORA-Egypt plant in the Tenth of Ramadan City, the mean counts of asbestos fibers ranged from 0.024 to 0.1389 f/cc; the highest readings were found south of the factory, where the prevailing wind would have blown the fibers.
Throughout most of his life, 47-year old Mohamed Abdel Fatah lived less than a kilometer away from the asbestos-cement factory owned by the Sigwart Company at the El Maasara site. It is believed that environmental asbestos pollution from this facility is responsible for the asbestos cancer deaths of his two brothers, his sister and his mother. Relating his experience, Mohamed said:
“When I was a child, I often played with some other kids from the neighborhood on the heaps of rubble discharged by Sigwart trucks in the streets. We had no idea this was dangerous, and the cement company did not bother disposing of its waste further away from the community and its residents… I was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer seven months ago… Everyone dies; this is natural. What drives me crazy is that I am going to die because of a cement factory's carelessness.”
Despite the Egyptian law which bans asbestos, it is believed that some usage persists due to legislative loopholes and poor enforcement of customs regulations which allow shipments of asbestos fiber and asbestos-containing products to enter the country.


    Titan Cement lawsuit (re air pollution, Egypt)

In 2016, residents of the Wadi al-Qamar area in Egypt filed a lawsuit in Egpytian court challenging the use of coal by Alexandria Portland Cement Company. The plaintiffs' homes are within ten metres of the company's production facilities and have suffered health impacts; they request the court to annul the decision to allow use of coal in residential areas. The Court found the company responsible for causing environmental pollution and health damage among the residents.


Alternative Fuels For egypt’s cement industry


Ancient History of Asbestos

August 18, 2016

Asbestos in the Ancient World

Asbestos occurs naturally in large deposits on every continent in the world. Archeologists uncovered asbestos fibers in debris dating back to the Stone Age, approximately 750,000 years ago. Paintings of slaves in mines and mines found in Finland, Sweden, Greece, and Cypress are dated back to 5000 BC. It is believed that as early as 4000 BC, asbestos’ long hair-like fibers were used for wicks in lamps and candles.

Between 2000-3000 BC, embalmed bodies of Egyptian pharaohs were wrapped in asbestos cloth to protect the bodies from deterioration. In Finland, clay pots dating back to 2500 BC contained asbestos fibers, which are believed to strengthen the pots and make them resistant to fire. Around 456 BC, Herodotus, the classical Greek historian, referred to the use of asbestos shrouds wrapped around the dead before their bodies were tossed onto the funeral pyre to prevent their ashes from being mixed with those of the fire itself.

Some scholars claim the word asbestos comes from the ancient Greek term, meaning inextinguishable, a characterization of the material’s invincibility from the intense heat of the fire pits used by the Greeks for cooking and warmth.

Others believe that the word’s origin can be traced back to a Latin idiom, meaning unsoiled, or unpolluted, since the ancient Romans were said to have woven asbestos fibers into a cloth-like material that was then sewn into table cloths and napkins. These cloths were cleaned by throwing them into a fire, from which they came out unharmed and essentially whiter than when they went in.

While Greeks and Romans exploited the unique properties of asbestos, they also documented its harmful effects on those who mined the silken material from ancient stone quarries. Greek geographer Strabo noted a “sickness of the lungs” in slaves who wove asbestos into cloth. Roman historian, naturalist and philosopher, Pliny the Elder, wrote of the “disease of slaves,” and actually described the use of a thin membrane from the bladder of a goat or lamb used by the slave miners as an early respirator in an attempt to protect them from inhaling the harmful asbestos fibers as they labored.


Asbestos in the Roman Empire


Malta Imports from Egypt of Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials



Air pollution caused by coal in cement factories in Egypt

May 4, 2014


Coal Ash Contaminates Groundwater at 91% of U.S. Coal Plants, Tests Show

Mar 4, 2019

An analysis of water monitoring reports found unsafe levels of toxic substances near hundreds of coal ash sites, many of them in the Midwest and Southeast.


Egypt to build world’s biggest clean-coal plant

27 September 2018


Egypt's cabinet approves use of coal for power generation

April 2, 2014


Mapping the Coal Ash Contamination

Nov. 6, 2019


Campaign Against Coal, Egypt


In the wake of the 2011 revolution, electricity shortages prompted President Morsi to overturn a ban on coal imports in July 2013, prompting the ire of environmentalists and health professionals.


Egypt: Living Under a Grey Sky

January 17, 2013


A black cloud over Cairo

Worst pollution on the planet

In 2007 the World Bank ranked Cairo’s air worst in the world for pollution by particulates, the tiny fragments of soot or dust that are most damaging to human lungs. High emissions contribute to the problem, but Cairo’s topography and climate make the pollution even worse. The city lies in a valley surrounded by hills, which hold the poisoned air like water in a bowl. In the fall, frequent temperature inversions settle over Cairo—a weather phenomenon that occurs when a warmer, lighter air mass moves over a colder, denser air mass, trapping a layer of air close to the ground. The inversions still the winds, creating a stagnant soup of unmoving air. Meanwhile, an extremely dry climate means that cleansing rainstorms rarely appear.

But the black cloud is different from the pollution that plagues the city every day. It appears only once a year, in September or October. And it is much more intense than the regular pollution, darkening the sky into a foreboding smog. The black cloud brings pollution levels up to ten times the limits set by the World Health Organization, and can persist for days or weeks at a time. It sends people to the hospital with exacerbated lung infections and asthma attacks at unusually high rates, and contributes to cancer and other long-term health problems.

Before Marey started her research, the source of the pollution cloud was a mystery. People in the city blamed farmers’ fires, while many farmers, who live a hundred miles outside Cairo, argued that their smoke could not feasibly travel all the way to Cairo, and that the cause must instead be the cars and factories in the city itself. In 2004, authorities banned rice husk burning and introduced other pollution-reducing measures, but the annual cloud continued.

Marey wanted to look at the problem from a different perspective. Even though people had guesses about the reasons for the black clouds, the ground data available in Egypt only gave people the same information that they could already see with their own eyes: air pollution got much worse during the black cloud events.

Marey had received a research fellowship to study abroad as part of her PhD work, and decided to use it to learn more about the black cloud. She contacted John Gille at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Colorado and proposed that they work together. “NCAR is the best place in the world for atmospheric remote sensing science,” Marey said. “It was a wonderful opportunity to work there.”

When she arrived in Colorado, Gille helped Marey learn more about remote sensing and explore the available data. Then she moved on to put the pieces together for her study. Gille said, “She was very enterprising. She talked to a lot of people, asked a lot of questions, and found the data sets she needed to answer her questions.”


Air pollution: New attempts to tackle Cairo’s black cloud

7 March 2017


Analyzing Black Cloud Dynamics over Cairo, Nile Delta Region and Alexandria using Aerosols and Water Vapor Data



Long-range transport of mineral dust in the global atmosphere: Impact of African dust on the environment of the southeastern United States



Saharan Dust From Africa Reaches South Texas

July 25 2017

Weird Texas Haze Is from Africa


Atmospheric Movement of Microorganisms in Clouds of Desert Dust and Implications for Human Health


Billions of tons of desert dust move through the atmosphere each year. The primary source regions, which include the Sahara and Sahel regions of North Africa and the Gobi and Takla Makan regions of Asia, are capable of dispersing significant quantities of desert dust across the traditionally viewed oceanic barriers. While a considerable amount of research by scientists has addressed atmospheric pathways and aerosol chemistry, very few studies to determine the numbers and types of microorganisms transported within these desert dust clouds and the roles that they may play in human health have been conducted. This review is a summary of the current state of knowledge of desert dust microbiology and the health impact that desert dust and its microbial constituents may have in downwind environments both close to and far from their sources.


 Characteristics of the simulated pollutants and atmospheric conditions over Egypt

04 Mar 2020


Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Hazardous Heavy Metals: Environmental Persistence, Toxicity, and Bioaccumulation



Lead and Cadmium Toxicity in Tile Manufacturing Workers in Assiut, Egypt



Characterization of Contamination Around the Largest Lead Smelter in Egypt Carried Out Through a Cooperation Program between USA and Egypt



Airborne asbestos fibres and mesothelioma in the last 20 years in Egypt: a review

October 2011


Connecting the dots between plastic, mercury, asbestos and PFAS: A new report confirms PVC’s toxic lifecycle

April 19, 2019


A Portrait of an Egyptian Neighborhood Breathing Toxic Dust

Aug. 7, 2018

A photo essay by Mohamed Mahdy shows what it’s like when your next-door neighbor is a cement factory that belches toxic dust.


Trends in particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) ambient air pollution from 2010 to 2015

An analysis of the PM 2.5 data of all countries between 2010 to 2015  reflects that developing and low-income countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Western Pacific regions have the highest annual mean exposure to PM 2.5.

As seen in graph 1, Saudi Arabia has the highest PM 2.5 mean annual exposure over the past five years with an average of 123.9 microns per cubic meters, followed by Qatar and Egypt and Kiribati has the lowest PM 2.5 concentration with 3.37 microns per cubic meter, followed by American Samoa and Samoa.

Graph 2 and Graph 3 which plot the top most polluted and least polluted countries reflect the geographical discrepancies that exist in ambient air pollution.

Graph 2: Top  polluted countries between 2010 to 2015

Though it is often cloaked in a fetid smog, China didn’t have the most toxic air in the world, at least over the past five years. Nor did India, despite its congested roads and belching power-stations. The top five countries with highest PM2.5 concentration were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Niger and Kuwait.

As you can see in the above map, the top five most polluted countries were located either in the Middle East or North Africa and their average PM2.5 all exceed 90μg/m3, which is nine times higher than the acceptable standard (10μg/m3) and exceed No.12 India and No.19 China, with 68.2μg/m3 and 57.6μg/m3 respectively.

So, what are the factors that cause those Middle East countries had such a high PM2.5?  To begin with, countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are located in an arid region and dust storm takes place frequently. According to the Egyptian Journal of Report Sensing and Space Science air pollution report, 2016, dust storms were one of the main contributors of PM2.5 pollution in Saudi Arabia and other arid regions. The report highlighted that topography, winds, and temperature contribute to the concentration of PM 2.5 ambient air pollution.

As per the report, in addition to dust storms, those countries’ heavy oil combustion, resuspended soil, power generation, industrial emissions, desalination and traffic emissions all attributed to the high PM2.5 concentration.


Risk Factors of Lung Cancer Worldwide and in Egypt: Current Situation


Lung cancer was assumed rare disease; now it’s considereda public health problem [1]. It’s the most common cancerworldwide; there are more than 1.3 million new cases everyyear [1,2]. It’s the first ranked cancer in both sexes and inmales [2,3], and the fourth in females. It constitutes 13.0% ofall cancers in both sexes. Fiftyfive percent of the lung cancercases occur in the developing countries [2].In Egypt, lung cancer is one of the most common cancers,5.0%-7.0% of all cancers [4]. It’s incidence increased during1980-2014 [5], from 11.9 to 63.3/100.000 populations for menand from 3.7 to 13.8/100.000 populations for women [1,6,7].Lung cancer ranks the fifth in males and both sexes, and ninthamong females [3]. Also, lung cancer is a leading cause ofdeath (25.0% of all cancer deaths); ranks first in males andsecond in females [2]. Mortality rate increased from 9.1 to32.4/100.000 populations and from 2.3 to 12.4/100.000populations, between 2010 and 2014, among males andfemales, respectively [1,7]. While, clear reduction regardinglung cancer mortality was reported in developed countries [5].Lung cancer occurs in four major histopathological types;adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), large cellcarcinoma (LCC), and small cell carcinoma [8]. In Egypt, thecommonest types are SCC (31.7%), adenocarcinoma (30.9%),and LCC (26.0%)


Pattern of treatment and clinico-epidemiological analysis of 804 lung and pleura cancer patients treated in radiation oncology department, NCI-Egypt

January 2016


Annual Patterns of Atmospheric Pollutions and Episodes over Cairo Egypt



Cairo is world’s second most polluted city: WHO

May 15, 2018


I visited what's possibly the world's most polluted city, and realized Americans have no idea how good they have it

Dec 29, 2018


Study on particle size distributions of the fallout dust from the atmosphere of Qena, Egypt



Drought increases air pollution through ozone gas

Ozone layer acts as shield to protect living creatures on earth from harmful radiation

 April 17, 2019


 Recent wave of heavy rain in Egypt led to decrease in air pollution: Minister

March 19, 2020


Seasonal and spatial variation of atmospheric particulate matter in a developing megacity, the Greater Cairo, Egypt



Egypt - PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter)


Cairo car drivers exposed to dangerous levels of pollution, new study finds




December 2011


Traffic Related Air Pollution in Residential Environment, Damietta, Egypt



Pollution Effects on Early Childhood Health and Mortality: Evidence from Egypt


Impact of Lead Pollution on the Contamination of Water, Soil and Plants

1 January 1993


Monitoring of Carcinogenic Environmental Pollutants in raw Cows’ Milk



These investigations were conducted to detect the residues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, lead, and cadmium in the raw milk samples of lactating cows grazing around the Sugar Cane Factory. One hundred raw milk samples were collected from apparent healthy lactating cows during the rest and work periods of the Sugar Cane Factory. Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons residue in milk samples was performed using a gas chromatography. Lead and cadmium levels in the milk samples were determined after digestion. Results revealed that benzo(a)anthracene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (carcinogenic), and acenaphthylene and phenanthrene non-carcinogenic were detected only in the raw milk samples during the work period, while fluoranthene and benzo(a)pyrene were detected only during the rest period. However, chrysene and benzo(b) fluoranthene (carcinogenic) were detected in the milk at the rest and work periods of the Sugar Cane Factory. The highest levels of lead and cadmium were detected during the work period compared to the levels of lead and cadmium at rest. In conclusion, benzo(a)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, acenaphthylene, and phenanthrene, lead and cadmium could be detected in cows’ milk which raised around the Sugar Cane Factory. Further investigations of these pollutants must be done in water, plants, air, and soil around this factory.


 The environmental costs of fast fashion

8 January 2018

Water pollution, toxic chemical use and textile waste: fast fashion comes at a huge cost to the environment


Environmental and Occupational Lead Exposure Among Children in Cairo, Egypt







Social Action Against Everyday Pollution in Egypt



The Challenges of Sustainable Industrial Development in Egypt;jsessionid=D6E89386130C6BA84A81B28623CBE18C?doi=


Killer noise and air pollution in Egypt


Lung cancer looms over Helwan residents amid increased factory pollution: Maat

July 25, 2016


Groundwater hydrogeology and quality in Helwan area and its vicinities in Egypt



Damage to Plants Due to Industrial Pollution and Their Use as Bioindicators in Egypt



Effects of industrial air pollution on growth parameters of clover and Egyptian mallow were examined at three locations in the industrial area of Shoubra Elkheima, north of Cairo. Symptoms of plant damage appeared in the form of chlorosis and necrotic patterns. The decrease in chlorophyll reached more than 60% in plants cultivated in the industrial region. Plant growth and dry weights were reduced by more than 50%. The reduction in chlorophyll and growth parameters was correlated with the concentrations of air pollutants measured in the atmosphere of the locations examined. Moreover, clover and Egyptian mallow plants cultivated in the region of Shoubra Elkheima accumulated lead and cadmium, which can pass into the human food chain. It is concluded that these plants can be used as biomonitors for industrial air pollution.


Assessment of particulate matter and lead levels in the Greater Cairo area for the period 1998–2007

January 2010


[Brief History of Lead Poisoning: From Egyptian Civilization to the Renaissance]



Early mining and smelting lead anomalies in geological archives as potential stratigraphic markers for the base of an early Anthropocene

February 7, 2018


Effect of Air Pollution on Archaeological Buildings in Cairo

August 2011


Sustainable solutions towards heritage preservation in the Asyut region (Middle Egypt)


Egyptian Mummies Hold Clues of Ancient Air Pollution

June 03, 2011


Lead pollution in ancient ice cores may track the rise and fall of medieval kings

Mar. 30, 2020


92 Percent Of The World's Population Breathes Substandard Air, WHO Says

September 27, 2016


Environment Min. aims to reduce air pollution by end of 2030

7 January 2020


Egyptian pollution plan signals the last straw cloud

October 30, 2018





Environment Ministry denies Cairo is ‘#1 in pollution’

September 3, 2018


A hidden threat to food production: Air pollution and agriculture in the developing world


Air Pollution and its Impact on the Elements of Soil and Plants in Helwan Area



Air Quality Assessment of West Port-Said Industrial Region, Egypt

December 2013



April 2001


Suspended Particulates Concentration (PM10) under Unstable Atmospheric Conditions over Subtropical Urban Area (Qena, Egypt)



 Cairo’s bad breath

19 Dec 2017


Egypt to Stop Burning Rice Straw for Better Air Quality

September 8, 2019


Heavy metals assessment in Egyptian smokers with lung cancer



Egypt - High levels of pollution

Jul 21, 2015


Total and Extractable Heavy Metals in Indoor, Outdoor and Street Dust from Aswan City, Egypt



Human rights and the protection of workers from exposure to toxic substances


 Military-owned factories threaten farmers’ livelihoods in Fayoum

December 21, 2011


Half of industrial city factories pollute air: Environment Ministry

December 31, 2018


Egyptian petrochemicals company (EPC) – Chlorine plant


How the race for cobalt risks turning it from miracle metal to deadly chemical

Dec 2019

As a case in the US alleges links between tech companies and child miners in Congo, the Guardian’s global environment editor assesses the dangers of element in high demand for batteries


Ancient exploitation and use of cobalt alums from the Western Oases of Egypt

January 2006


In search of key blue ingredient in ancient Egyptian pottery

March 19, 2010

Smith brought the samples she collected back to Washington University where she ran them through a variety of sophisticated analytical instruments. "When we characterize a natural mineral," she says, "we want to know two things: its chemical composition and then how the elements that make it up are arranged, or its crystal structure."

In the case of the Dakhleh alum, the crystal structure was of little use because it would have been destroyed in preparing the paint. Only the composition could connect the alum to the pottery.

Smith's results showed that the alum did contain cobalt, although they weren't particularly rich in this element. The cobalt, however, was accompanied by trace amounts of manganese, nickel and zinc, the same mixture of elements found in the blue paint.

Surprised by the low concentration of cobalt, Smith wondered if the ancient artisans hadn't found a way to concentrate it on site. One sample she collected, a crust at the edge of a partially flooded mine shaft, had a higher cobalt content than the others. Because sulphate dissolves easily and the mines were much more likely to have been flooded in the past, she wondered whether the cobalt was mined not by chipping it out of the rock but instead by ladling water out of the mines and collecting the sediment left over when the water evaporated.


Remediation of cobalt-polluted soil after application of selected substances and using oat (Avena sativa L.)

17 April 2019


Efficient Removal of Cobalt(II) and Strontium(II) Metals from Water using Ethylene Diamine Tetra‐acetic Acid Functionalized Graphene Oxide

07 October 2017


The environmental impact of gold mines: pollution by heavy metals

11 Apr 2012


A new classification of the gold deposits of Egypt



Egyptian authorities mulls ways to curb use of toxicants in gold exploration

June 24, 2019

Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency Mohamed Salah held a meeting with the Governor of the Red Sea, Ahmed Abdellah, to discuss ways to curb the use of toxic and polluting substances in the exploration of gold in the reserve of Jabal Elba national park and some areas of the Eastern Desert.


Copper: An Ancient Metal

Innovative Egyptians

The Sumerians and the Chaldeans living in ancient Mesopotamia are believed to be the first people to make wide use of copper, and their copper crafting knowledge was introduced to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians mined copper from Sinai and used it to make agricultural tools such as hoes and sickles, as well as cookware, dishes, and artisans’ tools such as saws, chisels, and knives. The Egyptians, famously fond of personal beautification, made mirrors and razors out of copper and produced green and blue makeup from malachite and azurite, two copper compounds with brilliant green and blue colors.

By comparing the purity of copper artifacts from both Mesopotamia and Egypt, scientists have determined that the Egyptians improved upon the smelting methods of their northern neighbors in Mesopotamia. Most copper items in Egypt were produced by casting molten copper in molds. The Egyptians appear to have been one of several groups that independently developed the “lost-wax” method of casting, which is still used today. (Put simply, wax is formed into the shape of the end product, then covered in clay. The wax is melted out leaving a clay mold, which is then filled with molten copper. The mold is broken off when the metal is cool.)


Ink from ancient Egyptian papyri contains copper

November 10, 2017


    Until recently, it was assumed that the ink used for writing was primarily carbon-based at least until the fourth and fifth centuries AD. But in a new study, analyses of 2,000-year-old papyri fragments with X-ray microscopy show that black ink used by Egyptian scribes also contained copper -- an element previously not identified in ancient ink.


Congo, My Precious. The Curse of the coltan mines in Congo

Jul 5, 2017


 Coltan mining and ethics


Monitoring of Contaminated Toxic and Heavy Metals, From Mine Tailings Through Age Accumulation, in Soil and Some Wild Plants at Southeast Egypt



This study includes tailing from gold mine, at Allaqi Wadi Aswan, Egypt, used by incident Egyptian and after by some English companies. Tailings, soils and wild plants (Acia Raddiena and Aerva Javanica) were sampled and analysed for toxic metals (Hg, Cd, Pb and As) and associated heavy metals (Cr, Ag, Ni, Au, Mo, Zn, Mn and Cu) using ICP-MS, ICP-AES, CVAAS and FAAS techniques. The present work concerns the distribution and mobility of these metals from tailing to the surrounding soils and wild flora. The results reveal that Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Ag, Au, Mn, Hg, As, Ag, Au and Pb in soil decreased as faraway from the tailing, after then irregular trends as a result of input from surrounding rocks. Acia Raddiena plant accumulated As, Cd and Pb in higher levels than Aerva Javanica. Quantification of soil and plant pollution was studied using enrichment factors, contamination factor, pollution index and bioaccumulation factors and show good interpretations of the results. The overall results of this study show that the soil and plants near the gold mine tailing were highly toxic, and the plants and soil must not be uses for grazing or agriculture.



Section 6: Soil Pollution, Soil Salinity & The Nile



Air and Water Pollution Threatens Egypt's Environment

Mar 5, 2015


World Business: Egypt Water Problems -- 22/04/2011

May 3, 2011


Rising seas threaten Egypt’s fabled port city of Alexandria

August 30, 2019


Nile Delta: 'We are going underwater. The sea will conquer our lands'

Aug 2009

The Nile Delta is under threat from rising sea levels. Without the food it produces, Egypt faces catastrophe


Nile pollution and victims in Egypt by Hamada El Rasam

Sep 21, 2013


Pollution poisoning the Egyptian Nile

Apr 9, 2013


The Nile Series: Pollution in the Nile

May 4, 2015


How Does the Nile’s Pollution Affect Its Ecosystem and Us?

December 17, 2018


Egypt’s Nile-borne health crisis

16 October 2015

Clean water is not on the agenda in Egypt, but given the scale of health problems among Egyptians living near the Nile, perhaps it should be


(Poor garbage collection services have resulted in rampant pollution along the side of the River Nile).


 Polychlorinated Biphenyls Water Pollution along the River Nile, Egypt



The Vanishing Nile: A Great River Faces a Multitude of Threats

April 6, 2017

The Nile River is under assault on two fronts – a massive dam under construction upstream in Ethiopia and rising sea levels leading to saltwater intrusion downstream. These dual threats now jeopardize the future of a river that is the lifeblood for millions.


More salt water in Egypt's Nile Delta putting millions at grave risk, study says


Scientists say the deepening crisis may make parts of Africa and the Middle East uninhabitable in the next few decades.

March 13 (UPI) -- Increased human activity over the last few decades has slowly created a fresh water crisis that now looms for nearly 100 million people in Egypt, a scenario that scientists say could ultimately make the entire region uninhabitable by the end of this century.

Most of Egypt's 90 million people live near the Lower Nile Valley and Delta because its nutrient-rich soil has for decades provided most of the country's limited agricultural means for food production and fresh water supply. However, the reliability of that soil to sustain life is fading, according to the results of a new, multi-year study.

According to the research, the basin's fertile soils are becoming less capable of producing food and fresh water because of growing salinity in the delta plain, which lies only 1 meter above sea level. The northern third of the Nile Delta is lowering between 4mm and 8 mm every year while the sea level is rising annually at a rate of about 3 mm, researchers say.

The end result of the opposing levels is the submerging of about 1 cm of delta terrain per year, the study said. At those rates, between 12 and 24 miles of presently dry delta surface will be under water by the year 2100.


Addressing the Water Issues in Egypt


Soil Salinity Processes Under Drainwater Reuse inthe Nile Delta, Egypt

March 1996


Assessment of soil salinity in the Eastern Nile Delta (Egypt) using geoinformation techniques

06 April 2011


Response of crops to salinity under Egyptian conditions: a review





Peak salt: is the desalination dream over for the Gulf states?


The Middle East is home to 70% of the world’s desalination plants, but the more water they process, the less economically viable they become


Long-term changes of physicochemical parameters and benthos in Lake Qarun (Egypt): Can we make a correct forecast of ecosystem future?



Recent Environmental Changes in Water and Sediment Quality of Lake Qarun, Egypt


Pollution  Monitoring  for  Lake  Qarun



Water quality assessment of Qarun Lake and heavy metals decontamination from its drains using nanocomposites



EGYPT: 4 companies vying for sanitation project around Lake Qaroun

September 5 2019


Benthic foraminiferal assemblages as bio-indicators of metals contamination in sediments, Qarun Lake as a case study, Egypt

March 2018





Ecotoxicological Studies. 6. The first comparative study between Lake Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan wetland (Egypt), with respect to contamination of their major components

August 2003


Heavy metals fractionation and risk assessment in surface sediments of Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan Lakes, Egypt Amaal Mansour Abdel-Satar & Mohamed E. Goher



Assessment of metal pollution impacts on Tilapia zillii and Mugil cephalus inhabiting Qaroun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes, Egypt, using integrated biomarkers.



Vegetation-Soil Relationships in Wadi El-Rayan Protected Area, Western Desert, Egypt



Correlation Between Algal Taxa and Physico-chemical Characters of the Protected Area of Wadi El-Rayan, Egypt



Monitoring of pollution in Wadi El-Rayan lakes and its impact on fish



Determination of Some Contaminants in Silver Carp and Catfish Flesh from Wadi El-Rayan Lake and the Effect of Traditional Cooking Methods on Their Concentrations



In this study, thedetermination of some heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides residues (OCRs) concentrations and microbiological aspects were carried out of two fish species flesh; silver carp(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) and catfish (Clariasgariepinus) from Wadi-El Rayan 1stLakein El-Fayoum Governorate, Egyptduring February, 2017. Also, the effect of traditional cooking methods (boiling,fryingand grilling)on these parameters levels wereevaluated. According to the results, the determined heavy metals (lead, cadmium, manganese, copper and zinc) and detected organochlorine pesticide residues (p,p’-DDD, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDT, endosulfan-I, endosulfan-II, endosulfan-sulfate, heptachlore, endrin, endrin aldehyde, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH and δ-HCH) concentrations and total bacterial count (TBC) in raw flesh of two fish species were lower than the permissible limits set by International and Egyptian Standard Specifications and Legislations of food. By cooking methods;the thermal processes led to the decrease or increase of investigated heavy metals, boiling was the highest cooking methodfollowed by grilling in thereductionof heavy metals (reduced all heavy metals) but, frying was increased most heavy metals concentrations.OCPs;most detected pesticide residues in raw flesh of two fish species were decreased, boiling was the highest in reduce OCRs concentrations followed by frying and grilling. Microbiologically;TBC was sharply reduced in all cooked fish samples,fryingwas the highest cooking method inreduction TBC followed by grilling and boiling.Also, neither salmonella sp.nor yeast and mould were detected in raw and cooked bothsilver carp and catfish flesh.Therefore, the fishes in Wadi-El Rayan 1stLake especially investigated silver carp and catfish were considered very safe and validating for human consumption and traditional cooking methods (boiling, grilling and frying) were found appropriate for reducing the dangerous effect of heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides residues and bacterial counts.


Water quality status and pollution indices of Wadi El-Rayan


Hydrogeochemical evolution of inland lakes’ water: A study of major element geochemistry in the Wadi El Raiyan depression, Egypt





Assessment of Water Quality and Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments, and Some Organs  of  African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in El-Serw drain, Nile Delta, Egypt



Tourism development versus nature conservation in Wadi El Gemal Protected Area along the Red Sea, Egypt


A diver pushes through plastic pollution in Egypt


This photograph presents a moment of silence, as our group soberly returned to shore in Wadi el Gamal National park. Plastic pollution is an issue that is completely altering our marine ecosystems - and the importance of our actions, as well as a rapidity in realising their consequences, cannot be stressed enough.


Management Plan for Wadi El-Gemal–Hamata

May 2003


Researchers report new desalination technique for hypersaline brines

9 May 2019


Soil salinity

Soil salinity is the salt content in the soil; the process of increasing the salt content is known as salinization. Salts occur naturally within soils and water. Salination can be caused by natural processes such as mineral weathering or by the gradual withdrawal of an ocean. It can also come about through artificial processes such as irrigation and road salt.


Land and water resources information system in Egypt


Egypt covers an area of slightly over one million square km. Ninety-nine percent of the population (65 million) lives in a small band alongside the Nile river in the Nile valley, in the Nile delta and in coastal areas on about 4 percent of the land.

Agriculture is a key sector in the Egyptian economy. It contributes about 40 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 22 percent to commodity exports, and 50 percent of overall employment. Thirty-four million people, about 54 percent of Egypt's population, lives in rural areas.

The arid climate of Egypt characterized by high evaporation rates (1500-2400 mm/year), and very low rainfall (5-200 mm/year) leaves the River Nile as the main freshwater supply. However, the favorable climate of Egypt around the year is ideal for a wide variety of crops. This made it possible to adopt an intensive cropping system and thus permitted the production of more than one crop per year in most of the cultivated area. The crop acreage is much greater than the actual cultivated area, making a total of about 6.5 million ha. Soils in the Nile valley and the Delta are Vertisols, characterized by strong expansion by wetting and shrinking by drying.

At present only 5.4 percent of the land resources in Egypt is of excellent quality, while about 42 percent is of poor quality mainly due to development of salinity and sodicity problems, which hinder realization of the beneficial effects of any agricultural inputs.

Irrigation has been practised throughout the Nile valley since the earliest times. After the construction of the Aswan High Dam, this land was converted to perennial irrigation. Before completion of the dam, the cultivated area was about 2.8 million ha. After completion, including the horizontal expansion, the total irrigated area has risen to about 4.1 million ha.


Water Scarcity and Poor Water Management Makes Life Difficult for Egyptians

Sep 27 2018


The Soils of Egypt





Evaluation of Heavy Metals Pollution by Using Pollution Indices in the Soil of Assiut District, Egypt



Geochemical characteristics of agricultural soils, Assiut governorate, Egypt

12 March 2019





Sequential Extraction of Some Heavy Metals in Southwest Giza Soil, Egypt

July 2018


Multivariate statistics and contamination factor to identify trace elements pollution in soil around Gerga City, Egypt



Evaluation of Heavy Metals Pollution by Using Pollution Indices in the Soil of Assiut District, Egypt



Geochemical characteristics of agricultural soils, Assiut governorate, Egypt

March 2019


Soil Pollution

A Hidden Reality



Bioaugmentation failed to enhance oil bioremediation in three soil samples from three different continents

20 December 2019


Soil samples from Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt and Germany were polluted with 3% crude oil. Series of samples were left unbioaugmented, others were bioaugmented with Kuwaiti desert soil with a long history of oil pollution and still others with Kuwaiti marine biofouling material. In the samples from Kuwait, Egypt, and Germany, bioaugmentation did not enhance oil removal, whereas it did in the sample from Lebanon. Taxa from the desert-soil bioaugmented batches, but none of those from the biofouling-material bioaugmented ones, succeeded in colonizing the four studied soils. The dynamics of the hydrocarbonoclastic communities during bioremediation were monitored. Those communities differed in composition, not only according to the type of soil, but also for the same soil; at various phases of bioremediation. Although each soil seemed to have its characteristic microflora, they all were similar in harboring lower and higher actinomycetes and pseudomonads in addition to many other taxa. None of the taxa prevailed through all phases of bioremediation. The most powerful isolate in oil-removal; was Rhodococcus erythropolis (Germany), and the weakest was Arthrobacter phenanthrenivorans (Lebanon). The pure hydrocarbonoclastic isolates tolerated unusually high oil concentrations, up to 30%.


Heavy metals uptake and translocation by lettuce and spinach grown on a metal-contaminated soil



Nowadays, using sewage wastewaters in the irrigated agriculture is commune creating hazardous environment impacts. Assessment of these negative effects is vital issue to prevent heavy metals to be introduced in the food chain. Field and laboratory studies were conducted at Arab-El-Madabegh village, Assiut Governorate, Egypt, in order to evaluate the heavy metals concentrations in the edible parts of lettuce and spinach plants which irrigated with sewage water (SW). The obtained results indicated that, the soils of the studied site were contaminated by heavy metals. Zinc, Cu, Pb, Cd and Ni concentrations in the edible portions of the studied vegetables plants ranged between 75- 110, 15 - 17, 2 - 5, 1.0 -3.5 and 1.0 -2.5 mg kg−1, respectively. The obtained results showed that the concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cd and Ni in the edible parts of the studied plants were higher than the permissible limit levels but those of Cu were within the safe limit levels. It is worthy to mention that the irrigated edible vegetable crops with SW should be avoided. This study highlights the potential hazard for human health due to the uptake of high concentrations of heavy metals especially Zn, Ni, Cd and Pb by the studied vegetable crops.


Negative Impacts of Improper Long-Term Irrigation Using Treated Wastewater on Soil and Vegetation Performance: Case Study in Bahr El-Baqar Drain, Egypt

March 22, 2020


Irrigation using treated wastewater (TWW) could provoke land degradation and heavy metals’ accumulation. The current study selected two irrigated areas with treated wastewater along Bahr El-Baqar drain in Egypt. The first area (zone A) has been receiving treated wastewater for a period between 10 - 15 years. The second area (zone B) has been receiving treated wastewater for more than 20 years. Vegetation behavior was monitored using Enhanced Vegetation Index. TWW was of grade “C” according to the Egyptian Code (ECP 501-2015). Zone B suffered from significant loss in fertility and noticeable decrease in vegetation compared to zone A. Crops in zone B had lower heavy metal contents in shoots and roots compared to those of zone A probably due to soil alkalinity. Nevertheless, heavy metal concentrations in rice grains were higher in zone B than in zone A reflecting potential hazard on human health. In conclusion, irrigation using low-quality water negatively affected vegetation performance, soil quality and threaten human health. Alfalfa and sugar beet do not tend to uptake heavy metals from contaminated soils. Rice is not recommended for cultivation in heavy metals contaminated soils.


World Business: Egypt Water Problems -- 22/04/2011

May 3, 2011

The Population in Egypt has quadruipled in the past 50 years






Section 8: Ocean Acidification






Exposure of Mediterranean Countries to Ocean Acidification


The precipitation of fluoride, calcium and magnesium minerals from Egyptian Mediterranean Sea coast in relation to discharged waters



Heavy metals contamination of a Mediterranean Coastal Ecosystem, Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt



Heavy Metals Pollution and Trend in the River Nile System

June 2016




 This work focuses on four marine sites in the Mediterranean Sea around the Nile Delta, Egypt. Surface water samples were collected seasonally during 2003. The concentrations of some heavy metals in dissolved form (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb) are evaluated. The levels of heavy metals in the coastal waters were l 1.92-30.45μgr1 for Fe; 5.79-17.36μgr1 for Zn; 0.30-0.83μgr1 for Cu; 0.51-2.90μgr1 for Ni and 0.53-10.31μgr1 for Pb. These are compared, with sites in the estuaries and outlets of the Nile Delta. Fe (19.72-60.33μgr1); Mn (12.63-35.60μgr1); Zn (2.67-22.00); Cu (0.56-1.67μgr1); Ni (1.43-3.73μgr1); Pb (1.72-59.7μgr1). The results showed a remarkable decrease in the concentrations of different heavy metals with increased salinity. Comparing the present data with the minimal risk concentration reported by WQC, the distribution of heavy metals was significantly lower in coastal sea water of the Mediterranean Sea off Egypt. The study indicated also that the average contents of Ni and Pb are slightly high in the area of water exchange than those reported by WQC.


Heavy Metals in Some Fish Species and Bivalves from the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt



Biota samples were collected seasonally during three consecutive years from the Egyptian costal region along the Mediterranean Sea for analysis of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg. In addition to bivalve Donax, seven commercially important species of fish were examined to provide a comprehensive assessment for the concentrations of these metals in the Mediterranean coastal region of Egypt. Despite of the presence of several land-based sources of contamination, particularly at El-Mex Bay and El-Maadiya, the results showed very weak increase in the concentration of copper, lead and mercury revealing no accumulation of these metals in the biological material, even in non-migrant bivalve species such as Donax. However, an increase in the concentration of zinc and cadmium in fish tissues was measured from 1993 to 1995. Regardless of the fish species, no significant differences were observed in concentrations of most metals between different locations and from season to season. Regarding concentrations of most metals, no interspecies differences could be also measured in either fish tissues or in bivalve Donax. The study indicated that the concentration of these heavy metals were well below the documented toxic levels for human consumption and represent baseline levels against which possible future heavy-metal contamination can be measured.


Trypanorhynch Cestodes Infecting Mediterranean Sea Fishes, Egypt: Callitetrarhynchus gracilis Larvae (Pintner, 1931) as a Bio-indicator of Heavy Metals Pollution



Environmental Pollution by Heavy Metals in the Aquatic Ecosystems of Egypt

April 2018


Indices of water quality and metal pollution of Nile River, Egypt

March 2017


Egypt Ranks as the 7th Biggest Polluter of the World’s Seas and Oceans



Lack of proper waste management in Egypt causes accumulation of marine plastic litter

May 22, 2019

No attempts have been exerted toward identifying or assessing marine plastic litter in Egypt.


 “Microplastic pollution is characterised by plastic fragments and particles less than a couple of mms in size. Due to their size, they are easy for many marine animals to ingest, thereby enabling plastics to enter marine food webs more easily. Results have shown that some marine animals prefer eating plastic to regular food, and with more studies linking toxicity to plastics, their presence in marine food webs (and in the fish we eat) can be harmful to us,” Katija clarified.

Ghobashi, co-author of the study, explained that plastic contamination was found to be widespread on a large geographical scale because of marine currents. In order to limit plastic waste, the researcher proposes to recycle this waste, in addition to advising and forcing fishermen to use nets made of cotton, linen, and silk, and to prevent the use of detergents for microplastics.


Impact of large coastal Mediterranean cities on marine ecosystems.



 Mediterranean basin badly hit by climate change: study

October 10, 2019


Israel accused of polluting Egyptian coast

April 2, 2013

Some blame Israel for the pollution, while others attribute it to domestic sources.

The National Commission for the Protection of the Environment in North Sinai, which accuses Israel of disregarding international agreements by throwing sewage water into the Mediterranean and letting harmful heavy metals seep in the groundwater reservoir, tried to file a lawsuit against the country at an Arish court earlier this week.


Egypt's Expansion of the Suez Canal Could Ruin the Mediterranean Sea

Oct 8 2014

Scientists fear that Egypt's $8.5 billion plan to expand the 101-mile canal will lead to the spread of invasive species from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.


Invasive Animals Passing Through Suez Canal to Mediterranean Sea

January 20, 2020


Mediterranean Sea ecology altered by invasive species

January 16, 2020

Nearly 400 invasive aquatic species are drastically changing the Mediterranean ecosystem. Officials and scientists debate the cause.


Record of Aggregation of Alien Tropical Schyphozoan Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 in the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt



Mediterannean is Europe’s most waste-polluted sea, study says



Shock at two million bits of plastic in just a square metre of Mediterranean Sea

May 1, 2020

ALARMING levels of plastic have been found on the Mediterranean seabed, scientists revealed yesterday.


Egyptian Drinking Water Threatened by Nile Oil Spill



Petroleum and the ongoing threat of Nile pollution

September 15, 2010


Authorities contain oil spill in Luxor’s Nile River

Dec. 23, 2017


Egypt's sunken antiquities threatened by ship waste

18 Jun 2017

Oil spills and waste pose harm to Alexandria's ruins, including one of the seven wonders of the ancient world - Pharos Lighthouse. Archaeologist plan on displaying the treasures of the fabled city, but only if the antiquities remain undamaged.


Egypt’s reef economy under threat

17 January 2020

Egypt’s coral reef economy could be hit hard through climate change and local mismanagement.

By 2100, Egypt could be losing US$5.6 billion in revenue1  compared to 2019 under the starkest climate projections, according to findings2  from the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy presented at COP25 in Madrid last December.

The panel estimates that Egypt, the world’s largest reef tourism economy, currently generates about US$7 billion a year from diving and snorkelling-related activities.

Worldwide, the reef tourism industry brings in US$35.8 billion annually3, with Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand and Australia fetching the highest revenues. Collectively, these countries could face 72 to 87 percent coral cover loss, and give up 90% of the value derived from activities strictly linked to coral reefs, such as diving, snorkelling and glass-bottom boating, by 2100. This bleak scenario would be the result of combined ocean warming and acidification under the warmest climate projections considered in the paper.

Even if robust climate action to cut greenhouse gas emissions is taken, coral cover is still expected to shrink up to 28 percent globally, resulting in economic losses up to six percent, the report warns.

Globally, coral reefs face climate change-induced threats compounded with unsustainable practices at the local level.

In Egypt, experts see the latter as more destructive. Red Sea corals are expected to be more adaptable to the assaults of warming water temperatures and increasing acidification compared to other corals on the planet, according to marine biologist Mahmoud Hanafy of Egypt’s Suez Canal University. “However, overfishing and skyrocketing numbers of scuba divers visiting the region are taking a toll on the health of this ecosystem,” he says.

Throughout the 1990s, the Egyptian tourism industry ramped up visitor numbers on the Red Sea’s 1,000 kilometre coastline, without ensuring sustainable practices. This resulted in excessive use and damaged many, once pristine, diving locations. Another hazard in that period was the dumping of sediments from building marina jetties.

In 1997, the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA) established a network of mooring buoys, improving the general well-being of the reefs by decreasing coral breakage from anchor dumping.

A current concern is rising competition between industries keen to reap the benefits of the Red Sea’s ecosystem, leading to overfishing and unsustainable coastal and beach infrastructure and utilities, threatening reef welfare.

The picture isn’t entirely bleak. In 2019, Egypt began to implement the Green Fins initiative run by the Reef-World Foundation in partnership with the UN Environment Programme. It aims to strengthen sustainability within the marine tourism sector by identifying and reducing tourism-related threats. Within the first year of implementation in Egypt, the initiative plans to reach 30 marine tourism operators, train 150 dive guides and raise awareness on sustainability and best practices among 30,000 tourists4 .


 Ocean acidification rates pose disaster for marine life, major study shows


Report launched from leading marine scientists at Copenhagen summit shows seas absorbing dangerous levels of CO2


Ocean Acidification | The Devastating Ripple Effect of a pH Change

Aug 19, 2019


An Ominous Warning on the Effects of Ocean Acidification

A new study says the seas are acidifying ten times faster today than 55 million years ago when a mass extinction of marine species occurred. And, the study concludes, current changes in ocean chemistry due to the burning of fossil fuels may portend a new wave of die-offs.


Samples from famed 19th century voyage reveal ‘shocking’ effects of ocean acidification

Feb. 3, 2020


Analysis challenges slew of studies claiming ocean acidification alters fish behavior

Jan. 8, 2020

Over the past decade, marine scientists published a series of studies warning that humanity’s burgeoning carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could cause yet another devastating problem. They reported that seawater acidified by rising CO2—already known to threaten organisms with carbonate shells and skeletons, such as corals—could also cause profound, alarming changes in the behavior of fish on tropical reefs. The studies, some of which made headlines, found that acidification can disorient fish, make them hyperactive or bolder, alter their vision, and lead them to become attracted to, rather than repelled by, the smell of predators. Such changes, researchers noted, could cause populations to plummet.

But in a Nature paper published today, researchers from Australia, Canada, Norway, and Sweden challenge a number of those findings. In a major, 3-year effort that studied six fish species, they could not replicate three widely reported behavioral effects of ocean acidification. The replication team notes that many of the original studies came from the same relatively small group of researchers and involved small sample sizes. That and other “methodological or analytical weaknesses” may have led the original studies astray, they argue.

“It’s an exceptionally thorough replication effort,” says Tim Parker, a biologist and an advocate for replication studies at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. Marine scientist Andrew Esbaugh of the University of Texas, Austin, agrees that it’s “excellent, excellent work.”


Stylophora pistillata in the Red Sea demonstrate higher GFP fluorescence under ocean acidification conditions

22 January 2018


Ocean acidification in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea - factors controlling pH

June 2010


Ocean Acidification | The Devastating Ripple Effect of a pH Change

Aug 19, 2019


The Ocean Is Getting More Acidic—What That Actually Means

Thanks to carbon emissions, the ocean is changing, and that is putting a whole host of marine organisms at risk. These scientists are on the front lines.


Small Drop in pH Means Big Change in Acidity

January 20, 2010

The key danger factor is an increase in dissolved hydrogen ions


Comparison of the lethal effect of CO2 and acidification on red sea bream (Pagrus major) during the early developmental stages.

 31 Dec 2003


Red Sea shore loses up to 70% of its fish stock to pollution



Common reef-building coral in the Northern Red Sea resistant to elevated temperature and acidification

17 May 2017


Israel, Arab neighbors join to protect Red Sea coral reefs

June 17, 2019

Researchers from Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen and Djibouti unite under Swiss auspices to study impact of human activity on Red Sea's coral-reef ecosystems.


Protecting Coral Reefs On Egypt's Sinai Coast

September 26, 1995

Conservation effort fights pollution, limits development


Coral skeleton crystals record ocean acidification

July 11, 2019


Scientists call for ‘urgent’ regional effort to save Red Sea coral

8 March 2020

The reefs are a hotspot for biodiversity, with many endemic species adapted to the sea’s high salinity and warm temperatures. The biodiversity has created molecules and metabolites not known to exist on other reefs.

“The biodiversity that is found only on healthy reefs is considered by scientists to be key to finding new medicines for the 21st century. Many therapeutics are now being developed from coral reef animals and plants as possible cures for cancer, arthritis, human bacterial infections, viruses and other diseases,” the researchers wrote.

In addition to bleaching caused by global climate change, rapidly growing populations on the sea’s coasts threaten the reefs. Some have already seen heavy damage from tourism, overfishing, coastal development and pollution.

Much of the coastline is sparsely inhabited, but growing urban centers are damaging water quality with sewage and runoff from agriculture and pesticides.


Assessment of metal contamination in coastal marine sediments of Makadi Bay on the Red Sea, Egypt

20 September 2019


Geotechnical Investigations and Assessment of Earthquakes Factors at Hurghada City, Red Sea, Egypt



Mediterranean plastic pollution hotspots highlighted in report

7 June 2019

 Nine coastlines have been identified as the places in the Mediterranean most polluted with plastic, a report says.

They include top tourist spots such as Barcelona, Marseilles, Tel-Aviv and the Venice coast near the Po river.

The report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said all Mediterranean countries had underperformed in managing plastic contamination.

It said 570,000 tonnes of plastic went into the sea each year - the equivalent of 33,800 plastic bottles every minute.

The conservation group is calling on governments and the EU drastically to reduce plastic production and increase recycling.

"Our plastic system is broken - all Mediterranean countries still fail to collect all their waste," said Giuseppe Di Carlo, director of WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative.

According to the WWF, the coastline of Cilicia in south-east Turkey has the highest plastic pollution in the Mediterranean with 31.3 kg of debris per kilometre.
The other hotspots it lists are:
  • Barcelona - 26.1 kg
  • Tel Aviv - 21.0 kg
  • The Po Delta - 18.2 kg
  • Valencia - 12.9 kg
  • Alexandria - 12.7 kg
  • Algiers - 12.2 kg
  • Bay of Marseille - 9.4 kg
  • Izmir - 7.2 kg


Tourists cause 40% spike in plastic entering Mediterranean Sea each summer, report finds

7 June 2018


Identification of Marine Microplastics in Eastern Harbor, Mediterranean Coast of Egypt, Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry

2019 May


This is how much plastic is thrown into the Mediterranean Sea every second



Mediterranean could become a 'sea of plastic', says WWF



Characteristics of Mediterranean Sea water in vicinity of Sidikerir Region, west of Alexandria, Egypt

June 2016


Problems of Sewage Pollution in Alexandria, Egypt


Impact of Alexandria Corniche Road Widening on Mediterranean Sea Water Quality, Egypt



Assessment of water pollution induced by human activities in Burullus Lake using Landsat 8 operational land imager and GIS



Polycyclic Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in two Egyptian Coastal Areas along the Mediterranean Sea

May 24, 2017


Israel accused of polluting Egyptian coast

April 2, 2013


Sub-regional Marine Oil Pollution Contingency Plan between Cyprus, Egypt, Greece


The Polluted Beaches Of Discord Between Egypt And Israel

CAIRO - Rafah and other cities on the Sinai peninsula’s north coast have been suffering from pollution of the Mediterranean Sea and its underground water reservoir, which has caused serious environmental and health issues for the local population, experts argue.

Some blame Israel for the pollution, while others attribute it to domestic sources.

The National Commission for the Protection of the Environment in North Sinai, which accuses Israel of disregarding international agreements by dumping sewage water into the Mediterranean and letting harmful heavy metals seep in the groundwater reservoir, tried to file a lawsuit against the country earlier this week.

Abdallah al-Hijawy, head of the commission, says the Egyptian court told him it was not able to file lawsuits between countries, and recommended he contact an international court.

“This is what I’m going to do, and I am going to get international NGOs and environment protection associations on board,” Hijawy says.

He accuses Israel of discharging 180,000 cubic meters of raw and treated sewage water into the sea on a daily basis, and says the Gaza Strip disposes another 160,000 cubic meters into the Mediterranean. “Israel is responsible for the service sector in the occupied territories,” he says.

Since it withdrew from Gaza, explains Hijawi, Israel has removed major water pumps that used to transfer huge amounts of sewage. As a consequence, Palestinians now dispose of their sewage in the Gaza Valley, which pollutes both the underground water reservoir shared by Egypt and Gaza, and the Mediterranean.

According to Hijawy, piles of organic waste now litter Sinai’s north coast and large flocks of seagulls feast on the waste. “Even the color of the water has changed and the smell is terrible,” he says.

Chemical and dye factories located on the Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian borders all dispose of their industrial waste and drainage by discharging it into the Mediterranean, making the situation even worse.

Organic waste pollutes the seawater, which shows growing rates of biological contamination to marine life, particularly fish and corals. Piles of organic waste cover the beaches on the Egyptian border, ruining this once pristine environment.

The mix of wastewater and industrial drainage discharged into the sea has multiplied pathogens there, which can lead to the spread of serious diseases like typhoid, kidney failure and various types of cancers.

To make matters worse, north Sinai residents are heavily exposed to these infectious diseases, as desalinated seawater is their main source of potable water for drinking and irrigation purposes.

“There are two main types of water contamination,” explains Al-Khateeb Yousry Jafar, a hydrobiology researcher at Egypt’s National Research Center. “The first is microbial and bacterial contamination, which results from the mixing of water with human feces, which can have very serious health implications.”

He says the second type, however, caused by heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury, as well as radioactive materials, is even more worrying.

“Seawater is used to cool off Israel’s nuclear reactors, which results in nuclear particles being released into the Mediterranean,” says Jafar.

These various heavy metal particles accumulate inside the bodies of the living organisms fish feed on, causing cases of secondary poisoning to the fish, which could later be eaten by humans and potentially cause different types of cancers. As humans who have accumulated dangerous levels of particles are buried, these hazardous chemicals return to the ground, accumulate in plants and begin a new life cycle, potentially threatening future generations.

“Over the years, the Mediterranean has become a hub for pollution because most countries located along its borders dump their waste into the sea,” adds Jafar.

As a result, the fish population has decreased, which negatively impacts the communities of fishermen who rely on it as their main source of income. Adapting to the pollution, some Egyptian fishermen have decided to avoid these areas and are fishing closer to Yemen – which is illegal.

Drinking sewage water

“The Egyptian state must take a strong stance and issue laws very soon to stop this pollution, as well as find evidence that proves that part of the pollution comes directly from Israel,” says Jafar.

The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, issued in 1982, defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world’s oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment and the management of marine natural resources.

As part of this convention, countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea must enact laws to protect the seawater from all contamination sources, such as sewage, industrial waste, ships and harbors.

“Israel is not a signatory of this convention and has not issued any regulations to protect the Mediterranean Sea,” says Hijawy.

A new water desalination station is being established in the Egyptian Rafah to provide citizens with fresh drinking water. As the plant would be located 300 meters away from the Palestinian Rafah, Hijawy says this is not a proper location for a desalination plant, as large amounts of sewage and waste pile up in the plant’s vicinity.

According to him, desalination plants are not able to perform well when the seawater is polluted with oil and sewage: “Solid molecules insert themselves between the liquid molecules, and the desalination process is not able to efficiently separate them,” explains Hijawi.

As a result, he says, Egyptian citizens of Rafah drink the sewage water of the Gaza Strip.

“We intend to file another lawsuit against the Egyptian government asking them to remove the desalination station from this inappropriate place,” says Hijawy.

He believes filing a lawsuit is the best way to attract officials’ attention.

“When I tried to complain about the situation, an official threatened me, but I’m not afraid and I won’t be silent anymore,” he says. “I have no political affiliation. I base [my views] solely on scientific evidence.”

However, engineer Mohamed Moussa, a geologist at the Water Resources Research Institute in Sinai, rejects Hijawy’s accusations.

“The problem has nothing to do with water pollutants coming from Gaza or Israel, as some claim,” he says.

According to Moussa, the pollution in Sinai is domestic, and results mainly from the excessive usage of chemical fertilizers, heavy metals and pesticides, which farmers depend on for agriculture. When they are mixed with irrigation water or rain, they seep into underground aquifers, causing serious contamination.

The engineer sees different solutions to this problem: depending more on Nile water, establishing water desalination stations for purifying seawater, or building wells with embedded purification systems located away from the coasts to serve the community.

“Instead of wasting time complaining about Israel, we must focus on internal problems. Our newly established water desalination stations in Rafah and Sheikh Zuwayed have proven their capacity to desalinate seawater according to international standards,” Moussa says.

But Gamal Helmy, head of environmental affairs in north Sinai, says the conflict between Egypt and Israel over pollution started during former Israeli Prime Minister’s Ariel Sharon’s time.

“Samples taken from the Mediterranean before Israel withdrew from Gaza proved that raw sewage was dumped directly into the seawater,” claims Helmy. “However, no samples show that Rafah beaches suffer from similar problems today.”

The National Commission for the Protection of the Environment in north Sinai says it has found a solution to partially treat the sewage water coming from Gaza. A specific bacterium can decompose organic materials and prevent their anaerobic fermentation.




 Section 9: The Nile







Groundwater hydrogeology and quality in Helwan area and its vicinities in Egypt

21 Feb 2019


Indices of water quality and metal pollution of Nile River, Egypt

Abstract and Figures

Nile River is the valued natural and exclusive source of fresh water in Egypt, where the drinking water supply is limited to the river. The water quality of 24 sites between Aswan and Cairo along the Nile was investigated. To evaluate the suitability of water for aquatic life and drinking purposes, the indices of water quality (WQI), heavy metal pollution (HPI) and contamination (Cd) were computed. The water quality variations were mainly related to inorganic nutrients and heavy metals, where, the sites affected by intensive load of urban, agricultural and industrial wastewater showed serious deterioration of water quality compared with other sites. The anthropogenic impact sites showed high HPI and Cd values and associated with high risks, where, most of the studied metals often exceeded the drinking water and aquatic life limits. The aquatic WQI indicated that the Nile water quality deteriorated and extended from poor to marginal, while drinking WQI varied from marginal to good. Accordingly, the river becoming unfit for aquatic life and the situation is getting worse by decreases in the water budget from the Nile in Egypt by building of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, where the dilution strength of the Nile system will reduce.


Water Pollution and Riverbank Filtration for Water Supply Along River Nile, Egypt



Molecular detection of human adenovirus in urban wastewater in Egypt and among children suffering from acute gastroenteritis

February 22 2019


Microbial Quality of Nile Water and Drinking Water in Some Areas of  Greater Cairo, Egypt



Effect of Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from polluted drainage water on rats



Water pollution not only damages the environment but also kills wildlife. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Staphylococcus aureus, which were isolated from drainage water at El-Rahawey area, Giza, Egypt, on experimental rats.

Materials and methods

Water samples were collected from the subsurface layer for bacteriological examination, stored in an ice box, and delivered to the laboratory and analyzed to count the total viable bacterial counts/ml using the most probable number technique. The isolated bacteria were given to rats for 21 days at a dose equal to 103/ml and the liver and kidney were dissected for histopathological and histochcemical studies.


Results showed that the average counts at 22 and 37°C were 105 and 106 CFU/ml, respectively, whereas the average counts by using the most probable number technique/100 ml were 105, 104, 103, 103, and 102 for total coliforms, fecal coliforms, E. coli, Salmonellae group, and total staphylococci, respectively. Isolation of pathogens from water sources were identified by using membrane filter technique on specific media. The histopathological examination of the liver of treated rats with E. coli, S. typhi, and S. aureus revealed swollen hepatocytes with decreased sinusoidal spaces and widely distributed necrotic foci. In the kidney, renal tubules showed extensive epithelial swelling with decreased lumen space and generalized necrotic changes with interstitial hemorrhage in renal cortex. The histochemical study indicated the depletion of staining of protein and polysaccharides.


E. coli, S. typhi, and S. aureus that are isolated from polluted drainage water cause histological and histochemical changes in the liver and kidney of rats.


Fecal Contamination of Drinking-Water in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

May 6, 2014


Pepper mild mottle virus in wastewater in Egypt: a potential indicator of wastewater pollution and the efficiency of the treatment process.

26 Aug 2019


Mighty Nile River threatened by waste, warming and a giant Ethiopian dam

Mar 26, 2020


The effect of human activities on the pollution of water in southwest Giza area, Egypt

March 20 2017


Egyptian Coastal Lakes and Wetlands: Part I

Characteristics and Hydrodynamics


 Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands

2009-2012 version


Bacterial Quality of River Nile Water at Cairo Region in Egypt



Water pollution in the Middle Nile Delta, Egypt: An environmental study

September 2016


Egypt faces drinking water shortage because of Nile pollution

Mar 6, 2014

The growing Egyptian population is straining the country’s drinking water supply, which mainly comes from the Nile.

(A man collects water from a canal beside a dead donkey on the Nile Delta north of Cairo, March 18, 2008).


Nile Residents: Thousands of Egyptians make river their home

Apr 23, 2018


Farmers Pushed Out Due To Pollution in Egypt

Dec 15, 2018


COED - Egypt - Pollution poisoning the Egyptian Nile

Feb 16, 2015





Nile Pollution

May 14, 2014


Alterations in proteins and amino acids of the Nile cyanobacteria Pseudanabaena limnetica and Anabaena wisconsinense in response to industrial wastewater pollution



Nile's drying waterways stall Egypt's growth

Oct 7, 2012


Hundreds in Egyptian town suffer from contaminated water

Aug 24, 2012


Egyptian Youths Move To Clean Up River Nile |Network Africa|

Feb 18, 2019


Water pollution in Egypt | Wikipedia audio article

May 14, 2019


Lack of sewage systems in Egyptian villages spread disease

Dec 28, 2015


Impact of industrial wastewater on water and fish quality of Nile River in Kafr El-Zayat, Egypt



In Egypt, Rosetta branch of the Nile River is impacted by several industrial effluents at Kafr El-Zayat City, which potentially affect and deteriorate its quality. To study the impact of these effluents on aquatic environment of the Rosetta branch, a total of 108 water samples and 36 fish samples were collected during the spring and autumn 2010from 9 different regions along the branch at Kafr El-Zayat industrial area. Chemical analyses of water samples showed seasonal variation of pH, Pb, Cd, and NH3 values. Cu concentrations in the water were below the maximum permissible limit, however, Pb, Cd, Hg, P, NH3, and S exceeded the permissible limit. The distribution of these parameters at the area under investigations are strongly affected by the industrial effluents produced from El-Mobidat, El-Malyia and Salt and Soda companies which directly discharge industrial effluents at this area without any treatment. The presence of high levels of Pb, Hg, NH3, and S in the fish muscles were in relation to water pollution in the studied area. The bacteriological analyses showed that TBC ranged from 1.9 x103 to 5×105 cfu/ml for water and from 3×105 to 5×105 cfu/g for fish flesh. Importantly, the water and fish samples tested were positive for Salmonella and negative for E. Coli. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the Nile River at Kafr El- Zayat industrial area is heavily polluted and consequently harmful effects to the aquatic environment and to the quality of the water are established. So, treatment and safe disposal of different industrial wastes is recommended.


Nile Pollution: Causes and Solutions

October 7th, 2019

(Egyptian's using a plastic barrels to take water from a polluted Canal at the Nile)


On foes and flows: Water conflict and cooperation in the Nile River Basin in times of climate change


Sharing the Waters of the Nile: Conflicts and Co-operation



Conflict on the Nile: The future of transboundary water disputes over the world’s longest river

25 November 2013


Water politics in the Nile Basin

                                    (The Nile, its tributaries, and the countries of the region).


The Blue Nile: a Profile of a River Under Attack


Assessment of Water Quality of Blue Nile River in Sudan



The Nile belongs to Ethiopia too


The increasing tensions with Egypt over the proposed dam reveal how fundamental the river is to both nations' identity


Sudanese hope Ethiopian dam ends Blue Nile floods

November 17, 2019


Is Ethiopia taking control of the River Nile?

October 21, 2018


Troubles ahead for Egypt as Ethiopia pushes Blue Nile dam



Nile threatened by waste, warming, dam



The mighty Nile, threatened by waste, warming, mega-dam

20 Mar 2020

 Volunteers in kayaks remove garbage from the Nile near the island of Manial in Egypt's capital Cairo on March 7. The river, Egypt's lifeline since Pharaonic days and the source of 97% of its water, is under massive strain from pollution and climate change, and now the threat of a colossal dam being built far upstream in Ethiopia.


For thousands of years, Egypt controlled the Nile. A new dam threatens That.

February 9, 2020

To Ethiopians, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a cherished megaproject with the potential to light up millions of homes. Down the Nile, in Egypt, it is seen as the most fundamental of threats.


The 'water war' brewing over the new River Nile dam

24 February 2018


Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Nile: The Economics ofInternational Water Law



Existing only from the Nile, Egypt fears disaster from a dam

October 2, 2017


Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile


With a surface area of 2156 square kilometres but an average depth of only 14 metres due to high levels of sediment. Lake Tana is the largest single lake in Ethiopia and forms the main reservoir for the Blue Nile. The Lake is located at an altitude of 1788 metres on the north central plateau of Amhara.

Lake Tana is used for fishing, farming and transportation, and has a thriving tourist industry centred on the more than 30 islands on the Lake, home to numerous Ethiopian Orthodox Church monasteries dating back more than five centuries.

The Blue Nile runs from Lake Tana's southeast corner, flowing south over a lava dam to form the Tisisat Falls - the name in Ethiopian means 'the water that smokes' - then flowing northwest to merge with the White Nile and form the full-fledged Nile itself. The Blue Nile contributes two thirds of all the Nile discharge, along with most of the sediment carried along 4750 kilometres through to Egypt and the Mediterranean.


Ethiopia’s Lake Tana is losing the fight to water hyacinth

September 4, 2017

Lake Tana is the largest lake in Ethiopia. It holds 50% of the country’s fresh water. It is also the source of the Blue Nile, which contributes up to 60% of the Nile’s water. Not only is the lake important as a water source for over 123 million people in the Nile Basin, it is also a source of food in the form of fish. But weeds are threatening this life-giving resource.


Hydrological Response to Climate Change for Gilgel Abay River, in the Lake Tana Basin – Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia

24 October 2013

Climate change is likely to have severe effects on water availability in Ethiopia. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of climate change on the Gilgel Abay River, Upper Blue Nile Basin.


Effects of Bahir Dar Textile Factory Effluents on the Water Quality of the Head Waters of Blue Nile River, Ethiopia



Water Quality of Lake Tana Basin, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia: A Review of Available Data






Assessment of heavy metals contamination in the Nile River water and adjacent sediments: A case study from Khartoum City and Nile River State, Sudan



Effect of Khartoum City for Water Quality of the River Nile



The Soul of the Blue Nile



Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the White Nile River in the Sudan



International Water Rights on the White Nile of the New State of South Sudan



Upper Cretaceous to Neogene Palynology of the Rawat Basin, White Nile State, Sudan



Determination of Heavy Metals in Fish and Water of White Nile During Watery Diarrhea Outbreak from June to July, 2017, Gezira Aba – Sudan

January 2018


White Nile residents reject land redistribution, water pollution

February 11 - 2016


Sudan's White Nile marshes polluted by oil production

19 Nov 2009

Oil production in Sudan's Unity state is contaminating water, spreading disease and threatening the world's largest inland wetlands, according to a German human rights organisation, Sign of Hope, released this week. 'Oil exploration and exploitation in the oilfields of Mala and Thar Jath pose serious threats to human beings, livestock and the environment,' says human rights campaigner Klaus Stieglitz


South Sudan ignores reports on oil pollution and birth defects

Feb 14, 2020


Pollution Control on River Nile in the White Nile State Sugar Hub of Sudan

October 2013


The influence of agro-industrial effluents on River Nile pollution



Why the 11 countries that rely on the Nile need to reach a river deal soon

August 27, 2017


90% of plastic polluting our oceans comes from just 10 rivers

08 Jun 2018

Asia is responsible for 8 of the rivers that have the most plastic waste.


The Water Resources of the Nile Basin


Nile's journey: From treasure to trash



(Volunteers clear rubbish from the banks of the Nile River on March 7. They gathered on the island of Manial, in Cairo, for a clean up campaign to aid the heavily stressed waterway).


Egypt’s Water Crisis and Degeneration of Nile

 September 30, 2018

                                             (Industrial pollution is wrecking havoc in Nile).


As the Risk of a ‘Water War’ Fades, Is It Too Late to Save the Nile?

Feb. 4, 2020


Death of the Nile

The world's longest river is sick -and getting sicker

{Extra Pictures}


Pollution Levels In The River Nile



Young Egyptians trudge through mud to clean up Nile

February 11, 2019


Evaluation of water quality of the surface water of the Damietta Nile Branch, Damietta Governorate, Egypt



Water-quality management in a vulnerable large river: the Nile in Egypt



The Changing Nile Basin Regime: Does Law Matter?



The Lived Experience of Climate Change: Water case study on the Nile and Rhine river basins



Scientists predict more rain but less water for the millions of people in the Nile Basin

January 14, 2020


Water Sharing in the Nile River Valley


Temporal and spatial evaluation of the River Nile water quality between Qena and Sohag Cities, Egypt

Sept. 3, 2018





Potentialities of Water Resources Pollution of the Nile River Delta, Egypt



Protozoa in a stressed area of the Egyptian Mediterranean coast of Damietta, Egypt

Aug 2013


Evaluation of heavy metal pollution in Damietta Branch of Nile River, Egypt using metal indices and phyto-accumulators

May 2017


An integrated water quality assessment of Damietta and Rosetta branches (Nile River, Egypt) using chemical and biological indices.

 10 Mar 2020


Water quality of Rosetta branch in Nile delta, Egypt



Nile Pollution in Damietta by Hamada El-Resam


In 2008, the Environment Ministry found the 207 most heavily polluted spots on the Nile. Some of the worst pollution is in Damietta, on the North Coast. Residents in surrounding cities and villages have blamed their suffering on factories along the Nile dumping waste into the water, which flows downstream. Damietta residents have protested against a fertilizer factory operated by the Misr Oil Processing Company (MOPCO) and partially owned by the Canadian company, Agrium, since 2008.


Eutrophication of the Nile: Comparative nutrient data of the Damietta Branch, Egypt, from 1978 and 2003

01 Dec 2017


Evaluation of Water Quality of the Surface Water of the Damietta Nile Branch, Damietta Governorate, Egypt



Organophosphorus Pollutants (OPP) in Aquatic Environment at Damietta Governorate, Egypt: Implications for Monitoring and Biomarker Responses




October 2018


Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Surface Water Quality in the Nile River Damietta Branch

03 Jan 2019


Toxic Levels of  Some Heavy Metals in Drinking Network Surface Water of Damietta Governorate, Egypt



Heavy Metal Concentrations in Cyanobacterial Mats and Underlying Sediments in Some Northern Western Desert Lakes of Egypt



Sixteen trace metals were measured for the first time in cyanobacterial mats and its underlying sediment in eight lakes in the Northern Western desert, Egypt. Al, Ba, Cr, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn concentrations in sediments were many times higher than in cyanobacterial mates. Fe, Al, Mn, Cu were the highest trace metals recorded in the lakes. Geo-accumulation and pollution load indices were applied to assess the human impact in lake sediments, whereas the enrichment factor index was applied for both sediment and cyanobacterial mats. The geo-accumulation index indicated that Siwa lakes sediments were unpolluted with most metals, whereas it fluctuated from unpolluted to moderate polluted with Cu and from moderated to extremely polluted with Cd. The pollution load index revealed that the lakes sediments are unpolluted. The enrichment factor index indicated that all Siwa lakes sediments are extremely enriched with Cd, Cu and Se, whereas, they are impoverishment with As, Sb, Ba, Fe, Sn and V. Cyanobacterial biofilms were highly enriched in Maraqi, Sheata and El-Bahrien, whereas the mats were highly impoverishment in Zieton and Temera. The results suggest that the natural geochemical processes may generate the high concentrations of Fe, Al, Mn and Cu in these aquatic primary producers.


Mineral and heavy metals content in tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) collected from the River Nile in Damietta governorate, Egypt and evaluation of health risk from tilapia consumption



Physiological changes in the Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis, as a bioindicator of air pollution in New Damietta City, Egypt



Mass environmental justice uprising engulfs Damietta on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast

Nov 15, 2011

The popular movement against a Canadian petrochemical plant has forced the Egyptian government to shut down the Agrium-Mopco gas-fertiliser factory, after residents shut down highways, bridges and a deepwater port, and battled the Egyptian military in the street.


Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Bacteria in Waste Water Alexandria, Egypt



Egypt State of the Environment Report 2008



Feb 2006

Environmental  pollution  has become a world wide concern. One  of  the main sources of such  pollution  is  sewage  wastewater  and  sludge. Their  utilization  without  proper  treatment  can  pollute  the  ecosystem  (plant,  soil,  surface  and  ground  water).  Sewage  wastewater  and  sludge  contains  several   pollutants   such  as:  pathogens,  toxic  organic  compounds,  heavy  metals,  high  level  of  BOD  &  COD,  seed  weed. The  reuse  of  sewage  water  and  sludge  in  agriculture  can  lead  to  the  transfer  of  some  of  these  pollutants  into  the  food  chain  causing  health  hazard.  In  addition,  most  of  these  contaminants  are  not  biodegradable,  becoming  dangerous to plant and human health. Nuclear  techniques  has recently  been  used  to control  environmental  pollution.  Ionizing  radiation  provide  a  fast  and  reliable  means  of  sewage  water  and  sludge  treatment  than  the  conventional  methods.  Gamma  radiation  (60Co)  and  electron  beam  (accelerator)  has  been  successfully   used   for   alleviation   of   environmental   pollution.  Such  alleviation   includes:   disinfection  of harmful  pathogens, degradation  of toxic organic pollutants, destruction  of seed weed and reduction of soluble heavy metals, odor and BOD & COD. The   use  of   radioactive   and  stable  isotopes   are  a  useful   tools  to  investigate   the   contribution  of  sludge  nutrients  to  plant  nutrition.  Nitrogen,  using  ,sN-ammonium  sulfate,  uptake  and  translocation  by plant from  soil  amended  with  sewage  sludge  was  studied  under  field  condition.  The  contribution  of  sludge  to  phosphorus  nutrition  of  plants  was  quantified  using 32P as tracer.  In both cases  the principal  of  isotopic  dilution technique was applied. The information  generated  from  these  experiments  could  help preserve  the environment.  It  could  help  optimize  the  application  rate  of  sludge  to  meet  plant  requirements  while  avoiding  the  accumulation  of  N  &  P  in  the  soil  or  leaching  to  the  aquifer.  Isotope  exchange  kinetic  technique  is  used  to  evaluate  nutrients  availability  from  sludge.  Neutron  moisture  meter  is  used to measure soil  water content.


Egyptian youth launch project to upcycle plastic materials

Aug 18, 2019


 Egypt: Scrapping and Recycling Old Vehicles to Lower Pollution and Improve Livelihoods

    October 25, 2018


Egypt province banning single-use plastics to clean up Red Sea

2 April 2019

Restaurants, supermarkets, grocery stores, pharmacies and even docking cruise ships will face the new ban, part of environmental push along Hurghada coast


Why the Middle East's use of oxo-biodegradable plastics is toxic for the environment

17 January, 2020

However, there is a serious need to investigate the benefit of current policies in place. To gain a deeper insight, particularly the area of plastic in the wider Gulf region, The New Arab speaks with a COO of a leading UAE plastic manufacturer as well as Dr Akram Madanat of Karak Star for Recycling in Jordan.

There is an existing standard in place in countries such as the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, among others that solely allow the use of plastic that falls under the category of 'oxo-biodegradable plastic,' this is true for all plastic bags as well as other selected plastic items but what does this mean? 

It refers to chemically altering the plastic to disintegrate quicker as a response to interacting with oxygen and ultimately become organic material or being decomposed by organic material.

Proponents of this additive vouch that this way the plastic breakdown and biodegrades at a faster speed releasing no toxins in the atmosphere while doing so.

However, numerous studies that have found that the d2w additive (salts that changes the chemical make-up of the plastic) do not hold up to their claims.

In fact, one report from the EU Commission cites that oxo-biodegradable plastic is more harmful to the environment, particularly, to marine life, by creating micro-plastics. To further clarify, the EU Commission, in April 2018, banned the term biodegradability in liaison with the term OXO – as ultimately, they have found that the additive does not leads into any biodegradation.

As such the plastic does not fully disintegrate but is reduces to sizes unseen by the naked eye and can be inhaled and ingested. It adds that ultimately all things will biodegrade within a certain time frame or so and thus to be beneficial it must fully biodegrade within a reasonable time-frame.


How rivers work: The Role of Groundwater. Produced for the UK Groundwater Forum.

Nov 22, 2013


The Interactive Roles of Surface Water & Ground Water

Jul 22, 2015


Hydrogeology 101

Aug 29, 2014


Basics of Groundwater Hydrology by Dr. Garey Fox

Dec 18, 2015


Groundwater Flow Basics

Mar 10, 2017


Unconfined Aquifers vs. Confined Aquifers

Mar 8, 2017

Sandstone vs Shale Aquifer


Trash Talk: Ganga Pollution

Dec 3, 2018


Cage culture of tilapia in River Nile in Egypt

Jul 26, 2015


 Assessing the chemical and microbiological quality of farmed tilapia in Egyptian freshfish markets



Trump calls Egypt's Sisi, backs talks on disputed dam on Nile

Nov 6, 2019


Groundwater in Egypt issue: Resources, location, amount, contamination, protection, renewal, future overview

January 2016

THE PRESENT review is concerning with the groundwater issue in Egypt. Groundwater is one of the most important resources of water in Egypt. It ranks as the second source after the Nile River. In addition, there are different groundwater aquifers with variable importance for exploitation in the Nile river region. They are ranging from shallow local aquifers, recharged by rainfall, to deep non-replenishable aquifers. The first comprises groundwater in the Nile Valley and Delta system. The second aquifer category is the non-renewable type, which is located in the "Western Desert-Nubian Sandstone Aquifer". Non-renewable groundwater exploitation is estimated at a rate of 1.65 Billion m³/year (BCM/year). It is mainly concentrated at the Western Desert Oases with 0.5 BCM/yr. On the other side, the amount of groundwater abstractions in Delta, Sinai and New Valley are about 5.1 BCM/yr. It is estimated that about 200,000 BCM of fresh water are stored in the New Valley's Oasis aquifer only. The water is at the depth of 60-100 m around the area of East-Oweinat. In Sinai, groundwater is mainly encountered in three different water-bearing aquifers. Further information concerning groundwater issue in Egypt, locations, origin, amount, quality and quantities, contamination, natural aquifer treatment, protection, uses, future overview and conclusion are included and discussed in details in this review.


Possibilities of Groundwater Pollution in Some Areas, East of Nile Delta, Egypt



Pollution vulnerability of the Quaternary aquifer near Cairo, Egypt, as indicated by isotopes and hydrochemistry

01 February 2014


Groundwater potentiality and evaluation in the Egyptian Nile Valley: case study from Assiut Governorate using hydrochemical, bacteriological approach, and GIS techniques

25 March 2019


Vision for Future Management of Groundwater in the Nile Delta of Egypt After Construction of the Ethiopian Dams

June 09, 2018


Selection of groundwater sites in Egypt, using geographic information systems, for desalination by solar energy in order to reduce greenhouse gases

January 2012


Researchers examine the age of groundwater in Egyptian aquifers

May 23, 2019


Survey of groundwater use in the central part of the Nile Delta



Modeling the impact of nitrate fertilizers on groundwater quality in the southern part of the Nile Delta, Egypt



Problems of groundwater quality related to the urban environment in Greater Cairo



Evaluation of human risks of surface water and groundwater contaminated with Cd and Pb in the southern El-Minya Governorate, Egypt








Management of coastal aquifers and groundwater: final report


Environmental Management of Groundwater in Egypt via Artificial Recharge Extending the Practice to Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT)



Spatial distribution mapping for groundwater quality index, East and West Delta, Egypt

 17 July 2019


Groundwater Quality Assessment to Estimate its Suitability for Different Uses in Assiut Governorate, Egypt

November 2014


Geoelectrical Survey for Groundwater Exploration at the Asyuit Governorate, Nile Valley, Egypt



Evaluation of Water Quality Pollution Indices for Groundwater Resources of New Damietta, Egypt


Modeling the impact of nitrate fertilizers on groundwater quality in the southern part of the Nile Delta, Egypt


Potential effects of groundwater and surface water contamination in an urban area, Qus City, Upper Egypt 

May 2018

The potential effects of anthropogenic activities, in particular, unsafe sewage disposal practices, on shallow groundwater in an unconfined aquifer and on surface water were evaluated within an urban area by the use of hydrogeological, hydrochemical, and bacteriological analyses. Physicochemical and bacteriological data was obtained from forty-five sampling points based on33 groundwater samples from variable depths and 12 surface water samples. The pollution sources are related to raw sewage and wastewater discharges, agricultural runoff, and wastewater from the nearby Paper Factory. Out of the 33 groundwater samples studied, 17 had significant concentrations of NO3-, Cl- and SO42-, and high bacteria counts. Most of the water samples from the wells contained high Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr. The majority of surface water samples presented high NO3- concentrations and high bacteria counts. A scatter plot of HCO3- versus Ca indicates that 58% of the surface water samples fall within the extreme contamination zone, while the others are within the mixing zone; whereas 94% of groundwater samples showed evidence of mixing between groundwater and wastewater. The bacteriological assessment showed that all measured surface and groundwater samples contained Escherichia coli and total coliform bacteria. A risk map delineated four classes of contamination, namely, those sampling points with high (39.3%), moderate (36.3%), low (13.3%), and very low (11.1%) levels of contamination. Most of the highest pollution points were in the middle part of the urban area, which suffers from unmanaged sewage and industrial effluents. Overall, the results demonstrate that surface and groundwater in Qus City are at high risk of contamination by wastewater since the water table is shallow and there is a lack of a formal sanitation network infrastructure. The product risk map is a useful tool for prioritizing zones that require immediate mitigation and monitoring.


Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Different Overlay and Index Methods for Quaternary Aquifer of Wadi El-Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt



Mitigation of waterlogging problem in El-Salhiya area, Egypt

12 Sep 2019


Data Integration to Assess Aquifer Vulnerability Potential to Pollution around Ismailia Canal Using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques


Contribution to the Ground Water Hydrology of the Quaternary Aquifer in West Ismailia Area, Egypt



Modeling of contaminant transport in 10th of Ramadan City Area, East Delta, Egypt

The  establishment  of  new  communities  and  land  reclamation  projects  in  the  Egyptian  desert  areas  is one  of  the  most  important  national  targets.  One  of  these  areas  is  the  10th  of  Ramadan  city.  The  main goal of the study is concerned with delineation of groundwater contaminants plume in the future. The results show that; the ions concentrationsof most samples from the oxidation ponds resources contain concentrations  of  Al3+,Cr2+, Fe2+, Ni2+ andSr2+ exceeding  the  acceptable  limit  of  WHO(1996)standards. Also, most of the groundwater samples are polluted with Al3+ and Fe2+ and Sr2+ ions.The infiltration from the oxidation ponds and expansion of reclaimed lands irrigated with wastewater reflect critical  environmental  hazards.  The  results  of  the  groundwater  flow  and  transport  simulation  reveal contamination  plume  expansion.  Itwill  travel  1.8,  2.1  and  2.3  km  due  NE  direction  after  for Al3+,  Fe2+ and  Sr2+contaminants  respectively.    It  is stronglyrecommended that  wastes  from  oxidation  ponds must not be used in irrigation without tertiary treatment.The oxidation ponds to minimize the pollution of groundwater with heavy metals is highly recommended.


Assessment of acetochlor use areas in the sahel region of Western Africa using geospatial methods

May 1, 2020


Risk assessment using ICP-MS of heavy metals in groundwater in Upper Egypt



Environmental Pollution by Heavy Metals in the Aquatic Ecosystems of Egypt



Effect of polluted water on soil and plant contamination by heavy metals in El-Mahla El-Kobra, Egypt



A review of seawater intrusion in the Nile Delta groundwater system – the basis for assessing impacts due to climate changes and water resources development



Egyptian method filters seawater in minutes


    The technology is based on salt-attracting membranes and vaporising heat
    The membranes are made of cellulose acetate powder which is cheap to make
    Even remote communities could use the technique – with just membranes and fire

[CAIRO] Researchers at Alexandria University in Egypt have unveiled a cost-effective desalination technology which can filter highly salty water in minutes.

The technology is based on membranes containing cellulose acetate powder, produced in Egypt. The powder, in combination with other components, binds the salt particles as they pass through, making the technique useful for desalinating seawater.

“The membrane we fabricated can easily be made in any laboratory using cheap ingredients, which makes it an excellent option for developing countries,” says Ahmed El-Shafei, an associate professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering in Alexandria University, and an author of the study.


Karst limestone foundation geotechnical problems, detection and treatment: Case studies from Egypt and Saudi Arabia






Soil Erosion Threatens Food Production



Climate Change: The Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Egypt




Jan 2012


Coastal Erosion along the Egyptian Delta



Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk in The Basin of Wadi Maged in Northern West Coast of Egypt Using Corine Model and Gis Techniques



Assessment of soil degradation and resilience at northeast Nile Delta, Egypt: The impact on soil productivity

 June 2012


Impact of human interventions and coastal processes along the Nile Delta coast, Egypt during the past twenty-five years

March 2016


Egypt and Senegal Receive Gamma Detectors to Help Combat Soil Erosion



Gamma Spectroscopy Detectors Assess Soil Erosion in Egypt, Senegal



Soil Erosion by Water in Africa


Wind Erosion in Africa and West Asia: Problems and Control Strategies


Egypt's breadbasket Nile Delta under threat from illegal building

June 18, 2014

Today, their view is marred by unfinished brick tenement buildings with metal rods jutting into the sky - signs of the growing problem of illegal construction in Egypt’s agricultural heartland. 

The unlicensed building is more than an eyesore - it threatens plans by the world’s top wheat importer to cut its costly imports bill by growing more locally.

Scarce farmland has been eroded for decades by relentless population growth and urban sprawl, and the pace of unlicensed building exploded since 2011 when the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak led to a security vacuum.

The Agriculture Ministry estimates that some 30,000 feddans (acres) have been lost each year to unlicensed construction in the past three years, up from 10,000 feddans before the revolt.

(Residents walk near illegal buildings built on farmland at the Qalubiya town of Kaha, about 50 km (30 miles) north of Cairo June 16, 2014).


Egypt's new Nile Valley: grand plan gone bad

April 22, 2012

It is up to Egypt's new government to decide what to do with its huge investment in a largely dysfunctional project.

TOSHKA, EGYPT // On a two-lane road between between the Egyptian cities of Aswan and Abu Simbel in the south of the country, a blue sign reads: "Welcome to the New City of Toshka". But yawning on either side of the road is a vast, empty desert that stretches for miles.

Toshka was designed in 1997 as the beginning of the relocation of 20 per cent of Egypt's 85 million citizens to a "new" Nile valley, using water pumped from Lake Nasser to irrigate the barren sands of the Western Desert.

It was to be Hosni Mubarak's grandest legacy - an answer to Egypt's crowded cities, pollution, food shortages and unemployment problems all addressed in one mega-project. Toshka became known as "Mubarak's pyramid" for its unprecedented scale as well as the slow pace of construction.

A half-hour drive south from the "New City of Toshka" reveals the meagre results of Mubarak's pharaonic ambitions 15 years later. There are only 21,000 hectares of farmland, less than 10 per cent of the goal. None of the cities, factories, schools or hospitals have been built. Most produce is exported for the benefit of the private companies that bought land there.

It is now up to whatever government will be in place after presidential elections scheduled for next month to decide what to do with its huge investment in a largely dysfunctional project with uncertain prospects.

How elected officials choose to rebuild Egypt's ailing economy will begin with deliberations over decades of investments in projects across Egypt that on the whole failed to deliver jobs, greater distribution of wealth and a competitive advantage for the country as a whole in the region.

The country's most powerful political party, the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, is against continuing Toshka as planned, an official said.

"We are completely against Toshka, as it was envisioned," said Mohamed Abdul Fattah, the party's secretary general in Aswan - the biggest city near Toshka. "The project was media propaganda for Mubarak to have his legacy … What we need is planning and management, not a fantasy to be remembered by."

Muslim Brotherhood officials have articulated the group's own "renaissance" plan for Egypt that seeks to boost the economy with private sector initiatives and large-scale projects. The challenge will be how to move forward without encountering the same pitfalls as Toshka.

For Egyptians, the project taps into a multi-generational dream that started in the 1940s and 1950s to "green the desert" through engineering and take advantage of the 95 per cent of the country that is uninhabited because it is too dry.

Since the emergence of ancient Egyptian civilisation in 3200 BC, people have lived along the lush shores of the Nile river and delta that seeps into the Mediterranean Sea.

President Gamal Abdel Nasser's construction of the High Aswan Dam between 1960 and 1970 inspired scientists to speculate on the possibility of a second valley. The dam created the 5,250 square kilometre Lake Nasser, provided electricity and controlled flooding.


10 Facts About the Struggle to End the Water Crisis in Egypt

    Egypt is suffering from severe water scarcity. Only 20 cubic meters of water per person of internal renewable freshwater resources remain.
    Population growth is a massive contributor to the water crisis in Egypt. Since the 1990s, the population has grown by 41 percent. The population is also predicted to grow from 92 million to 110 million by 2025.
    Ninety-five percent of the Egyptian population lives within a ten-mile radius of the Nile River. Egypt also controls 90 percent of the Nile River, more than any other country surrounding the Nile. Even with this proximity to the river, two out of five households do not have water.
    Human life on the Nile is partially responsible for the water crisis in Egypt. Most pollution comes from municipal and industrial waste. The industrial waste affects the drinkability of the water along with the ecosystems within the water.
    Polluted water is being distributed to citizens. Because of the water scarcity, most water is not treated properly, leading to 95.5 percent of the nation drinking poorly sanitized water.
    Egypt consists of mostly desert land, with only six percent of land being arable and useful for agriculture. This type of environment leads to the nation only receiving 80 mm of rainfall annually.
    Egypt’s poor irrigation system is wasting a majority of the nation’s water sources. Thirty-five percent of underground water leaks through, as caused by the deteriorating infrastructures that haven’t been replaced in the decades since they were first put in place.
    In June 2015, the water crisis in Egypt led to the city of Bilquas and its 50,000 inhabitants being without water for an entire week. This type of scarcity leads to an annual state of emergency, where many towns do not have any access to water. The town of Ezbit Al-Taweed also suffered from the water crisis. Every day government trucks of water travel to the city who have no access to water.
    Water prices have skyrocketed because of the water crisis in Egypt. Dozens of people wait in lines outside shops and kiosks and the price of a 1.5-litre bottle can jump from three pounds to 10 pounds within a matter of days.
    In desperation for water, people have succumbed to illegally digging for water sources in their backyards. Due to the illegality of such digging, the water is not treated, leaving people to drink water infused with high amounts of magnesium, iron, and sodium. This water has been the cause of 13 percent of all child deaths in the country.


Geoelectric Soundings and Hydrochemical Investigations for Groundwater Potential West of the Nile River, Assiut, Egypt



Coastal vulnerability assessment for Egypt's Mediterranean coast



Egypt to lose 1000 km of sandy coasts due to erosion: Study

March 10, 2020

Erosion of sandy beaches will endanger wildlife, cause heavy losses in coastal cities

The world’s beaches represent an interface between land and water, and provide protection for coasts from marine storms and hurricanes, but a new study by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre indicates that without mitigating the effects of climate change and adapting to it, half of the world’s beaches will be vulnerable to erosion by the end of the century.


Sea-level rise and shoreline retreat of the Nile Delta promontories, Egypt



Increased Land Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise are Submerging Egypt’s Nile Delta Coastal Margin



Modelling soil erosion in a Mediterranean watershed: Comparison between SWAT and AnnAGNPS models.



Soil erosion may get us before climate change does

December 1, 2014


Humans have devastated a third of Earth's soil. A global network of volunteers who met online say they can restore it.

Feb 26, 2020


Impact of hydrogel polymer in agricultural sector

April 11, 2018


The use of water holding amendments like hydrogel polymers material for enhancing water and nutrient use efficiency will become more important over time, especially in arid and semiarid regions with limiting water availability, the hydrogel able to retain water and plant nutrients and release it to the plants when surrounding soil near the root zone of plants start to dry up. Nowadays water management is considered one of the major challenges for all countries in arid and semi–arid regions, in fact, by 2030, global water demand is probable to be 50% higher than today, resulting in water scarcity, in the same time agricultural sector used over 70 percent of freshwater in most regions of the world.

Research evidence suggests that when the soil is treated with water hydrogel composite the water volumetric content of the soil increases significantly and when the surrounding soil dries, the stored water is released back slowly into the soil.

The hydrogel increase efficient water consumption, decreasing irrigation costs and increasing irrigation intervals, also, implement soil's water holding capacity and soil porosity, providing plants with eventual moisture and nutrients as well as enhancing plant viability and ventilation and root development which provides a conducive atmosphere for better growth of plants and finally increases crop yield.

Hydrogel has various characters like the high swelling and the slow water retention encourage their use as safer release systems for fertilizers and as a soil conditioner in agricultural applications. Hydrogel polymer is particularly valuable in agricultural sector since they can retain water and reduce land erosion.

There are various original publications, papers, reviews, and book chapter focused on the synthesis, properties, and applications of hydrogel polymer. The objectives of this work are to explain the role and applications of hydrogel polymer in agricultural sector i.e. improving soil characters, increasing nutrient use efficiency, and the management of irrigation to reduce water consumption and conservation.



 Section 10: Waste



Zabbaleen: Trash Town. A whole community in Egypt that lives on rubbish

May 15, 2016


Cairo’s Garbage City

Cairo, Egypt

Slum Settlement Filled With Mountains of Garbage.

Manshiyat Nasser, or as it is more popularly known, Garbage City,“ is a slum settlement with a population of around 60,000 on the outskirts of the Moqattam Hills, within Cairo’s sprawling metropolitan area.

The village is notable for having nearly every space of it covered in garbage, including the streets and rooftops of the settlement. These piles of garbage are the result of the Cairo Metropolitan Area having never established an efficient garbage collecting system, despite having a population of nearly 20 million.


 Toxic 'e-waste' dumped in poor nations, says United Nations

Dec 2013

Millions of tonnes of old electronic goods illegally exported to developing countries, as people dump luxury items

Few countries understand the scale of the problem, because no track is kept of all e-waste, says the European Environment Agency, which estimates between 250,000 tonnes and 1.3m tonnes of used electrical products are shipped out of the EU every year, mostly to west Africa and Asia. "These goods may subsequently be processed in dangerous and inefficient conditions, harming the health of local people and damaging the environment," said a spokesman.





Zabbaleen: Trash Town. A whole community in Egypt that lives on rubbish

May 15, 2016


Taking A Peek of The Zabbaleen: The Garbage People of Cairo, Egypt


Impact of landfill leachate on the groundwater quality: A case study in Egypt.

Feb 2014


Application of Nanoparticles with Sequencing Batch Reactor for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate

19 May 2018


Background: Solid waste landfill leachate is one of the most polluted types of wastewater and its treatment is considered as a great challenge. The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is one of the best technologies used for the treatment of wastewater including leachate.

Objective: A SBR model was installed (30 days working) for the treatment of raw leachate collected from Elwafa and Elamal sanitary landfill in new Cairo city, Egypt. Two treatment cycles (8 and 12 hours) were applied. A modification in the 12-h treatment cycle was carried out by increasing the aeration the settlement periods. Nanoparticles were used supplemented into the SBR model to enhance the treatment efficiency.

Results: The results proved the ability of the SBR system without nanoparticles for the treatment of leachate but still leachate has high concentrations of pollutants. After the addition of nanoparticles, the treatment efficiency of SBR system increased significantly. The removal percent of all studied physicochemical parameters were higher than 99% except TP which was 96.67%.

Conclusion: The treated leachate quality was comparable with the Egyptian standards for the reuse of treated leachate in restricted irrigation. The application of nanoparticles proved as a clean, environment friendly and cheap technology to improve the treatment of leachate using SBR system.


ToxiCity: life at Agbobloshie, the world's largest e-waste dump in Ghana

Jun 1, 2016


The Toxic Waste Trade with Less-Industrialised Countries: Economic Linkages and Political Alliances



Trace, Heavy Metals and Microbial Contamination of Groundwater and Its Evaluation in the Northwestern Portion of Sinai Peninsula,  Egypt

4, April 2015


Application of different magnetic intensities for the treatment of landfill leachate in Egypt

10 Nov 2017


Egypt large landfills to be shut: Environment official


CAIRO – 14 August 2018: Head of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Mohamed Salah, said that Egypt is about to shut its large landfills, as the state has secured lands to establish new landfill cells.

Salah said that there are random landfills in governorates, adding that the Environment Ministry has set a plan to deal with these landfills. He revealed that some machines were placed to control spontaneous fires that can start in the landfills.

Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad cited earlier this month the spontaneous combustion of landfills, emissions stemming from industrial facilities and vehicle exhaust as some of the main causes of air pollution in Egypt.

She also unveiled new measures to be applied to reduce air pollutants.

Among these measures is keeping a close eye, in coordination with different governorates, on random rubbish dumps for rapid intervention in case of fire eruption in addition to finding innovative solutions, with youths' involvement, to get rid of agricultural waste, the minister said.

Landfills that have increased in size over years in Egypt are subject to plans that would see them turned into recycling centers.


Cairo's waste war




August 2005


Lebanon: Beirut Landfill Near Capacity

June 25, 2019


(A beach where a heavy winds and strong waves washed ashore piles of garbage in Keserwan, north of Beirut, Lebanon, on 23 January 2018).


Sharqiya governorate removes 43,800 tons of waste

January 13, 2020

Sharqiya Governor Mamdouh Ghorab announced on Friday that 43,800 tons of waste have been removed from the city of Zagazig – specifically the areas of al-Ghar, al-Asalugy, Mubarak, and Farouq Street – and transferred to the Khattara landfill, as part of a plan to preserve the environment and protect the health of citizens.

This comes to implement a protocol signed between the ministries of Military Production, Local Development, Environment, and Planning to upgrade the municipal waste management system and remove garbage accumulations, ensuring a healthy, safe and clean environment.

Ghorab said that the Sharqiya governorate has to get rid of random dumps, remove the waste there and transfer it to the landfill in Khattara, in addition to intensifying the cleaning work with morning and evening shifts until the waste would be completely removed.


ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Second Pollution Abatement Project


Towards Sustainable Management of Solid Waste in Egypt






Section 11: Desertification





Desertification an imminent threat, creating unstable grounds for development



Egyptian National Action Program to Combat Desertification.


Combating Egypt’s Desertification by Creating Awareness for the Beauty and Values of Nature



Towards Good Governance for Sustainability: Egyptian Capacity for Environmental Economics to Combat Land Degradation and Desertification


How Egypt Plans to Make the Desert Bloom


With its ambitious "Toshka" project, Egypt's government intends to tame the desert and make it fertile using water from the Nile – but at what price? Hassan Znined reports


Evaluation of some Agricultural Expansion Areas in the Eastern Desert of Egypt using GIS



UN Projects Tackle Desertification in the Mid-East, Asia and Africa

27 June 2017


Interesting facts and figures on desertification



Desert spreading like 'cancer,' Egypt conference told

April 2010


Egypt Is Building A New Capital In The Desert

Apr 27, 2020


Assessing desertification and water harvesting in the Middle East and North Africa: Policy implications



Land Resource Stresses and Desertification in Africa


Northern Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia

This ecoregion forms a buffer between the Mediterranean Forest ecoregions and the Sahara Desert farther south. The ecoregion may once have been forested, but today scrub vegetation predominates. A number of narrowly endemic species of plants are found here, although there are few endemic vertebrates. The ecoregion is currently highly threatened by the change from nomadic pastoralism to settled agriculture and grazing. This is thought to be leading to increased desertification in the area.


Desertification in Egypt: Current Status and Trends

August 2015


The Impact of Desertification as Revealed by Mapping

Spring 1978


A dynamic simulation model of desertification in Egypt



Aridification of the Egyptian Sahara 5000–4000 cal BP revealed from x-ray fluorescence analysis of Nile Delta sediments at Kom al-Ahmer/Kom Wasit



Elemental XRF analysis carried out on an 8m long core from the Nile Delta reveals a gradual increase in the Ca/Ti ratio between 5000–4000 cal BP which is linked to the progressive development of hyper-aridity in this region. The increase results from elevated flux of aeolian material entering the Nile river system from calcareous source rock geologies in the dryer Egyptian Sahara. The most major increase in hyper-aridity occurs around 4000 cal BP. Such a perspective suggests a locally abrupt, regionally time-transgressive inception of hyper-aridity in this region at the end of the African Humid Period. After this time, reorganisation of wind circulation meant that less Saharan-derived aeolian material entered the Nile Valley, and the contribution of aeolian material in the Nile’s sedimentary signal was also dwarfed by an increase in Blue Nile sedimentary flux. Chronological control is provided by two radiocarbon dates and the top and bottom of a well-constrained pottery horizon that dates from the period of occupation of two nearby archaeological sites: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit.


North Africa to lose another breadbasket due to climate change – Egypt’s Nile Delta dries out and submerges simultaneously, millions of migrants likely

September 15, 2015


Desertification threat to local food production



Evaluation Of Present-Day Climate-Induced Desertification In El-Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert Of Egypt, Based On Integration Of MEDALUS Method, GIS And RS Techniques.

29 Oct 2015


Report on the Vegetation of the Qattara Depression and Its Periphery

June 1997


Vegetation Dynamics and Species Diversity in a Saharan Oasis, Egypt

September 2018


Evaluation of Waterlogged Areas in El-Farafra Oasis, Egypt

November 2019


Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes


Holocene lake sediments from the Faiyum Oasis in Egypt: A record of environmental and climate change

January 2018


Sustainable tourism development in AlFayoum Oasis, Egypt



 A stable Egypt for a stable region:

Socio-economic challenges and prospects



Evaluation of the groundwater resources potential of Siwa Oasis using three­ dimensional multilayer groundwater flow model, Mersa Matruh Governorate, Egypt



Studies of characteristics of water, soil and plants of the Siwa oasis, Egypt



Evaluation of Sustainable Land Management on Some Selected Soils of Siwa Oasis



Desertification and its impact on agriculture production in Siwa Oasis



Egypt's Earliest Agricultural Settlement Unearthed

February 18, 2008


The Sahara Is Millions of Years Older Than Thought

September 17, 2014

The great desert was born some 7 million years ago, as remnants of a vast sea called Tethys closed up


Nile River may be older than previously thought

18 Nov 2019

Driven by mantle convection, the ground surface’s rise and fall has controlled the drainage and evolution of one of Earth’s longest rivers for the past 30 million years.


How the Nile River Has Stayed In One Place for 30 Million Years

November 11, 2019

Geologic turmoil in the Earth's mantle has kept the Nile's course true for 30 million years.


Hydrogeochemistry and Quality Assessment for the Groundwater of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer of the Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt


Desert Whales in Egypt


ZenithTalk: Greening Egypt

Feb 15, 2017


Egyptian Desert Transformed Into Forest With Recycled Sewage Water

January 19, 2020


Greening the Desert With Wastewater

Like a mirage, an ethereal woodland kingdom rises from the Egyptian sands to fight desertification

October 29, 2019


Scientists Use Recycled Sewage Water to Grow 500-Acre Forest in the Middle of Egyptian Desert

Dec 28, 2019


Making the Egyptian Desert Bloom Using Recycled Water

Stopping Desertification by planting forests.

Jan 10, 2020


Garbage Soil Helps Trees Grow in the Desert

Oct. 18, 2018


 Sustainable Mountain Development in the Middle East and North Africa


 Towards green cities in developing countries: Egyptian new cities as a case study



The Sahara Desert Is Growing. Here's What That Means

March 29, 2018

The Sahara — the world’s biggest hot desert — is getting even bigger. In fact, it is currently about 10 percent larger than it was nearly a century ago, and scientists suggest that climate change is partly responsible.

In a new study, researchers examined rainfall data gathered across Africa, consulting records dating back to 1920 and noting how changing conditions affected regions around the boundaries of the great desert.

They discovered that while some natural climate cycles could partly explain reduced rainfall and desert expansion southward, human-driven climate change is also playing a part. And if climate change continues unchecked, the Sahara's slow growth will likely continue, the study authors reported. [The Sahara: Facts, Climate and Animals of the Desert]

Previously, scientists had explored the Sahara's expansion by examining satellite data dating back to the 1980s. This study, which was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, is the first to analyze long-term trends in rainfall and surface air temperature over a timescale of nearly an entire century, the study's lead author, Natalie Thomas, a doctoral candidate in atmospheric and oceanic science at the University of Maryland, told Live Science.


Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated

 July 20, 2006


The Vanished Cedar Forests of Lebanon


Without doubt, the most sought-after tree of Bible times was the majestic cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus Libani). The Bible mentions the cedar of Lebanon or cedar wood over 70 times! At one time, vast forests of these graceful trees covered the mountains of Lebanon and the eastern Mediterranean region. They can grow at low elevations as well as high, but growing in the rugged  and arid conditions of the Lebanese mountains, contributes to a hardy tree with a reputation for wood that is all but indestructible.

The majestic Lebanon cedar trees grow very slowly and can be very long-lived. They are reported to have grown to the height of 40 meters (130 feet) but modern specimens are commonly around 20 meters (65 feet) in height. They have thick trunks and branches that grow in horizontal rows that decrease in length with each progressive layer towards a broad flattened top. Unlike the familiar red cedar wood of North America, the wood of the Lebanon cedar is lighter in color. The wood has a very pleasing fragrance, making a walk through the Lebanese forest very agreeable. The bark is dark gray and exudes a resin that was used as a preservatent (the Egyptians used it to mummify bodies) and in a range of medical treatments. Modern science has shown that the resin contains antimicrobial properties.

A number of factors made the tree very desirable among the ancient people of the middle east. First, the wood is free from knots which made it ideal for the construction of ships masts. This is even mentioned in the Bible at Ezekiel 27:5, “And they took a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.”

Ancient ship builders also prized Lebanese cedar wood  because it is easily worked and shaped, it ages with little shrinkage and it resists rot or decay in salt water better than most types of wood*. This versatile wood allowed the Phoenician (Canaanite) people of Lebanon to become the one of the worlds first sea-faring nations. The wood allowed them to build seaworthy long-range vessels and gave them something valuable to trade.

Finally, the wood is famously resistant to decay or rot in dry conditions. Even a dead branch of the Lebanon cedar may lie on the ground for years before it begins to decay. Even more remarkably, the wood of the Lebanon cedar is generally immune from insect attack.

“My servants will bring them down from Lebanon to the sea, and I will make them into log rafts to go by sea to the place that you designate to me. I will have them broken up there, and you can carry them away. In exchange, you will provide the food that I request for my household.” (1 Kings 5:9)

How The Cedar Was Used In Bible Times

The Lebanon Cedar’s pleasant appearance, ease of workability, sweet scent and legendary durability made it the most sought after building material in ancient Israel. The Phoenician king Hiram of Tyre supplied King David with cedar and woodworkers to build David a royal palace. David felt guilty that he had such luxurious accommodations while the Ark of the Covenant was still housed in the Tabernacle, the “Tent of Worship”. Said King David, “Here I am living in a house of cedars while the Ark of the true God sits in the midst of tent cloths.” (2 Samuel 7:2). King Solomon later had a royal building constructed which came to be called, “The House of the Forest of Lebanon”, probably so named because it contained 45 pillars of Lebanese cedar (1 Kings 7:1,2). Most famously, Solomon extensively used the cedar of Lebanon in the construction of the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem. Cedar wood was also used in the reconstruction of the Temple and in Herod’s Temple.

The cedar was cut in Lebanon, hauled overland to Tyre and then the logs were fashioned into rafts and floated by sea to the Israelite harbor city of Joppa (Jaffa). Joppa was the only natural harbor from where the Carmel range reaches the sea in northern Israel (in modern-day Haifa) all the way down to Egypt. From Joppa, the logs were hauled overland to Jerusalem. Said King Hiram of Tyre to King Solomon,

How The Cedar of Lebanon All But Disappeared

Unfortunately the popularity of the cedar of Lebanon became its undoing. The once vast forests were heavily logged in ancient times. In the 2nd century C.E, the Roman emperor Hadrian (ruled 117-138 C.E) was so alarmed at the Lebanese forest’s depletion he sought to protect what remained by making it an Imperial preserve. But in the following centuries the unsustainable logging continued unabated. In the 19th century, the Ottoman empire used the wood to build railroads and during the First World War, the British and the Turks used what was remaining for the war effort.

Sadly, today only 12 small groves of the once vast cedar forests of Lebanon remain in isolated parts of the mountains of Lebanon. These are now popular tourist destinations. Further stands of the trees exist in Turkey. Fortunately both countries have begun to make serious replanting efforts to try to bring back the ancient forests.

Lebanon has made reforestation a matter of national pride (the cedar of Lebanon is a national symbol of the country and even appears on the national flag.) But these efforts will take many centuries to be successful and serious challenges threaten that success. These include the political volatility of the area, war, the general poverty of the country and now the damaging effects of climate change.

It will be a beautiful thing to see these forests flourishing once more and to walk amongst these fragrant trees. No doubt in the future we will learn to take better care of them!

“But the righteous will flourish like a palm tree And grow big like a cedar in Lebanon.” (Psalm 92:12)


The Desertification of the Egyptian Sahara during the Holocene (the Last 10,000 years) and Its Influence on the Rise of Egyptian Civilization

10 November 2010


Egyptian civilization is the gift of the Nile. But it is also the result of climatic change since the last ice age (Fagan 2004). During the last 10,000 years or so, desertification, punctuated by temporary reversals, has driven people out of what was once a well-watered savannah covering vast areas of the present Sahara into smaller areas fed by rivers and near-surface groundwaters. In Egypt, the result was a relatively large population in a relatively small area, the Nile Valley (Barich 1998). This has led to ideas that this population required organization in order for it to survive and allow complex regimented societies to develop; exemplified by the early Pharaonic period with its huge public works projects—the pyramids and associated monuments (Wilkinson 2003). But did complex societies evolve during this organization or was the organization a pre-requisite for the complex societies; did it take place before the constriction of society into the Nile Valley; and did it begin in one area and then spread? A popular view is that increasing social complexity occurred during the development of agriculture, made possible by a benign climate while severe climatic change interrupted this development (Burroughs 2005). On the other hand, there is increasing evidence that social complexity developed during climatic deterioration (Brooks 2006). Such questions require objective analysis of the timing of development of different social systems related to climatic change in different parts of Egypt and adjacent areas.


What Really Turned the Sahara Desert From a Green Oasis Into a Wasteland?

March 24, 2017

10,000 years ago, this iconic desert was unrecognizable. A new hypothesis suggests that humans may have tipped the balance

When most people imagine an archetypal desert landscape—with its relentless sun, rippling sand and hidden oases—they often picture the Sahara. But 11,000 years ago, what we know today as the world’s largest hot desert would’ve been unrecognizable. The now-dessicated northern strip of Africa was once green and alive, pocked with lakes, rivers, grasslands and even forests. So where did all that water go?

Archaeologist David Wright has an idea: Maybe humans and their goats tipped the balance, kick-starting this dramatic ecological transformation. In a new study in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science, Wright set out to argue that humans could be the answer to a question that has plagued archaeologists and paleoecologists for years.

The Sahara has long been subject to periodic bouts of humidity and aridity. These fluctuations are caused by slight wobbles in the tilt of the Earth’s orbital axis, which in turn changes the angle at which solar radiation penetrates the atmosphere. At repeated intervals throughout Earth’s history, there’s been more energy pouring in from the sun during the West African monsoon season, and during those times—known as African Humid Periods—much more rain comes down over north Africa.

With more rain, the region gets more greenery and rivers and lakes. All this has been known for decades. But between 8,000 and 4,500 years ago, something strange happened: The transition from humid to dry happened far more rapidly in some areas than could be explained by the orbital precession alone, resulting in the Sahara Desert as we know it today. “Scientists usually call it ‘poor parameterization’ of the data,” Wright said by email. “Which is to say that we have no idea what we’re missing here—but something’s wrong.”

As Wright pored the archaeological and environmental data (mostly sediment cores and pollen records, all dated to the same time period), he noticed what seemed like a pattern. Wherever the archaeological record showed the presence of “pastoralists”—humans with their domesticated animals—there was a corresponding change in the types and variety of plants. It was as if, every time humans and their goats and cattle hopscotched across the grasslands, they had turned everything to scrub and desert in their wake.

Wright thinks this is exactly what happened. “By overgrazing the grasses, they were reducing the amount of atmospheric moisture—plants give off moisture, which produces clouds—and enhancing albedo,” Wright said. He suggests this may have triggered the end of the humid period more abruptly than can be explained by the orbital changes. These nomadic humans also may have used fire as a land management tool, which would have exacerbated the speed at which the desert took hold.


 When the Sahara Was Green

Mar 10, 2020


 Oasis us a hyman creation without human intervention it is bound to disappear


{We can see patterns of desertification around the world, We see desertification happening in Africa, Europe, Kazakhstan, Russia and around the globe}.




The severe Sahelian drought that extended from through l969 focused the world's attention on the human aspects of land degradation and led to the convening of the 1977 United Nations Conference on Desertification. Drought, however, is not the cause of desertification; man is. The drought served only to place additional stress on the biological resources of the Sahel. If resource management has been good, little, if any, permanent damage is done by droughts. However, if resource management has been unwise, a drought accentuates the adverse impact of that management and accelerates land degradation (Weaver and Albertson, 1940). The latter is what has occurred widely in the Sahel and elsewhere.

All of the usual forms of desertification are present in the arid regions of the African continent and are manifested as serious local or regional problems (Figure 2). Overgrazing has reduced range productivity virtually everywhere outside the tsetse fly regions, in north, west, east, and south Africa. Wind and water erosion have devastated landscapes in the cultivated regions and in much of the rangelands (Rapp, 1974). Shortened fallow periods in the shifting cultivation system south of the Sahara have led to severe depletion of plant nutrients. Salinization and waterlogging of irrigated land is worst in the Nile Valley and North Africa but also occurs elsewhere. Mining has left surface scars wherever it is practiced. The environmental degradation continues and shows no sign of slowing down.


Egyptian National Action Program To Combat Desertification

June 2005

Plant life in the Nubian extremely arid desert is confined to drainage lines and Wadis. These Wadis can be grouped (according to the rock formation they drain and direction of their flow) into four groups as follows : • Wadis   of   the   Nubian   sandstone   that   flow   into   the   Nile   include   the   following   communities: Acacia  tortilis,Salsola  imbricata  -  Acacia  ehenbergiana,    Fagonia  indica,Tamarix nilotica – Salsola imbricata and Psoralea plicata community type. • Wadis    which    Drain    the    Basement    Rocks    into    the    Nile    include, Panicum turgidum,Acacia   ehrenbergiana   –   Fagonia   ondica ,Maerua   crassifolia   –   Panicum   turgidum ,Acacia  ,  tortilis  –  Zilla  spinosa  and  Balanites  aegyptiaca  –  Zilla  spinosa  community types  • Wadis  Draining  the  Basement  Country  to  the  Red  Sea  support   Acacia  tortilis  –  Zilla  spinosa, Balanites aegyptiaca – Leptadenia pyrotechnicaandTamarix aphylla – Salvador persica community types. •   Wadis  that  Drain  the  Nubian  Sandstone  Country  (Abraq  area)  to  the  Red  Sea  support Acacia tortilis – Aerva javanica,Acacia tortilis – Zilla spinosa and Acacia tortilis – Dipterygium glaucum community types.


 Desertification in Africa: 10 things you must know

In Africa, desertification is said to be happening at an estimated 20,000 hectares per year


 Stone Age Graveyard reveals Lifestyles of a 'Green Sahara': Two Successive Cultures Thrived Lakeside

Aug 14, 2008


Stone Age mass graves reveal green Sahara



Turning the tide on desertification in Africa

Jul 4, 2011


Re-greening in Niger, a road trip with Dr Chris Reij

Feb 13, 2013

{Why water levels in Niger wells went up}.


Regreening Ethiopia's Highlands: A New Hope for Africa

Sep 21, 2014

3:00 - Erosion from overgrazed lands.


Green Ethiopia Planting Hope with Trees

Apr 8, 2014


Ethiopia Project For Trees For The Future

Nov 5, 2009


The forests of Lilengo (v2016)

Jan 12, 2016


Earthrise - The Great Green Wall

Sep 30, 2011


The Great Green Wall of Africa - the World Bank/ Global Environment Facility Contribution

Apr 7, 2015


Permaculture Behind Greening the Desert with Geoff Lawton 

Feb 21, 2011


Celebrating 10-Years at the Greening the Desert Project, Jordan

Sep 25, 2018


Ecological Designer Daniel Halsey hosts Geoff Lawton. Dan explains some of his design process.

Oct 19, 2018


Scientists discover that the world contains dramatically more trees than previously thought

September 2, 2015


 Too much emphasis on trees to right climate change, say scientists

22 October 2019

Scientists in Zürich say previous studies about tree-planting used incorrect data — even including cities as places that could be reforested


Is there such a thing as too many trees? What would happen if there were more trees than oxygen-breathing creatures? Let’s disregard obvious physical limitations like safety hazards and lack of space.


Surprising Pollution Problem: Too Many Trees (Op-Ed)

May 21, 2013

Back in 1981, President Ronald Reagan caused an uproar when he warned that trees "cause more pollution than automobiles do." Go ahead, snicker. I sure did. But recently I discovered that he was actually right (albeit for all the wrong reasons).

Today, our Western forests — from the Rockies to the mountains of the Sierra Nevada — are loaded with several billion excess trees. This is the unintended consequence of a longstanding federal policy, symbolized by Smokey Bear, to stamp out forest fires.

That policy has radically altered our forest landscapes, where fires set by lightning or Native Americans had always limited forest stocks to roughly a few dozen trees per acre. All that changed in 1910, when a series of huge wildfires led the federal government to declare war on wildfires through a program that now costs more than $2 billion a year.

The result: roughly 112 to 172 more trees per acre in mountain forests of the West. This process of unnatural afforestation (the establishment of trees or tree stands where none previously were) may sound green and benevolent, but the reality is quite different.

The new trees' canopies collectively intercept 20 to 30 percent of snow and rain that can no longer seep into the ground, and each additional tree's roots suck 18 gallons of moisture up out of the ground before runoff can feed thirsty creeks.

That adds up. Helen Poulos, a fire ecologist at Wesleyan University, and I have estimated, conservatively, that excess trees in the 7.5 million acres of Sierra Nevada conifer forest are responsible for the loss of more than 15 billion gallons per day, or 17 million acre-feet of water per year. That's more than enough water to meet the needs of every Californian for a year.

Metastasizing native tree also physically alters the temperature, chemistry and biology of the landscape. It crowds out indigenous plant and animal species. Shade tolerant species take over. Deprived of low-intensity, naturally occurring fires, aspen, lupine, sequoia and fireweed can't reproduce. Deer lose edge habitat. Threatened owls and raptors can't navigate through increasingly dense thickets.

And, when the inevitable forest fires rage through over-forested lands, they burn hotter and faster, and are deadlier and costlier than other fires, thanks to all that extra fuel. They also spew huge amounts of carbon and asthma-inducing particulate matter into the air — a big fire is like setting a coal-fired power plant in the middle of a forest.

Fixing the problem

How to reverse a century's accumulation of thirsty, deadly, ecologically polluting fuel? Doing nothing is too costly, and waiting for a 16-million-acre tinderbox to ignite is too wasteful and dangerous.

Happily, there's a third way, one that could aid both our anemic economy and equally anemic rivers. We need to surgically remove the bulk of the excess, small-diameter 'trash' trees through careful thinning. Enter the chain saw.

For my liberal friends, the snarl and whine of a chainsaw in the forest generates suspicion. And my conservative friends object to a multibillion-dollar public works projects in the woods.

But, as times have changed, so have economic incentives. Western markets value an acre-foot of water at $450 to $650, which means that the annual worth of water taken up by excess trees throughout the Western forests may be more than $8.5 billion. To recover that water, private and local public entities could invest $1,000 per acre in people to cut down small, fire-prone trees, yielding $1,500 worth of vital water per acre.

This contractual approach to the forest — anchored by Western cities like Spokane, Wash.; Denver; Salt Lake City; San Diego; Bend, Ore.; Reno, Nev.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Sacramento, Calf.; or Bozeman, Mont. — would pay for itself while reducing fuel loads, slashing carbon emissions, increasing water runoff to streams and rivers, raising revenues and boosting meaningful job growth in rural areas. What's not to like?

There is no need for federal or state funds, or new laws — in fact, state and federal regulators should cut the red tape that might hold up local agreements between cities and rural areas that could restore forest health and replenish shrunken rivers.

It's true that this approach will require that environmentalists jettison the outmoded notion that if 12 trees are good, 100 trees must be better. It's that kind of thinking that now threatens to strangle the very forests and streams environmentalism seeks to protect. It's time to move on.


The Forest Garden Solution

Oct 10, 2017


5 Useful Methods China Uses To Convert Desert Into Productive Lands Rich With Crops

May 4, 2019


Rainwater Catchment for Reforestation & Increased Production

Dec 6, 2016


Northern Senegal defends against desertification with trees

Nov 17, 2016


The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest?

Apr 7, 2019


One Man’s Mission to Revive the Last Redwood Forests | Short Film Showcase

May 28, 2016


#15 What if we change - Perennial Paradise - Zaytuna Farm

Apr 5, 2013


Rainwater Harvesting in the Desert | Greening the Desert

Nov 29, 2017


The Man Who Stopped the Desert

Dec 1, 2014


How to Create and Maintain Soil Fertility

Apr 15, 2019


Regreening the planet - VPRO documentary - 2014

May 14, 2017


The World Lost Way, Way Too Many Trees Last Year (Not To Mention The Year Before That)
Deforestation is not slowing–it’s as fast as it’s been in years.



Forest Man

Jun 13, 2014


Full Film: Man Spends 30 Years Regenerating Farmland into Amazing Forest | Fools & Dreamers

 Jul 27, 2019


TerrAfrica Great Green Wall Photos Gallery

Oct 16, 2013


#16 What if we change - Food Security and Environmental Transformation in Ethiopia

May 17, 2013


Green China Rising - Executive Cut (English)

Aug 6, 2015


Why China's First Military Base Abroad is in Africa

Sep 6, 2019


Ecological Designer Daniel Halsey hosts Geoff Lawton. Dan explains some of his design process.

Oct 19, 2018


Meet the Rainwater Harvesting Champions of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

May 24, 2016


NREGA-MP--Watershed Devlopment---

Jul 11, 2014


The Power of Rain Drops

Oct 27, 2015


 El-Salam canal is a potential project reusing the Nile Delta drainage water for Sinai desert agriculture: Microbial and chemical water quality

April 2012


Kenya - where toilets have become a constitutional right

9 February 2020


Combating Desertification in Africa Imperative for Security

By the Africa Center for Strategic Studies

June 16, 2017

The effects of desertification are widespread and growing worse, contributing to heightened resource competition, conflict, and hunger.


Desertification, explained

Humans are driving the transformation of drylands into desert on an unprecedented scale around the world, with serious consequences. But there are solutions.




Environmental issues in Egypt


    1 Water resources
    2 Pollution
        2.1 Air Pollution
        2.2 Noise pollution
    3 Monuments
        3.1 Pollution damage
        3.2 Encroachment of water
        3.3 Development
    4 Urbanization
        4.1 Traffic
        4.2 A New Capital City
        4.3 Green Spaces
    5 Legislative power over land and water
        5.1 Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs
        5.2 The Grand Renaissance Dam issue
            5.2.1 Overview of Sudan and Egypt water relations
            5.2.2 Tension with Saudi Arabia
    6 Egypt's hydropolitics
        6.1 Egypt's hydro political framework
    7 Egypt's water resource projects in the Upper Nile
        7.1 Additional Egyptian projects
    8 See also
    9 References
    10 External links


Impact of Water Quality at Different Locations of Alexandria Mediterranean Coast on the Pituitary-ovarian Axis of Gilthead Seabream Sparus aurata


Environmental pollutants such as metals, pesticides and other organics pose serious risks to aquatic organisms. Impact of pollution of Alexandria coast on gonadotrophs cells (GTC), ovarian structure and steroid hormones level in female S. aurata were evaluated in fish collected from four sites along Alexandria coast. The El Max Bay (EMB), Abu Qir Bay (AQB), Eastern Harbor (EH) and Abu Talat Region (ATR) sites were chosen representing regions with variable sources of pollution and compared to reference site (REF). Results showed that the physicochemical characteristics of water from sites EMB and AQB exhibited significant levels of heavy metals (Cd, pb, Cu, Zn and Fe) as well as pesticides that have a toxic impact on fish ovarian structure was revealed in the form of increased percentage of follicular atresia and deformed vitellogenic oocytes. Reduction in level of 17 β-estradiol and progesterone to significant values in both EMB and AQB sites compared to the reference site (REF). Also gonadosomatic index (GSI) of fish in both EMB and AQB sites showed significant decreased values. The gonadotrophs cells number decreases in EMB and AQB sites compared to reference site. The percentage of deformed cells with picnotic nuclei increased in AQB and EMB sites. The present study clearly demonstrated that pollution in EMB and AQB sites exhibits an endocrine disruptive action on the reproduction axis of S. aurata affecting quantity of GTC and/or ovaries structure, which could have a detrimental effect on population existence under prolonged exposure to pollution.


Evaluation of coastal problems at Alexandria, Egypt


Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt containing more than one third of the national industries and considered as the principal seaside summer resort on the Mediterranean. The coastal zone is presently experiencing two main problems resulting from natural and human activities: beach erosion and pollution. Most of the Alexandria coasts are rocky and have very little or no beach. Significant erosion occurs along most of Alexandria beaches as a result of sediment starvation, coastal processes and sea level rise. One of the most serious threats to the coastal zone comes from inland pollution sources, Mariut lake and sewage pipelines. As a result of increasing population and industrial development, poorly untreated industrial waste, domestic sewage, shipping industry and agricultural runoff are being released to the coast. With the rapid increase in the industries and population, changes in water quality would have potential consequences for the large rapidly growing population of the Alexandria region. Recommendations for environmental recovery and restoration are proposed for preservation of Alexandria resort beaches and harbours in order to facilitate development of environmental and tourist activities.


The Sahel, desertification beyond drought

June 17, 2019


Desertification in Africa


The Great Green Wall Fights Desertification in sub-Saharan Africa


Greening of Eritrea 26 min


Reforestation in the Sahara & Six-Legged Meat | Earthrise


Regreening the desert with John D. Liu - Docu - 2012


#16 What if we change - Food Security and Environmental Transformation in Ethiopia


Ethiopia planting hope in trees - FRANCE 24


Rwanda - Forests of Hope


Forests Keep Drylands Working


Regreening the desert with John D. Liu - Docu - 2012


The Rainwater Harvester


Green Ethiopia Planting Hope with Trees


Dancing on Water: Sand Dams in Kenya


Ethiopia planting hope in trees - FRANCE 24


Stone Lines


Surprising Pollution Problem: Too Many Trees (Op-Ed)

By Jamie Workman May 21, 2013


Is it possible to have too many trees?

Thinning forests in the Western United States can save billions of gallons of water per year and improve conservation efforts.


Water issue in Egypt: Resources, Protection and protection endeavors

Management of water quality, control of water pollution and environmental protection are major issues to preserve living conditions for the future. Egypt has been listed among the ten countries that are threatened by want of water by the year 2025 due to the rapidly increasing population. About 97% of Egypt's water resources are from the river Nile. The rest is from winter rain and non-renewable ground water aquifers. Industrial wastes are considered the major source of pollution in Egypt. About 350 industries are discharging their sewage-water either directly into the Nile or through the municipal system. There are about 1250 industrial plants located in Alexandria (about 60% of them are responsible for marine pollution of the Mediterranean coast of Alexandria) that discharge their wastewater into the sea via Lake Marriott. About 90% of the rural population have no access to sewer systems or wastewater treatment facilities and they mostly depend on the on-site disposal of wastewater “ septic tank” . Therefore, the high level of groundwater table seriously affects the infiltration and predisposes the shallow groundwater to pollution. In the delta region, drainage water is reused for irrigation after mixing with Nile water, while in Upper Egypt drainage water is disposed into the river Nile. The use of fertilizers and pesticides has significantly increased after the construction of High Dam. The result is weed flourishing which increases evapotranspiration, blocks the waterways, and provides habitats forBilharzia snails. The present study discusses the water issue in terms of water quality and man-made water pollution problems in Egypt. Water pollution control, management and protection to stretch our water budget via simple processes and to ensure the availability of water for various purposes are also goals of this study.


The “Great Green Wall” Didn’t Stop Desertification, but it Evolved Into Something That Might

August 23, 2016

The multibillion-dollar effort to plant a 4,000-mile-long wall of trees hit some snags along the way, but there’s still hope


How Desertification Is Killing Culture In Africa (And How To Help)

Jun 9, 2016


What would happen if all the world’s trees disappeared?




The immense challenge of desertification in sub-Saharan Africa

October 4, 2017


Desertification and a new countermeasure in the Sahel, West Africa

27 Nov 2014


Ancient West African foragers in the context of African population history

22 January 2020


'De Klerk is an apartheid apologist'- EFF disrupts Sona

Feb 13, 2020


Why Detroit Residents Pushed Back Against Tree-Planting

A couple of African-American women Carmichael talked to linked the tree-planting program to a painful racist moment in Detroit’s history, right after the 1967 race rebellion, when the city suddenly began cutting down elm trees in bulk in their neighborhoods. The city did this, as the women understood it, so that law enforcement and intelligence agents could better surveil their neighborhoods from helicopters and other high places after the urban uprising.

The city was chopping down trees at a faster clip at this time. And  the city was flying helicopters over their homes at one point—to spray toxic DDT from above on the trees. However, the government’s stated reason for the mass tree-choppings was that the trees were dying off from the Dutch elm disease then spreading across the country. These were competing heritage narratives of the same event—the clearing away of trees in the 1960s. The two narratives are in conflict, but it was the women’s version, based on their lived experiences, that led to their decision to reject the trees today. It’s not that they didn’t trust the trees; they didn’t trust the city.

“In this case, the women felt that [after the race rebellion] the city just came in and cut down their trees, and now they want to just come in planting trees,” said Carmichael. “But they felt they should have a choice in this since they’ll be the ones caring for the trees and raking up the leaves when the planters leave. They felt that the decisions regarding whether to cut down trees or plant new ones were being made by someone else, and they were going to have to deal with the consequences.”


Maps: Food Insecurity And Climate Change


Food insecurity and climate change


Carbon satellite to serve as an important tool for politicians and climate change experts

May 8, 2018


Can the World Find Solutions to the Nitrogen Pollution Crisis?

February 6, 2018


 Spatial trends in the nitrogen budget of the Africanagro-food system over the past five decades



United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD)



Desert Control: A glimmer of home in fighting the desertification of the Arab world and providing water sources

January 5th, 2020


Sand Dune Encroachment and Desertification Processes of the Rigboland Sand Sea, Central Iran

 08 May 2017


 Lake Urmia: how Iran’s most famous lake is disappearing 


New research shows Iran’s most famous lake has shrunk by nearly 90% since the 1970s. Scientists urge action


Lake Victoria, world’s largest tropical lake, may be drying up faster than we thought

The shrinking of Lake Victoria could have devastating consequences for the 40 million people in the region



Global climate change concerns for Africa's Lake Victoria

November 14, 2019


UN project shows how trees help halt desertification

20 June 2011


Arab States’ Water Resources Set to Fall by 50% by 2050: UN

April 5, 2019


Sahara Desert Has One of the Lowest Population Densities


 What’s Hidden Under the Sand of Sahara?

May 8, 2020


Algeria struggles to keep up with rapid population growth and own ambitions


Algeria’s population will reach 72.4 million in 2050 against about 42 million currently if its fertility rate remains steady.


The relationship between desertification and climate change in the Mediterranean


Assessment and mapping of desertification sensitivity in some of the western desert oases, Egypt, based on Remote Sensing and GIS


A Tale of Two Deserts: Contrasting Desertification Histories on Rome's Desert Frontiers



Exploring Egypt: The Black and White Desert

30 Jul 2019


Egypt ‘s Hidden Treasures Part 2: “White Desert”

22 April 2018


Egypt's White Desert: The alien landscape beyond the Pyramids

19th March 2020


White Desert National Park


Black Desert (Egypt)

The Black Desert is a region of volcano-shaped and widely spaced mounds, distributed along about 30 km in western Egypt between the White Desert in the south and the Bahariya Oasis in the north. Most of its mounds are capped by basalt sills, giving them the characteristic black color.

The mounds of the Black Desert, up to 100 m high, vary in size, composition, height, and shape as some are dark consisting of iron quartzite while others are more reddish as its surface rocks consist of iron sandstone. On the outskirts of the Black Desert are volcanic hills proving the eruption of dark volcanic dolerite, dating back to the Jurassic period 180 million years ago.


Why Africa has to worry about melting Greenland ice



Europe heatwave could 'enhance melting of Greenland ice sheet'

26 Jul 2019

Ice has been melting at high levels over the last few weeks in Greenland, World Meteorological Organization says.


Europe's record heatwave threatens Greenland ice sheet

July 26, 2019


Walloped by heat wave, Greenland sees massive ice melt

August 2, 2019

The heat wave that smashed high temperature records in five European countries a week ago is now over Greenland, accelerating the melting of the island's ice sheet and causing massive ice loss in the Arctic


Heat Wave Likely to Accelerate Ice Melt in Greenland

July 27, 2019


'Antarctica Melts,' NASA Says, Showing Effects Of A Record Warm Spell

February 21, 2020


Greenland’s ‘unusual’ melting sea ice captured in stunning image

18 June 2019

Climate scientist Steffen Olsen took this picture while travelling across melted sea ice in north-west Greenland.

 (With their sled in tow, a pack of dogs trudge towards a distant mountain range in north-west Greenland).


Ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica predicted to bring more frequent extreme weather

February 6, 2019


The Global Impacts of Rapidly Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice

September 26, 2016


Global Warming Not Behind Kilimanjaro Meltdown


It's bad science to use Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro as a poster child for global warming’s nefarious effects, two researchers say, pointing to other mechanisms causing the melt of the tropical glacier at the mountain’s summit.

Kilimanjaro’s ice has been melting away for more than a century, and most of that melt occurred before 1953, prior to the period where science begins to be conclusive about atmospheric warming in that region, according to Philip Mote of the University of Washington and Georg Kaser of the University of Innsbruck in Austria.


List of glaciers in Africa

Africa, specifically East Africa, has contained glacial regions, possibly as far back as the last glacial maximum 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Seasonal snow does exist on the highest peaks of East Africa as well as in the Drakensberg Range of South Africa, the Stormberg Mountains, and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Currently, the only remaining glaciers on the continent exist on Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and the Rwenzori.


The Shrinking Glaciers of Kilimanjaro: Can Global Warming Be Blamed?

The Kibo ice cap, a "poster child" of global climate change, is being starved of snowfall and depleted by solar radiation


Dying gods: Mt Kenya’s disappearing glaciers spread violence below


Those who rely on Mount Kenya’s glaciers for water have turned against one another as the rivers fed by the mountain dry up


Research confirms timing of tropical glacier melt at the end of the last ice age

December 11, 2019

Decrease in temperature differences may have forced warming at low latitudes


Race to map Africa's forgotten glaciers before they melt away


A team of scientists and photographers aims to document the Earth's threatened and fading glaciers


In the Mountains of the Moon, A Trek to Africa’s Last Glaciers

February 4, 2010

The shrinking ice cap atop Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s most famous glacier. But the continent harbors other pockets of ice, most notably in the Rwenzori Mountains of western Uganda. And as temperatures rise, the Rwenzori’s tropical glaciers — located as high as 16,500 feet — are fast disappearing.


East African Glaciers at Risk from “Global Drying”

23 August 2016


Africa without glaciers

August 2012

Why is this important?


Why Africa has to worry about melting Greenland ice



Europe heatwave could 'enhance melting of Greenland ice sheet'

26 Jul 2019

Ice has been melting at high levels over the last few weeks in Greenland, World Meteorological Organization says.


Europe's record heatwave threatens Greenland ice sheet

July 26, 2019


Walloped by heat wave, Greenland sees massive ice melt

August 2, 2019

The heat wave that smashed high temperature records in five European countries a week ago is now over Greenland, accelerating the melting of the island's ice sheet and causing massive ice loss in the Arctic


Heat Wave Likely to Accelerate Ice Melt in Greenland

July 27, 2019


'Antarctica Melts,' NASA Says, Showing Effects Of A Record Warm Spell

February 21, 2020


Ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica predicted to bring more frequent extreme weather

February 6, 2019


The Global Impacts of Rapidly Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice

September 26, 2016


Is Earthquake Activity Increasing?


Seismic hazard studies in Egypt

 08 May 2019


Earthquakes in Egypt


6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Felt in Cairo and Giza, No Damages Reported

May 2, 2020


 Pharaoh’s statue restored 3,200 years after collapse in earthquake

Dec 14, 2014

12.9-metre statue of Amenhotep III stands again at northern gate of king’s funerary temple in Luxor


An Earthquake Catalogue (2200 B.C. to 2013) for Seismotectonic and Seismic Hazard Assessment Studies in Egypt


1  IntroductionOf all natural hazards, earthquakes are those which historically have caused themost extensive impact and disruption in terms of damage to infrastructure,human-casualties and economic losses. They are the expression of a continuingevolution of the Earth Planet and a reshaping of the Earth’s surface. They are themost deadly of all natural disasters affecting the human environment. Every yearmore than one million earthquakes shake different regions of the world, some sofeeling and gentle that only the most sensitive instruments can detect the motion,and others so violent that whole communities are shattered and large sections ofterrain are shifted in this process that can start landslides, block rivers, causefloods,and set massive sea waves surging across the oceans.The amount of damage and number of fatalities at a certain location caused by anearthquake depends on various factors: the magnitude and characteristics of theearthquake focus, distance from the epicenter, soil characteristics, density ofbuildings and population, and structural design of buildings and infrastructures,among others. These facts are playing an important role in decreasing or increasingthe number of victims in recent earthquakes, especially in the developing countries.The increasing population in the earthquake-prone cities, poor construction qualityand lack of building code enforcement are major reasons why the vulnerability dueto earthquake is also increasing.

2  Tectonic Setting of EgyptEgypt is situated in the northeastern corner of the African Plate, along the south-eastern edge of the Eastern Mediterranean region. It is interacting with the Arabianand  Eurasian  Plates  through  divergent  and  convergent  plate  boundaries,

respectively (Fig.1). Egypt is bounded by three active tectonic plate margins: theAfrican-Eurasian plate margin, the Gulf of Suez-Red Sea plate margin, and the Gulfof Aqaba-Dead Sea Transform Fault (DST). The seismic activity of Egypt is due tothe interaction and the relative motion between the plates of Eurasia, Africa andArabia. Within the last decade, some areas in Egypt have been struck by significantearthquakes causing considerable damage. Such events were interpreted as theresult of this interaction.


Seismic Observation and Seismicity of Egypt

2. Seismicity of Egypt

The seismicity of Egypt is characterized by small to moderate earthquake activities due to the relative motions  between  the  African,  Arabian  and  Eurasian  plates.  The  highest  seismicity  rates  are  found  at  the  eastern boundaries of Egypt, viz. the Gulf of Aqaba, which forms the southern end of the Dead Sea Fault, and the northern part of the Red Sea (Figure2)

                (Figure 2. Seismicity of Egypt recorded from the period 1900 to August 1997).


Ground motion prediction from nearest seismogenic zones in and around Greater Cairo Area, Egypt



Origin of Mysterious 'Cannon Earthquakes' in Red Sea Found

June 15, 2015

Mysterious earthquakes that sound like cannon blasts have been puzzling people for decades, and now their origin has been traced way back to a giant block of volcanic rock hundreds of millions of years old, researchers say.

For generations, Bedouin nomads living in the region of the Egyptian coastal resort Abu Dabbab, by the Red Sea, have heard noises that sound like cannon blasts accompanying small quakes in the area.

"The name of Abu Dabbab are Arabic words that mean 'the Father of Knocks,' which is related to the sound heard in this area," Sami El Khrepy, a seismologist at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, told Live Science.

Previous research had found that rocks in the region are about twice as warm as they are elsewhere in Egypt, suggesting that rising magma may be related to the origin of these "cannon earthquakes." However, there has been no volcanic activity in the region in at least 65 million years, so the scientists ruled out that possibility.

The scientists found that the earthquakes at Abu Dabbab occur along an imaginary line that extends from the coast into the Red Sea. This seismic activity is apparently caused by an active fault that lies below a 6-mile-deep (10 kilometers) block of rigid volcanic or igneous rock that's at least 540 million years old. The fault originated from the rifting of the Earth that created the Red Sea that began about 30 million years ago. (The African and Arabian tectonic plates have been spreading apart slowly in a rifting process for the past 30 million years.)

The researchers said the surface of the block slides along active parts of the fault, lubricated by water from the Red Sea that has penetrated the crust.

"We think the large and rigid block of igneous crust acts as a sort of broadcaster, allowing the full sounds of seismic movement to rise through the rock with little weakening of the acoustic signal," El Khrepy said. "The high-frequency sounds of earthquakes can then be heard by humans at the surface."

The scientists detailed their findings today (June 15) in the journal Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

(Shallow waters of the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia reveal coral reefs under the surface and the texture and movements of surface waters).


Role of fluids in the earthquake occurrence around Aswan reservoir, Egypt

09 February 2012


[1] Continuing seismicity for about 30 years near a large western embayment of the Lake Nasser, about 50 km from the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, has led to a debate about the possibility of its relation with the reservoir impoundment. The largest event in the region occurred on 14 November 1981 (M 5.3), 20 km beneath the Wadi Kalabsha embayment, a westward extension of the Lake Aswan. Since then, continuous monitoring of seismic activity has given an excellent opportunity to study the spatiotemporal distribution of seismicity in the area. Most of the immediate aftershocks of the 1981 main shock were located in the Gebel Marawa area at depths between 15 and 30 km. Depths of almost all earthquakes away from this zone were shallower than 12 km. To quantify the effect of the reservoir impoundment on the seismicity of the Aswan area, we calculated changes in stress and pore pressure due to the reservoir impoundment using Green's function approach. The change in Coulomb stress (ΔS ) is calculated on the fault planes responsible for majority of the seismicity of the region. We found that for all the seismogenic faults, ΔS is negative, i.e., stabilizing, when we consider the effect of the reservoir load only, whereas it is positive, i.e., destabilizing, when we include pore pressure. For example, at the hypocenter of the main earthquake, shear stress, normal stress, and pore pressure due to reservoir operation are estimated as 5.5, 13.2, and 13.5 kPa, respectively, which suggest that ΔS is −3.1 kPa when we do not consider the effect of pore pressure and 5.7 kPa when contribution from pore pressure is considered. Hence, the seismicity in the Aswan lake region is driven by the pore pressure due to reservoir impoundment.

1. Introduction

[2] The reservoir of the Aswan dam extends up to 500 km toward south and covers an area of about 6000 km2 along the Nile river (Figure 1). The northern two‐third of the reservoir (known as Lake Nasser) is in Egypt and the southern one‐third (known as Lake Nubia) of the reservoir is in Sudan. It is the world's second largest reservoir. The reservoir filling started in 1964 and the construction of a 111 m high dam was completed in 1968. The continuing seismicity for about 30 years near a large western embayment of Lake Nasser, about 50 km southwest of the Aswan dam, has led to an obvious debate about its relationship with the reservoir impoundment. Several such worldwide cases have been reported where seismicity in the region appears to be influenced by the reservoir impoundment [Gupta , 2002]. From these case histories, perception has dawned over the past several decades that earthquakes may be triggered due to the impoundment of the reservoir after the construction of a hydroelectric dam. There appear to be many factors that control the incidence of earthquakes near reservoirs, for example, preexisting stress state, geological and hydrological conditions, reservoir volume, depth, shape and its loading and unloading rate, type and orientation of preexisting faults, and so on [Simpson , 1976]. Reservoir water load and pore pressure effects are the two main causative factors responsible for the perturbation of ambient stress field that lead to the occurrence of such earthquakes. Few quantitative analyses have been done to explain the mechanism of earthquakes near reservoirs. Gough and Gough [1976] did a quantitative analysis by calculating reservoir load to explain the earthquakes around Lake Kariba. Bell and Nur [1978] and Roeloffs [1988] quantified stresses and pore pressure to explain the seismicity near Lake Oroville and Lake Mead in the United States, respectively. Gahalaut et al. [2007] estimated the stresses and pore pressure caused by the Govind Ballav Pant reservoir, India, to suggest that seismicity in that region is strongly influenced by the reservoir operations. Recently, Gahalaut and Gahalaut [2010] estimated change in stresses and pore pressure caused by the Zipingpu reservoir, China, to suggest that the reservoir impoundment probably did not play any role in the occurrence of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.


Seismic Activity and Energy Release of Earthquakes along the Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt

The Gulf of Aqaba is situated along the southern part of the Dead Sea Rift Area transform (DST), 1000 km (620 miles), the boundary between the African plate and the Arabian plate. It is situated toward the east of the Sinai landmass and west of Saudi Arabia. It is one of the joints interfacing the Asian and African landmasses. The Gulf expands 180 km from Eilat and Aqaba and joins the Red Sea in the Strait of Tiran, with the most extensive purpose of 28 km. On November 22, 1995, the biggest seismic tremor estimating 7.0 degrees happened along parts of the dead left line in the Gulf of Aqaba close to the port of Nuweiba in Egypt. This tremor made extraordinary harm Egypt and neighboring nations. Consequently, a few point by point investigations of seismology and geophysics have been led in the Gulf of Aqaba. In the territory researched, the vast majority of the ongoing seismic action revolved around the Gulf of Aqaba is portrayed by the contribution of moderate central quakes, an immediate aftereffect of the relative development between the plates of Africa, Sinai and the Arabian Peninsula. Seismic Energy along the Gulf of Aqaba locale is assessed utilizing a brief period (50 tests for every second) executed by the Egyptian National Seismic Network amid the period 1998‒2017. The connection between the dispatch and greatness of quakes in the Gulf of Aqaba demonstrated that the vast majority of the seismic Energy discharge originates from the biggest occasions and is packed in the inside, while it is moderately low in the southern and northern parts of the Gulf.


Evaluation of the Egyptian seismic code approach to estimation of lateral drift


Bio-Pyramid turns Egypt’s ancient pyramids into a gigantic desertification-fighting skyscraper



Egypt Tackles Pollution Problem in Small Steps

November 01, 2009


The Effects of the Environmental Pollution in Egypt Soheir Mokhtar, Nagwa El Agroudy, Fatima Ahmed Shafiq and Heba Yassin Abdel Fatah






Section 12: Pesticides & Chemicals




Environmental impact of pesticides in Egypt.



The first use of petroleum-derived pesticides in Egyptian agriculture was initiated in 1950. Early applications consisted of distributing insecticidal dusts containing DDT/BHC/S onto cotton fields. This practice was followed by use of toxaphene until 1961. Carbamates, organophosphates, and synthetic pyrethroids were subsequently used, mainly for applications to cotton. In addition to the use of about 1 million metric tons (t) of pesticides in the agricultural sector over a 50-yr period, specific health and environmental problems are documented in this review. Major problems represented and discussed in this review are human poisoning, incidental toxicity to farm animals, insect pest resistance, destruction of beneficial parasites and predators, contamination of food by pesticide residues, and pollution of environmental ecosystems. Several reports reveal that chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues are still detectable in several environmental compartments; however, these residues are in decline. Since 1990, there is a growing movement toward reduced consumption of traditional pesticides and a tendency to expand use of biopesticides, including "Bt," and plant incorporated protectants (PIPs). On the other hand, DDT and lindane were used for indoor and hygienic purposes as early as 1952. Presently, indoor use of pesticides for pest control is widespread in Egypt. Accurate information concerning the types and amounts of Egyptian household pesticide use, or numbers of poisoning or contamination incidents, is unavailable. Generally, use of indoor pesticides is inadequately managed. The results of a survey of Egyptian farmers' attitudes toward pesticides and their behavior in using them garnered new insights as to how pesticides should be better controlled and regulated in Egypt.


Pesticide exposure--Egyptian scene.


Pesticides have contributed to dramatic increases in crop yields and in the quantity and variety of the diet. Also, they have helped to limit the spread of certain diseases. But pesticides have harmful effects; they can cause injury to human health as well as to the environment. The range of these adverse health effects includes acute and persistent injury to the nervous system, lung damage, injury to the reproductive organs, dysfunction of the immune and endocrine systems, birth defects, and cancer. Problems associated with pesticide hazards to man and the environment are not confined to the developing countries. Developed nations have already suffered these problems, and still facing some problems in certain locations. For many reasons, the severity of pesticide hazards is much pronounced in Third World Countries. A number of long persistent organochlorines and highly toxic organophosphates, which have been banned or severely restricted, are still marketed and used in many developing countries. The misuse of pesticides by concerned individuals, in addition to lack of or weak national controlling plans are behind the outbreak of adverse effects in developing countries. Since about 25 years, the use of DDT and many other organochlorine pesticides in Egyptian agriculture has been banned. However, these long persistent compounds are still detectable in many different types of environmental samples (e.g., water, fish, sediment, vegetables, fruits, milk, foodstuffs, etc.). Large number of compounds known as "extremely hazardous", "highly hazardous", "probable human carcinogenic", and "possible human carcinogenic", are listed among the pesticides registered and recommended for use in Egypt during the season of 2001/2002. The present article deals with: trends and patterns of pesticide use, impact of pesticides on human health, factors contributing to pesticide risks, environmental impacts of pesticides, and bioaccumulation of pesticide residues in food; giving special concern to the situation in Egypt.


Urinary 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine and Biochemical Alterations as Biomarkers for Occupational Health Exposure to Pesticides and Fertilizers in Egypt

22 April 2018


The study was planned to assess the correlation between occupational exposure to pesticides and fertilizers and level of Urinary 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and other biochemical parameters among workers of two companies (Kafr El-Zayat Company for pesticides and El-Malyia Company for fertilizers and chemicals) in Kafr El-Zayat district, Egypt. Nineteen participants from pesticides factory (1st group), 17 participants from fertilizers factory (2nd group) and 8 healthy persons were selected from rural region for the study. 8-OHdG levels of pesticide's exposed workers revealed the mean value 10.29 ± 1.60 ng/mg creatinine, but the 2nd group exhibited the mean value 12.47 ± 2.61 ng/mg creatinine compared with reference group (4.58± 1.03 ng/mg creatinine). The urea level revealed mean values 8.39 ± 0.84 and 13.89 ± 1.63 mg/dl for the 1st and 2nd group, respectively, compared with control group which did not exceed 8.37 ± 1.70 mg/dl. No significant difference obtained in case of uric acid and bilirubin assays, but creatinine levels exhibited lower values than those of control subjects. The correlations between biochemical variables and personal characteristics displayed positive concept with occupational lifespan, exposure period and smoking habits. These findings indicate that 8-OHdG and kidney function measurements may be good and simple biomarkers for assessing occupational exposure to pesticides and fertilizers.


Monitoring of pesticide residues in some Egyptian herbs, fruits and vegetables



Business of wheat in Egypt

Jan 4, 2017


Pesticide use in Egypt, its ecological impact and mitigative measures



Illegal pesticides threaten agriculture and fragile ecosystem

September 3, 2012

The spread of counterfeit pesticides and fertilizers that contain dangerous toxic substances is one of the biggest dangers threatening agriculture in the country, and its delicate ecosystem.

While the Agriculture Committee in the Shura Council, the lower house of Parliament, has warned of weak government supervision of the pesticides market and the expansion of its illegal outlets, banned pesticides are still used in large quantities.

“The government has no control or supervision on the import or distribution of pesticides and fertilizers. We are obliged to deal with small pesticide and fertilizer outlets because the Agriculture Ministry doesn’t help us by any means,” says Reda Nassif, a farmer from Monufiya Governorate.

Nassif says many factories produce counterfeit pesticides and fertilizers, carrying the name of famous companies with the same packaging design, to deceive naive farmers. But after analyzing their components, farmers realized they contain dangerous toxic chemicals that paralyze plants and increase the salinity of the soil.

“The owners of these factories make huge profits because they use very cheap materials to produce these pesticides and fertilizers, and then sell them at expensive prices, and that’s how the business goes,” Nassif says. “All types of potassium fertilizers that exist in the Egyptian market, for example, are fake.”

Latest Agriculture Ministry reports put the total amount of pesticides imported last year at about 7 billion tons, with a total value of LE1 billion. This consumption exceeds that of the rest of the region.

Nassif explains that major farming companies import pesticides and fertilizers in large quantities, then distribute them to small shops spread throughout villages nationwide.

No restrictions are imposed on these imports, and because Egyptian farmers tend to be more attracted to imported products than local ones, they flock to buy any new product that enters the market, even without knowing its source.

“We heard recently about some Israeli pesticides that entered the Egyptian market, but because, in general, farmers fail to differentiate between pesticides coming from different sources and countries, they could never discover whether they used them without being aware [of it],” Nassif says.

He says he thinks it’s a foreign scheme aiming to spread disease or destroy crops and plants to force Egyptians to import their crops, “because who doesn’t own his food doesn’t own his dignity,” Nassif bitterly adds.

Osama al-Tayeb, microbiology and immunology professor at 6th of October University, sees another dangerous aspect of the situation. Farmers started to replace the original, natural pest resistors with more advanced and modified products that are hazardous to crops and human health.

Tayeb says over the past decades, farmers have used a natural poison — Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt — produced by bacteria to get rid of pests that attack their crops. It used to be produced by the National Research Centre and was distributed by Kafr El Zayat Pesticides and Chemicals Company, at very cheap prices.

This natural pesticide was safe and could decompose in less than a week without leaving any toxic residues in soil or plants. But now, farmers have started to import genetically engineered seeds that can produce toxic materials by themselves in large quantities. These can cause environmental problems and health dangers, because they can change some genes inside the human body and be harmful to health, Tayeb says.

He says that after the temic type of pesticide — which kills worms in soil — proved to be a very toxic substance causing birth defects and cancer, and after its import was banned, farmers started smuggling it in illegally because they had got so used to it.

Although some farmers do not realise they are using genetically engineered products, Tayeb says he thinks the lack of awareness isn’t the only reason behind the distribution of these products. Another is the strong desire to make higher profits. When farmers hear about products that can save their crops, they insist on buying them without asking whether they are legal.

Facing this situation, which some experts call a “pseudo black market” and in which most traders don’t know their products are illegal, the Agricultural Pesticide Committee, under the supervision of the Agriculture Ministry, launched an awareness campaign a few months ago to teach farmers which pesticides and fertilizers to use and which to avoid.

But many experts think these campaigns won’t achieve their goals because the committee doesn’t know how to communicate at the farmers’ levels.

Natasha Arthur, marine biologist and environmental expert, says it’s important for governments to work closely with agricultural organizations to make sure the public is not exposed to high levels of pesticides that result in adverse health effects.

“Pesticides have the capacity to persist in the soil and water for decades, affecting plant life and animal life, which in turn can affect humans and cause health problems like cancers, nerve damage and birth defects,” Arthur says.

Although it rarely rains in Cairo, she says, pesticides can end up in lakes and rivers through the air, wind and birds, poisoning them.

“Communities that rely on rivers for food are at risk of consuming the toxic active and inactive components of pesticides, as the bio-accumulate in big fish,” Arthur says. Bio-accumulation is the accumulation of chemicals in the tissue of organisms.

Fertilizers can also pollute the marine system and cause environmental disasters, particularly in a country like Egypt where farmers don’t have drainage pipes to get rid of extra irrigation water and dump it in lakes and rivers.

This can lead to a toxic bloom. When farmers use fertilizers for crops, or even areas such as golf courses, then rain, wind or the rest of the irrigation water carries fertilizer rich in nitrates and phosphates to the lakes and oceans. This provides an over supply of nutrients for the growth of algae, and the algae grow very quickly — resulting in the death of fish and plant life in lakes.

A similar occurrence happens in the ocean. Plants and animals die because of the quick overgrowth of algae and other plants, preventing sunlight from penetrating lakes and oceans and decreasing oxygen levels.

Corals also die because they need sunlight and clean water to thrive, and because corals provide a habitat for most sea life, fertilizers in the ocean can kill many species along the food chain.

Ahmed Droubi, biologist at Greenpeace — an international environmental protection association that recently started working in Egypt — says there is a monopoly in the pesticide and fertilizer market in Egypt.

“About seven big farming organizations dominate the whole market as they are the only importers who can manipulate prices as they like and create market need whenever they want,” Droubi says. “Therefore, small farmers resort to smuggling illegal pesticides and manufacturing fake fertilizers as they can buy them at cheaper prices.”

Droubi says the association plans to cooperate with government agriculture authorities to impose laws and regulations to protect farmers’ and consumers’ rights. It also plans to find solutions for problems related to pesticide misuse and the use of wastewater for irrigation, as well as other issues, such as corruption.

“We have some agricultural lands that exist a few meters away from the Nile, but irrigation water doesn’t reach them,” Droubi says. “At the same time, fresh water can reach some golf courses and resorts that contain artificial lakes in deserts, and this is obviously unfair.”

While many experts say farmers don’t trust the government and prefer not to buy from its outlets, Nassif says farmers would buy from them.

“We are sure the government will bring us good types of fertilizers and pesticides. That’s why we beg the Agriculture Ministry and farming associations to start distributing pesticides and fertilizers through specific known outlets at reasonable prices, under government supervision,” says Nassif. “We resort to the black market because we have no other alternative.”

Some steps could be taken to overcome the problem, he says, such as setting up strict restrictions on imports and making an office in every village responsible for inspecting shops.

“Unfortunately, the farmers union still exists as an entity but its role has always been marginalized, and poor farmers have no voice. They need someone to speak on their behalf and express their requests and complaints,” Nassif says. “We need to remember that Egypt is an agricultural country in the first place.”


The Global Increase in Counterfeit Pesticides

Example I: Producers’ Fields DestroyedIn 2004, in Italy, France and Spain, hundreds of hectares of maize, potatoes and tomatoes were damaged by producers using a fake pesticide product. The case came to light when a distributor indicated that a pesticide product was being offered in the market at a cost 20 percent lower than the original product. The distributor questioned whether this discounted price was a special offer or whether something more sinister was going on. Subsequent investigations discovered that the crops of producers who had treated their produce with the discounted pesticide product were dying. The illegal product was packaged to look identical to the original. The fake product contained metsulfuron-methyl, instead of rimsulfuron. Rimsulfuron has approved uses that are safe for use on potatoes and tomatoes, but metsulfuron-methyl is not appropriate on any of these crops. The producers who used the discounted, illegal pesticide product suffered extensive economic damage.


Egypt removes 470 tonnes of pesticides that had been hoarded in Giza for 30 years

19 Feb 2020


5.7 Fate and Undesirable Effects of Pesticides in Egypt


Pesticide  Management  in Egypt


Pesticides Evaluation in Egyptian Fruits and Vegetables: A Safety Assessment Study



Background and Objective: Pesticides residues deem a great dilemma for food safety, these residues conjugated with health hazards and several diseases due to its accumulation in the tissues. The present study aimed to evaluate the contamination of residues in five selected horticulture crops. Materials and Methods: Forty five samples including apples, orange, potato, tomato and cucumber (9 samples per each) were purchased from different local markets at Giza Governorate during the spring season of 2017. Pesticides were extracted using QuEChERS technique and the determination was performed using GC-MS apparatus. Results: The results represented a wide contamination of five horticultures with moderate levels of pesticides. Endosulfan and fenpropathrin were significantly higher than permitted MRLs in apples. The pesticides that showed a significant violation to the MRLs values were propamocarb (in orange), profenophos and propargite (in tomato), Delta-hexachlorocyclohexane (δ-HCH), malathion, ortho-phenylphenol and profenophos (in potato). In cucumber, just 4 pesticides were detected in few samples. Moreover, the safety assessment study revealed that there were no risk in all samples except for heptachlor, heptachlor-epoxide and PP-DDT. Conclusion: Fruits and vegetables under investigation represented moderate levels of contamination by pesticide residues particularly for chlorpyriphos in apples, cucumber and tomato (260, 380 and 560 μg kg–1, respectively). Application of integrated pest management programs represents the novel methods to solve the residues dilemma in the agriculture sector.


Legislative aspects of pesticide regulations in Egypt

21 Nov 2008


A Review of Environmental Contamination by Organochlorine and Organophosphorus Pesticides in Egypt

November 26, 2018

 All pesticides are potentially toxic to all sorts of life and some are even classified as probable human carcinogens, neutrotoxics and endocrine system disruptors. The toxicity level of a pesticide depends on the lethal dose (LD) of the chemical, the length of exposure, and the route of entry or absorption by the body. There are many different pesticides in use today with very different modes of action and levels of toxicity. To protect the public, WHO has developed a hazard classification system which is used to label all pesticide containers to warn users of the acute hazards associated with each product. This hazard system is based on the LD50 for the pesticide in rats under either oral or dermal exposure conditions.

Chlorinated pesticides tend to be chemically stable under aerobic surface conditions. Due to their relative insolubility, most OCPs are strongly adsorbed onto suspended particles in water. Their immobility and persistence can lead their accumulation in soils where seemingly moderate applications of pesticides have been applied. Aldrin has been recovered after six years, both as traces and more abundantly as the metabolite, dieldrin. DDT has been recovered up to 30 years after deposition. The chemical stability of many members of the group (or of their immediate and often toxic metabolites) is high because their molecules are constructed, entirely or largely, from C-C, C-H and C-Cl bonds which tend to be chemically inactive under normal environmental conditions. In consequence, traces of organochlorine compounds can be found in air and water throughout the world. OCPs are a major group of pesticides, used in agriculture, public health, industry and the household. OCPs are widespread environmental contaminants in various environmental matrices because of their persistence and stability. The Cl atoms on the organic moieties in the OCPs make these compounds very stable in the environment. This persistence can be advantageous for the control of pests such as termites around buildings. The lack of biodegradation and the high lipid solubility of these OCPs, however, have led to problems with the accumulation of these compounds in animal tissues. For example, the concentration of chlordane, are much higher in fish tissues than they are in the water in which the fish are living via the "bioconcentration" process. Exposure to OCPs may cause some acute and chronic illnesses. Symptoms of acute poisoning can include tremors, headache, dermal irritation, respiratory problem, dizziness, nausea, and seizure. OCPs are also associated with many chronic diseases. Studies have found a correlation between OCP exposure and various types of cancer, neurological damage (several organochlorines are known neurotoxins), Parkinson's disease, birth defects, respiratory illness, and abnormal immune system function. Many OCPs are known or suspected hormone disruptors, and recent studies show that extremely low levels of exposure in the womb can cause irreversible damage to the reproductive and immune system of the developing fetus. OCPs tend to accumulate and biomagnify in food chain, reaching higher concentrations in top carnivores. Thus, these persistent chlorinated compounds can cause adverse health effects in organisms that are higher up in the food chain, such as birds. Once the ecological impact of these pesticides was recognized, they were banned from use in many countries, including Egypt. They are still used in some developing countries, though, because of their effectiveness in controlling diseases and for increasing food production. They also are safer for humans to handle than the newer insecticides that were developed to take their place, the organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.

Organophosphorus (OP) compound consist of a group of roughly 250 chemicals manufactured all over the world. Approximately 140 of these compounds are pesticide, and the remaining are mainly industrial chemicals used as flame retardants, plasticizers and industrial hydraulic fluids and solvents. OPs pesticides are much less persistent in the environment, but are toxic to non-target creatures such as aquatic organisms, birds and some beneficial insects. OP compounds can be considered as derivatives of inorganic phosphorus compounds in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic groups. OP insecticides are normally esters, amides, or thiol derivatives of phosphoric, phosphonic, phosphorothioic, or phosphonothioic acids. Most are only slightly soluble in water and have a high octanol/water partition coefficient and low vapour pressure. They are generally among the most acutely toxic of all pesticides to vertebrate animals. They are also unstable and therefore break down relatively quickly in the environment. By the late 1970s, the use of OPs began to over-take the OCPs which included DDT. While OCPs were relatively safe to use, their problem was its persistence in the environment and detection in the human food chain. OPs on the other hand are more acutely toxic, but, do not persist in the environment beyond a few months. So with the replacement of OCPs by OPs, it could lead to safer food for the consumer but at the expense of the pesticide operator. The persistence of these compounds in the marine environment depends on the different degradation pathways including chemical, photochemical and biological processes. Hydrogen ion concentration, temperature, salinity, and microorganisms affect their persistence in the marine environment. In general, the half-live of these compounds in seawater range from few hours to few weeks (12 hours to 30 days) [6-10], faster degradation of these compounds was observed in seawater compared to fresh water which might result from the hydroxide-catalyzed hydrolysis which predominates in the marine environment. Photodegradation studies in water using either sunlight or UV irradiation have shown a variety of photo alteration products, e.g. oxo derivatives and different phenols which may be even more toxic than the parent compounds. OP compounds are toxic because of their action on the nervous system. OP pesticides inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), leading to accumulation of toxic levels of endogenous acetylcholine in nervous tissue which disturbs the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Nevertheless pesticides will continue to play a major role in the production of food and fiber especially in the developing countries. Reduction of pesticide usage would increase production costs and would also influence the quality of agriculture products. Some of the pesticides are also essential for protecting human and animal health. In Egypt, as in many other agricultural countries, pesticides are widely used to control pests of field crops. Nearly all pesticides are readily soluble in plant oils and waxes; this common property places them all under suspicion as food contaminants. Determination of pesticide residue is considered a national goal to protect health and limit environmental pollution. Environmental pollution by pesticides residues is a major environmental concern. Pesticides are usually applied by hand, and/or large mechanical sprayers, hence, it is inevitable that during pesticide application, various amounts of these toxic substances reach adjacent vegetation, wildlife, soil and water. In this way the impact of pesticides is felt far beyond the designated target area. It has been estimated by Pimental and Goodman that only 5% of the pesticides reach the target pests. Hence, about 95% of the used pesticides end up in other parts of the environment. Most of pesticides ultimately find their way into rivers, lakes, ponds, and other water bodies but also to the organisms which contribute to the food of fish.

Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world. The majority of the 100 million inhabitants of Egypt live in crowded cities and villages along the narrow green strip of land beside the River Nile and north delta around the capital, Cairo. In this densely populated and limited area, about one million metric tons of commercial pesticides were used.


Chemical and Biochemical Evaluation of Marine Pollution by Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Pesticides in Two Regions Along the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea



Pesticide monitoring and its health problems in Egypt, a Third World country.

May 1999

Health profiles for 300 pesticide formulators and 300 pesticide applicators revealed peripheral neuritis (> 40%), psychiatric manifestations (> 40%), electroencephalographic (EEG) changes (> 25%), and hepatorenal dysfunction (> 80%); all these manifestations were confirmed by different diagnostic tools. The frequency of carrier state of hepatitis (HbsAg) was 7.4% and of transitory state was 21.5%. The cytogenetic changes were confirmed by measuring chromosomal aberrations (CAs) among formulators and applicators, and proved to be more than twice those of controls. Pesticides residues among 130 milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and milk powder samples (DDT, HCH and Dieldrin) were confirmed. Registration schemes, and post-registration programs (monitoring requirements, training needs and control of pesticide and fertilizer imports) should be mandatory.


Pesticide Abuses in Third World  Countries and a Model for Reform



Utilizing urinary biomarkers in Egyptian adolescent applicators and non-applicators to characterize pesticide exposure to λ-and non-applicators to characterize pesticide exposure to -cyhalothrin, α-cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos applied cyhalothrin, -cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos applied on cotton crops over time on cotton crops over time



High pesticide use among smallholders in Africa south of the Sahara poses risks for health, environment

November 14, 2018


Uses and Misuses of Agricultural Pesticides in Africa: Neglected Public Health Threats for Workers and Population

July 17th 2019


Countering the Problem of Falsified and Substandard Drugs.


Medications for Infectious Diseases

Since 1999 the WHO has known that antibiotics are commonly falsified or made improperly (Wondemagegnehu, 1999). In the 1990s antibiotics accounted for over 45 percent of the 771 cases of falsified and substandard medicines brought to the WHO's attention (Wondemagegnehu, 1999). A more recent survey in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia found more than half of antibiotics sampled to be substandard (Kyriacos
et al., 2008). A similar survey in Burma uncovered substandard drugs in 16 percent of amoxicillin and 13 percent of ampicillin samples (Wondemagegnehu, 1999). More recently, a survey of amoxicillin in the capital of Papua New Guinea found all samples outside of pharmacopeial specifications; 14 percent had undetectable levels of active ingredient (Nair et al., 2011). Chapter 3 describes the depth of the problem of fake antibiotics in more detail.


Community pharmacists’ perceptions, awareness and practices regarding counterfeit medicines: a cross-sectional survey in Alexandria, Egypt



Contribution of Arab countries to pharmaceutical wastewater literature: a bibliometric and comparative analysis of research output



Recently, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has been growing rapidly in many countries in the world, including in Arab countries. Pharmaceuticals reach aquatic environments and are prevalent at small concentrations in wastewater from the drug manufacturing industry and hospitals. Such presence also occurs in domestic wastewater and results from the disposal of unused and expired medicines. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze and compare the quantity and quality of publications made by researchers in Arab countries on pharmaceutical wastewater.


This study showed that KSA has the largest share of productivity on pharmaceutical wastewater research. Bibliometric analysis demonstrated that research productivity, mainly from Arab countries in pharmaceutical wastewater research, was relatively lagging behind. More research effort is required for Arab countries to catch up with those of non-Arab Middle Easter countries on pharmaceutical wastewater research.


Issue of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Water and Wastewater: Sources, Impact and Elimination

December 2013


Egypt’s Fake Drug Problem



Big Pharma Suppliers Are Dumping Toxic Waste in the Environment, Investor Alleges

Jan. 24, 2018

Water samples outside some factories found to be tainted with metals and industrial solvents


Waste management in Egypt


Small sustainable farmers struggle against Monsanto in Africa

March 17, 2015


The Challenges Facing in Commercial Biotechnology: Its Position in Egypt and Some African Countries

Feb 2018

Insect-resistant long-staple GM cotton strain produced by crossing Egyptian elite germplasm with Monsanto's Bollgard II.

... A similar example is the case of Bt maize (Ajeeb-YG, an instance of introgression of MON810 into a local Egyptian variety with resistance to corn borer pests) in Egypt, but one viewpoint suggests lack of proper environmental risk assessment prior to the release of this GM crop trait in 2008. Contrary to this viewpoint, a commentary report claims that Bt maize field trial was intensively carried out in more than 36 locations where maize is cultivated. While this report indicated intensive risk assessment, it was not supported with evidence or detailed analysis for environmental risk assessment...


Monsanto secretly funded weedkiller studies - report

March 12, 2020


Food loss and waste in Egypt






Section 13: Cotton




Chlorpyrifos Exposures in Egyptian Cotton Field Workers





A Qualitative Study of Residual Pesticides on Cotton Fibers



Two different methods are utilized for this study. The first method covers the measurement of bioelectrical signals caused by enzymatic inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) for the detection of pesticides. Biosensor toxicity analyzer (BTA) was used for the testing and the monitoring of changes in bioelectrical signals caused by the interaction of biological substances, and residues were evaluated. The second method is based on measurement of the oxygen level caused by photosynthetic inhibition of residual pesticides by the interaction with green algae, Scenedesmus (Chlorophyta). Algae growth analyzer (AGA) equipped with miniature sensitive oxygen electrode, a light source and cover to model light and dark phases was used enabling us to follow the lifecycle of algae producing oxygen. The test, conducted under the guideline of faster analogy of DIN 863 toxicity test, alga growth inhibition test (OECD TG 201) was and ISO standard (ISO: 8692). Two samples of cotton were analyzed. Cryogenic homogenization was carried out for sample pretreatment. Soxhlet extraction method (SOX) and ultrasound assisted extraction (USE) were used for extraction. Both methods show reasonable results and can successfully be utilized for the detection of residual pesticides on different types of cotton and especially to compare the classical conventional and organic cotton.


Ecological and social costs of cotton farming in Egypt


Side-effects of Insecticides on Non-target Organisms: 1-In Egyptian Cotton Fields

January 2015


Toxic effect of Spirulina platensis and Sargassum vulgar as natural pesticides on survival and biological characteristics of cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis

July 2020


Toxicity and Biochemical Impacts of Some New Insecticide Mixtures on Cotton Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.)



Microbial control of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) by Egyptian Bacillus thuringiensis isolates.

2013 Mar


Insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis strains against the egyptian cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis [Lep.: Nocutidae]

 June 1981


Construction of a potent strain of Bacillus thuringiensis against the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis


Individual and Combined Biological Effects of Bacillus thuringiensisand Multicapsid Nucleopolyhedrovirus the Biological Stages of Egyptian Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis(B.) (Lep.: Noctuidae)






Underage and Unprotected: Child Labor in Egypt's Cotton Fields

1 January 2001


The Truth About Your Cotton Bedsheets Will Give You Nightmares


There is a dark underbelly to the global cotton industry—and the organic, fair-trade bedsheets company Boll & Branch wants to change that.

The World’s Dirtiest Crop

Cotton is a fragile crop, susceptible to being devastated by a wide range of pests including boll weevils, aphids, and army worms. As a result, although cotton only covers 2.5% of the world’s cultivated land, cotton farmers use 16% of the world’s pesticides. In the 1950s, scientists invented chemicals that allowed cotton farmers to keep pests at bay. By the 1990s, the company Monsanto developed a genetically modified cotton that produces pesticides in its tissues and can be used in conjunction with other chemicals that target the remaining harmful insects. These genetically altered plants account for over 90% of the cotton produced in India and China, which supply half of the world’s cotton.

The cotton trade in the U.S. is founded on a brutal, tragic history of slavery. Two hundred years later, the global business is still entangled with fundamental human-rights violations, as cotton workers around the world are being harmed by the crop. When Scott visited farms in India, he watched farmers go out into the fields spraying their plants, carrying backpacks or buckets full of pesticides. “They’re literally drenched in chemicals,” Scott says. “If you go to a farm in North Carolina that is farming with chemicals, there are regulations and mechanized equipment. In rural India, it is some guy walking around with a bucket of pesticides that has skull and crossbones labels on it.”

Because many farming communities in the developing world don’t have sophisticated irrigation systems, the chemicals often end up in the groundwater and wells. Pesticide poisoning is now a common occurrence in India, with many documented incidences of people dying or becoming sick because of the toxins they are ingesting. Three years ago, there was a well-reported story of 23 children who died in northern India because their school lunch was contaminated with pesticide. The tragic reality is that deaths like this happen fairly regularly throughout cotton-farming regions. While practices vary from country to country, National Institutes of Health studies have shown that farmers in China are equally prone to pesticide poisoning.


Is it really Egyptian cotton in your sheets? The Dishonesty of the Egyptian Cotton Industry

Organic Cotton or Egyptian Cotton?

Once a coveted fabric, Egyptian Cotton is losing its notoriety. Today, only 1% of the Egyptian cotton produced is actually made in Egypt. So what should you look for? Well, there are four commercially grown species of cotton which are then divided into a large number of varieties and hybrids:

    Gossypium hirsutum
    Gossypium barbadense
    Gossypium arboreum
    Gossypium herbaceum

But you don't need to know about them!

Make sure you look out for:

    A smaller brand who can tell you where their cotton is grown with traceability and accountability.
    Long Staple Thread Cotton, as it is the short staple threads which cause cotton to pill over time.
    Organic Cotton Certification, which is highly regulated by the Global Textile Standard (GOTS) ensuring the cotton is grown without toxic pesticides and chemicals which damage the cotton itself, as well as the environment and the workers who handle it. Did you know that non-organic cotton uses 25% of world's pesticides?
    Fairtrade certification is also a good idea as it ensures the farmers and factory workers are paid fairly and work in safe conditions which are always free from child labour and slavery (sadly, these are common practices in the cotton industry).

Check out our blog to learn more about what Organic Cotton is and why it’s important.


9 Ways You May Not Realize Cotton Is In Your Food

Here are just some ways that cotton infiltrates our food supply:

  1  Although cotton is not a food, cotton seed oil is produced for human consumption.
  2 Cottonseed oil is used to produce vitamin E.
  3 Cottonseed oil is the primary ingredient in Crisco.
  4 Cottonseed meal is fed to animals for dairy and meat production.
  5 Leftover cotton cellulose fibers that are too short to be spun into textiles are used as food additives.
  6 Cellulose from cotton fibers is added to a wide range of foods to thicken and stabilize the products.
  7 Cellulose is used as a filler to extend serving sizes without increasing calories. Humans can’t break down or digest cellulose so it’s being used to meet the demand for low-calorie, high-fiber foods.
  8 Cellulose, which is basically a plastic, has migrated into numerous foods including cheese, cream, milk powder, flavored milks, ice cream, sherbet, whey products, processed fruits, cooked vegetables, canned beans, pre-cooked pastas, pre-cooked rice products, vinegar, mustard, soups, cider, salads, yeast, seasonings, sweeteners, soybean products, bakery items, breakfast cereals, including rolled oats, sports drinks, and dietetic foods as a non-caloric filler.
  9  Some brands of pizza cheese consist of cellulose coated cheese granules combined with silicon to aid in melting.


GM Crops in Africa: Challenges in Egypt



How Monsanto's GM cotton sowed trouble in Africa

Dec. 8, 2017

When America’s biotech giant tried to export its know-how to small cotton farmers in Burkina Faso, there was a problem: The quality sank.

BOBO-DIOULASSO, Burkina Faso - In 2000, farmers in Burkina Faso, Africa’s top cotton grower, were desperate. Their cotton fetched top prices because its high-quality fibre lent a luxurious sheen to clothing and bedsheets. But pests – bollworms – were threatening the crop.

Even when you dropped the bollworm larvae into a bucket of poison, farmers said, they kept swimming.

U.S. seeds and pesticide company Monsanto proposed an answer: a genetically modified strain of cotton called Bollgard II, which it had already introduced in America and was marketing worldwide. GM was established in large-scale farming in South Africa, but not among the smallholders who produce most African cotton. The Burkina farmers agreed to a trial and the country introduced seeds with the gene in 2008.

The resulting cotton was pest-free, and the harvest more abundant. By 2015, three-quarters of all Burkina Faso’s production was GM, and it became a showcase for the technology among smallholders in Africa. From 2007 to 2015, delegations from at least 17 different African nations visited Burkina to see it.

But there was a problem. While the bug-resistant genes produced more volume, the quality fell. Last season, the cotton farmers of Burkina Faso abandoned the GM varieties.

"Genetically modified cotton, it's not good today. It's not good tomorrow," said farmer Paul Badoun, picking apart a lumpy handful of raw cotton in his field near Kongolekan, a village of small mud brick houses in the southwestern cotton heartland.

The country’s GM experience, told by more than three dozen Monsanto insiders, farmers, scientists and cotton company officials as well as in confidential documents reviewed by Reuters, highlights a little-known quandary faced by genetic engineering. For Burkina Faso’s cotton growers, GM ended up as a trade-off between quantity and quality. For Monsanto, whose $13.5 billion in revenues in 2016 were more than Burkina Faso’s GDP, it proved uneconomical to tailor the product closely to a market niche.

The Burkinabes knew from the start that American cotton varieties containing Monsanto’s gene could not deliver the quality of their home-grown crop, cotton company officials and researchers told Reuters. But they pressed on because Monsanto agreed to breed its pest-resistant genes into their native plants, which they hoped would protect the cotton and keep its premium value. That, they say, was a failure.


Crop Interference Effects of Some Winter and Summer Field Crops on Egyptian Cotton Characters



A preliminary bacterial study of Egyptian paper money

July 2005


Paper currency is exchanged for goods and services worldwide (Pope et al. 2002). Even
though these bills are made of a rugged mix of 75% cotton and 25% linen (Gadsby 1998),
they offer more surface area for bacteria and microorganisms to reside on both sides. Coins,
on the other hand, offer less residing time for microorganisms and bacteria on their faces
(estimated at 9 – 11 days) (Bonifazi 2002; Craig 2002). Moreover, the presence of an
appreciable amount of Cu coined metal alloys seems to be the limiting factor for bacterial
survival on coins in general (Bonifazi 2002). On the other hand, the older the paper notes
become, the more space they offer for germs and microorganisms (pathogenic and non-
pathogenic) to accumulate (Brown 2003). Accordingly, this increases the amount of bacteria
circulated and distributed among its handlers.
In a recent study, 94% of 68 US one-dollar bills were found to be contaminated with
potentially pathogenic or pathog enic microorganisms (Pope et al. 2002). Studies on Chinese
currency (China) after the outbreak of SARS in Asia found some banknotes carried over one
hundred thousand types of bacteria and 9500 E. coli-like organisms (Brown 2003). Newer
banknotes from the Hong Kong area carried a lower count than in those in China; however,
banknotes from Northern Korea were almost bacteria free. Older notes studied in China,
Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Cambodia and the Philippines carried overwhelming amount of
bacteria on both surfaces. Some of these organisms found were considered potentially

dangerous to healthy humans and may infect the body through scratches on the hands or
when the hand touches the mouth or nose (Siddique 2003).


Long-term analysis shows GM cotton no match for insects in India

March 13, 2020

In India, Bt cotton is the most widely planted cotton crop by acreage, and it is hugely controversial. Supporters long touted increased yields and reduced pesticides to justify its pickup. But that argument does not hold up under the first long-term study of Bt cotton impacts in India. The analysis is co-authored by a Washington University in St. Louis anthropologist in the journal Nature Plants.

Bt cotton is explicitly credited with tripling cotton production during 2002-2014. But the largest production gains came prior to widespread seed adoption and must be viewed in line with changes in fertilization practices and other pest population dynamics, according to Glenn Davis Stone, professor of sociocultural anthropology and environmental studies, both in Arts & Sciences.

"Since Bt cotton first appeared in India there has been a stream of contradictory reports that it has been an unmitigated disaster—or a triumph," Stone said, noting the characteristic deep divide in conversation about GM crops. "But the dynamic environment in Indian cotton fields turns out to be completely incompatible with these sorts of simplistic claims."

Many economists and other observers based their assessments on much shorter time frames than Stone's new study, which spans 20 years.

"There are two particularly devastating caterpillar pests for cotton in India, and, from the beginning, Bt cotton did control one of them: the (misnamed) American bollworm," Stone continued. "It initially controlled the other one, too—the pink bollworm—but that pest quickly developed resistance and now it is a worse problem than ever.

"Bt plants were highly vulnerable to other insect pests that proliferated as more and more farmers adopted the crop. Farmers are now spending much more on insecticides than before they had ever heard of Bt cotton. And the situation is worsening."

Stone, an internationally recognized expert on the human side of global agricultural trends, has published extensively on GM crops in the developing world. His previous work has been funded by the Templeton Foundation and the National Science Foundation.

To prepare this new analysis, Stone partnered with entomologist K.R. Kranthi, the former director of India's Central Institute for Cotton Research. Kranthi is now the head of a technical division at the Washington-based International Cotton Advisory Committee.

"Yields in all crops jumped in 2003, but the increase was especially large in cotton," Stone said. "But Bt cotton had virtually no effect on the rise in cotton yields because it accounted for less than 5% of India's cotton crop at the time."

Instead, huge increases in insecticides and fertilizers may have been the most significant changes.

"Now farmers in India are spending more on seeds, more on fertilizer and more on insecticides," Stone said. "Our conclusion is that Bt cotton's primary impact on agriculture will be its role in making farming more capital-intensive—rather than any enduring agronomic benefits."


Egyptian Cotton & Textile Industries to merge subsidiaries

December 27, 2019

Egypt’s Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company recently signed a contract with PwC under which the latter will provide accounting, legal and tax advice to the firm for the planned merger of its subsidiaries and implementation of restructuring. Its subsidiaries are planned to be merged into nine textile firms and one company for cotton grinning and trade.


First Egyptian Approval Of Genetically Modified Corn Raises Questions



Visit to the Experimental Bt Cotton Field in Egypt

October 28, 2011

Biotechnology Information Center of Egypt (EBIC), in collaboration with Cotton Research Institute, Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University, Plant Protection Institute, and Monsanto Egypt, organized a visit to Bt cotton field trials in Sakha Experimental Station at Kafr El-Shikh, Delta. The participants included representatives of the private sector, journalists, and students of the biotechnology program in Cairo University.

The insect resistant cotton under field trials are developed by experts from Cotton Research Institute in cooperation with Monsanto. Mr. Ahmed El Khishin, the representative of Monsanto in Egypt explained that the "project started in 2000 by cross breeding the Egyptian elite long staple cotton varieties with Bollgard II. Professor Adel El-Deep from the Cotton Research Institute, added that cross breeding selection has produced Egyptian cotton varieties that harbor Bt genes. To ensure the stability of the introduced genes, evaluation of the transgenic plants has been conducted over the last 10 years focusing on morphology, and the ability of the plants to resist cotton leaf worm and bollworms.


Egypt poised to again lead Africa in ag biotech innovation

February 6, 2019





 Section 14: Ancient History






Dec. 1, 1975

Pliny the Elder said that a crayfish placed in the middle of a garden would keep caterpillars away. He also noted that mixing vegetable seeds with cypress leaves before sowing would discourage maggots from eating the plant roots later.

Virgil recommended that, for greater yields, crop seeds be soaked in olive oil before planting.

And Xenophon suggested that it would be helpful for farmers to ask the blessing of the gods and offer prayers to insure bountiful harvests.

Today, some 2,000 years later, the farmer spreading pesticides on his plants and using coated seeds may think he is engaged in a relatively modern practice, but almost every method of pest control or crop improvement in use now, including prayer, had its forerunner before the birth of Christ, according to a newly published survey of ancient Greek and Roman agrarian literature.

The survey reports that the Greeks and Romans used smoke, protective seed coatings, herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their horticultural pursuits.


Ancient Egyptian Farming


Ancient Egyptian Agriculture



Ancient Egyptian agriculture


The secrets of Tutankhamun's decaying tomb

7 December 2009

Scientists mount inquiry into how millions of visitors to Egyptian boy king's chamber are destroying the wonder they came to see, reports Guy Adams


Egypt's 'King Tut Curse' Caused by Tomb Toxins?

Shortly after the young pharaoh's tomb was opened, one of the attendees died. Were ancient pathogens to blame?


How climate change and population growth threaten Egypt’s ancient treasures

22 Jan 2018

Changing conditions

It starts with the temperature. The temple-heavy expanses of Egypt have always been sizzling during the summer, but it was never this hot – or for this long, both locals and archaeologists say. Some excavation days have had to be cut short, as overheating workers wilt in the exposed digging trenches. In other instances, changing conditions have even forced archaeologists to alter the way in which they document the hieroglyph-dotted walls. “We used to make blueprints using natural sunlight, but starting about 20 years ago, we found it harder and harder to burn the image onto the paper,” said Ray Johnson, director of the University of Chicago’s Epigraphic Survey, which has been working at Madinat Habu temple for almost 100 years. “It was then that we realized that it was getting hazier and hazier.” At Karnak, the gargantuan New and Middle Kingdom complex that dominates the northern approach to Luxor, blindingly bright sunshine has already robbed most of the walls of their color, leaving tourists to crane their necks up at the sheltered ceilings.

Even more worryingly, soaring summer highs also appear to be leaving their mark on the building blocks themselves. Around Aswan, several hours train ride south of Luxor, temperatures that sometimes rise well over 40 C are slowly cracking many of the rose granite structures. The granite expands in the daytime sun, and then contracts overnight in the cooler air. “It can look like a bag of wool. It gets rounder and rounder, and then eventually breaks away,” said Johanna Sigl of Cairo’s German Archaeological Institute. On her dig site at the bottom tip of Elephantine island, mid Nile, several inscriptions, including one in which a senior official records his duties collecting stone for his pharaoh, have more or less disappeared as a consequence.

The effects of climate change will only get more intense, experts say, possibly requiring some tricky decisions about the viability of maintaining vulnerable historic sites.

“In some instances these places are the foundations of a tourism industry that brings a lot of benefits to the local people,” said Mette Wilkie, Director of the Ecosystems Division at UN Environment. “But then you have a lot of buildings that are in the middle of nowhere, and here the situation is much more difficult.”

Human impact

And then there’s the direct environmental impact of human activity. Until the late 1960s, the Nile burst its banks every August, inundating the valley for miles on either side. These were the conditions that the ancient architects knew, and they factored them into their designs accordingly. But after the completion of the Aswan High Dam, the annual flood ended, and with it came a glut of new problems for the temples. Without the regular "cleanse", there’s no longer anything to clear the salt from the topsoil.

“It eats away at the stone like an acid,” Ray Johnson said. And with more humidity, in large part because of the enormous quantities of water evaporating off the dam’s reservoir, there’s more crystallization, as the salt particles in the temples’ sandstone blocks expand. “So the lower walls of almost all temples are missing and filled instead with a kind of breathable mortar,” Johnson added. From the toes of the Colossi of Memnon, the 700-ton statues of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, to the periphery of Karnak’s Sacred Lake, faint white saline traces betray the danger at hand.

Population growth, too, has levied a heavy toll. More people means more agriculture, and so instead of the fields around the temples lying dry and fallow for part of the year as they once did, they’re now under constant cultivation. It’s raised the water table throughout the East and West Banks (hydrologists suspect that the dam has also played a part), and swamped the foundations with far more water than they were designed to handle.


The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom


Climactic change

The scale of the failure of the floods is shown by the fact that the Faiyum, a lake of some 65 metres deep, dried up. This means that the lake actually evaporated over time. These low floods were related to global climatic cooling which reduced the amount of rainfall in Ethiopia and East Africa. In Iceland, researchers have detected a transition from birch and grassland vegetation to arctic conditions in about 2150 BC. This correlates with a shift to drier climate in south-eastern Europe c.2200 - 2100 BC. Also, the reappearance of oak at White Moss, UK, suggests fluctuating wetness in around 2190 - 1891 BC. In Italy, drier conditions are found around 2200-1900 BC in Lake Castglione. Dry spells have also been detected as far away as Western Tibet at Lake Sumxi.

The most tantalizing recent discovery, however, was made when scientists made a high-resolution study of dust deposition from Kajemarum Oasis in north-eastern Nigeria. The study conclusively revealed that a pronounced shift in atmospheric circulation occurred in around 2150 BC. This data indicates that an abrupt, short-lived event of cold climate led to less rainfall and a reduction of water flow in a vast area extending from Tibet to Italy. This had catastrophic effects on such early state societies as the Egyptian Old Kingdom.

Long-term variations in Nile floods are beyond the perceptions of people. The Nile, today and during the prosperous times of the Old Kingdom, is regarded unquestionably as the source of life in Egypt. Therefore, the Nile can be considered as the force which destroyed the civilization that it had nurtured. Inconceivable as it might be, the Nile is a temperamental river. The volume of flood discharge varies wildly in episodes which range from decades to hundreds of years. Furthermore, there is the impact of freak years where the floods can be disastrously low or high.


World’s oldest weather report could revise Bronze Age chronology

Apr 1, 2014


Drier, hotter: can Egypt escape its climate future?


John Vidal begins his African climate journey in Egypt, which is experiencing rising temperatures, coastal erosion, storms and water scarcity








Cornell study of ancient volcano, seeds and tree rings suggests rewriting Late Bronze Age Mediterranean history



Selected Organohalogenated Flame Retardants in Egyptian Indoor and Outdoor Environments: Levels, Sources and Implications for Human Exposure






Climate change affecting the Egypt's archaeological sites

Dec 30, 2019


Egypt - Pyramids' Protected Status Threatened

Jul 21, 2015


Statue of Pharoah moved to museum due to pollution fears

Jul 24, 2015


Egypt's 'history of humanity' monuments face climate change threat

December 20, 2019


Egypt moves ancient sphinxes to Tahrir Square despite preservation concerns

Archaeologists criticize move from Luxor, fearing city’s notoriously high air pollution could damage artifacts

8 May 2020


Onslaught of tourism, pollution threatens to destroy Egypt's ancient treasures



The impact of groundwater and agricultural expansion on the archaeological sites at Luxor, Egypt



Lost Egyptain City Found Underneath the Mediterranean Sea


Divers Uncover Ancient Temple Submerged Within The 'Egyptian Atlantis'

1 AUGUST 2019


 Deep Sea Discoveries That Show HUGE Ancient Cities Exist On The Ocean Floor

Nov 23, 2019




Comparison Study of Toxicity Kohl and Black Stone Hair Dye



Background: Kohl has been known and used traditionally as eye cosmetic for women and babies. Kohl is a gray or  black  eye  cosmetic  used  in  middle  east,  India,  Pakistan,  and  some  parts  of  Africa.  There  are  different  forms  of  commercially available preparation: stone powder finger rods, or pencils. Black hair dye is widely used in Upper Egypt, traditionally know as "stone hair dye". Many cases of toxicity and mortality either due to accidental or deliberate ingestion of hair dyes were reported in Egypt and other countries. Objective: To  determination  the  elements  in  Kohl  and  Hair  Dye  from  market  and  comparison  these  elements  in  liver and kidney of two women reported in Upper Egypt. Toxicity of Kohl due to Lead, Aluminum, Zinc, and some other metals. While black stone is a traditional hair dye popularly used in the third world as a deep black coloration substance and cheap. Unfortunately, many persons use it as a criminal tool for homicide or suicide. (P-Phenylenediamine PPD) may cause severe dermatitis, gastritis, renal failure, convulsions, and coma in humans. So that (PPD) and other nitro aromatic compounds the main toxic ingredient of hair dye so that it's very dangerous transdermal and the concentration of Lead, Aluminum, Zinc, and some other metals is lower than in Black hair dye. This research was studied that in two cases (human) has died.


Cleopatra’s Eye: The Significance of Kohl in Ancient Egypt


 Can a long-lost Egyptian colossus save ancient Heliopolis?

21 March 2017


Ancient Egyptian artwork tells of extinction

15 Oct 2014

Around 6,000 years ago, Egypt was home to 37 large-bodied mammals, including lions, elephants, giraffes and oryx. Today, however, only eight of these remain.

While the Nile Valley region north of Aswan today is mostly made up of a hot, arid desert today with very little vegetation, it was very different back then. It was cooler, wetter and probably covered with lush vegetation driven by monsoonal rains which made it a much better habitat for the mammals.

The sharp decline of mammals over the years was not random, however, according to research published in PNAS. The paper suggests that the decline that occurred over the past 6,000 years was coupled with a drying climate and the rise of human settlements in the region.

“The trajectory of extinctions over 6,000 years of Egyptian history is a window into the influence that both climatic and anthropogenic impacts have on animal communities,” write the authors in the paper.

Ancient Egyptian artwork depicted on monuments and tools that were radiocarboned helped the researchers trace the changes in the animal populations. For example, depictions or lions in artwork up to the Second Dynasty (~4,645 years ago) show a long-maned lion, while latter depictions after that and up to the Twentieth Dynasty (~2,430 years ago) show a short-maned lion instead, which are two separate subspecies.

The increased extinction of species led to a decline in the stability of animal communities around the Nile Valley. When one species in a rich ecosystem disappears the effect is less pronounced, but with fewer numbers of species remaining, it becomes much more profound, shifting the prey-predator ratio in the region.

The researchers identified three episodes of extinction over the past 6,000 years, the most recent one 100 years ago and coinciding with the rise of industrialisation in Egypt. Three of the other drops in animal populations were coupled with periods of sharp increase in aridity with the earliest 5,000 years ago.


Hippopotami in Ancient Egypt


Tetragrammaton - The Most Sacred Knowledge On Our Planet - Nassim Haremin

Aug 29, 2015

28:30 - Copper scrolls found near the Dead Sea contained
the purest copper ever found on Earth.


 The Mystery Of Tutankhamun's Dagger | What On Earth? 

{A blade made of iron that has not rusted for over 3,000 years}


7/21/2019 - King Solomon's Temple Investigation Marathon - Legend


11/12/2019 - Michael Ross Discusses What Group of People Built the Pyramids - King Solomon's Temple Investigation Marathon 163


1/13/2020 - Michael Ross Discusses Eugenics, Dysgenics, White History & Other Races - The Ancient Chosen White Race of People (White Religions) -
 White Jesus, White Shiva, White Quetzalcoatl, White Adam and Eve - Solomon's Temple Investigation Marathon 268


Natural radioactivity of some Egyptian materials used in glasses manufacturing and glass ceramics

April 2018


9-Ton Slab of Glass Found in the Cave of Beit Shearim

Sep 17, 2017



Dec 26, 2016


Weird Substance Found on the Moon

Feb 13, 2020

(A Green Glass type of substance?}


 Extremely Detailed Moon Map Released - Beginning of Lunar Gold Rush

Apr 29, 2020


 Unbelievable Stuff They Didn't Teach You About Ancient Egypt

Jun 28, 2019


Evidence That Points To Egyptian Pharaohs Being Aliens?

Sep 26, 2019




Section 15: Animals




86 percent of big animals in the Sahara Desert are extinct or endangered

3 December 2013


Mammalian extinction in ancient Egypt, similarities with the southern Levant

January 20, 2015


Maltese Hunters Legally Massacre Egypt’s Protected Birds (Video)

February 15, 2012


Nongame, Exotic, Endangered, Threatened & Protected Species

Sep. 1, 2019


7 Extinct Animals that Once Lived in North Africa

Aug 1, 2015


86 percent of big animals in the Sahara Desert are extinct or endangered

3 December 2013


70 species threatened with extinction in Egypt

CAIRO- 21 January 2020: Egypt has a total of 110 animal species, including 70 species threatened with extinction due to climate change impacts and poaching, said Ayman Hamada, director of Biodiversity Department at the General Directorate of Nature Conservation.


Egypt’s Endangered Species: A Current Assessment of the Native Wildlife

June 27, 2019


Endangered Species in the Sahara Desert


Africa's endangered wildlife at risk as tourism dries up

May 15th 2020


Animal Cruelty Filmed in Egypt Claimed a “Joke”

May 10, 2013


Climate and Civilization Killed Egypt's Animals

September 08, 2014


Clues to animal extinctions found on the walls of Egyptian tombs

Sep. 8, 2014


Conservationists fear African animal poaching will increase during COVID-19 pandemic

African animal reserves have lost crucial funding for protecting wildlife.

April 14, 2020


Environment Ministry finds 20 illegally possessed animals in Al-Ahram

Egypt is one of the transit countries for illegal wildlife trafficking

January 5, 2020


Illegal Pet Trade

For thousands of years, the elite of the ancient world kept cheetahs in captivity. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt kept cheetahs as companions and represented them in artwork. Persian shahs, Italian nobles, Russian princes, and Indian royalty kept cheetahs for hunting and as status symbols representing their wealth and rank. Because cheetahs could not easily breed in captivity, individuals were taken from the wild to support the demand. The ancient pet trade diminished wild cheetah populations, especially in Asia. The demand for pet cheetahs is most likely the primary cause of the extinction of the Asiatic cheetah across the majority of its former range. Very small populations remain in the wild.


Illegal ivory trade booms during Egypt's Arab Spring

30 January 2012


Stakeholders perceptions of the endangered Egyptian vulture: Insights for conservation

February 2018


U.N. urges world to slow extinctions: 3 each hour

May 22, 2007

OSLO (Reuters) - Human activities are wiping out three animal or plant species every hour and the world must do more to slow the worst spate of extinctions since the dinosaurs by 2010, the United Nations said on Tuesday.


8 Of The Most Adorable Endangered Species

October 22, 2017

5. Egyptian Tortoises

This fella may look grumpy, but I'm sure he's sweet under that hard shell. Also critically endangered, the Egyptian Tortoise has gone extinct in Egypt due to loss of habitat. They can still be found in the wild in Libya, but the numbers are quickly declining due to the pet trade and hunting for use in folk medicine. Approximately 7,500 remain in the wild today.


The Faces of Extinction: The Species We Lost in 2019


 Red list research finds 26,000 global species under extinction threat

July 5, 2018

IUCN fears planet is entering sixth wave of extinctions with research from Australia revealing more risks to reptiles


 Illegal bird hunting in Israel negligible, says report

BirdLife: Millions of birds killed around Mediterranean each year.

AUGUST 21, 2015


Twice as many plants have gone extinct than birds, mammals, and amphibians combined

Jun. 10, 2019


A third of Africa’s plants ‘under threat of extinction’



Human activities could make a third of tropical African plants extinct

20 November 2019


Extinct Tree From Christ's Time Rises From the Dead

June 12, 2008

Scientists have grown a tree from what may be the oldest seed ever germinated.

The new sapling was sprouted from a 2,000-year-old date palm excavated in Masada, the site of a cliff-side fortress in Israel where ancient Jews are said to have killed themselves to avoid capture by Roman invaders.


Frankincense & The Magi's Endangered Tree


Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa


Plants with Therapeutic Potential for Human Health


Predicting the distributions of Egypt's medicinal plants and their potential shifts under future climate change



Antimalarial Trees in East Africa Threatened with Extinction

27 Apr 2011


The Laperrine’s olive tree (Oleaceae): a wildgenetic resource of the cultivated olive and amodel-species for studying the biogeography ofthe Saharan Mountains



Last stand of the Saharan Cypress?

February 18, 2020

A new article in Planta attempts to help preserve a tree that has survived in the Sahara for thousands of years.


Drought-tolerant species thrive despite returning rains in the Sahel

October 19, 2016


Ancient Egyptian Palm Trees Faces Extinction



Endangered Species: Egypt’s tree of love

March 15, 2011

The ficus sycomorus, or sycamore fig, is an ancient tree that has been cultivated in Egypt since the third millennium BC.

This tree can grow to reach a height of 20-25 meters, a trunk girth of six meters, and possesses a dense crown of spreading branches which offer a delightful shade up to a few hundred square meters.

One of the peculiarities of this tree is the fact that its fruit–rosy, plump figs arranged in clusters–grow directly on the trunk. This fig tree is native to Africa and also to be found in Lebanon, Cyprus, and in the Southern Arabian Peninsula.

Professor al-Mewafy al-Ghadban, responsible for the greenhouse and botanical garden in Egypt’s National Gene Bank, relates how the sycamore tree was introduced to Egypt from the Southern Arabian Peninsula and Ethiopia. “The ancient Egyptians widely cultivated this tree, which they called the “tree of love,” and the fruit, the twig and the wood of the sycamore tree is represented on the tombs of the early, middle and late kingdoms,” he says.

There are various reasons to explain why the ancient Egyptians felt such infatuation with this sycamore. First, they relished relaxing under the tree’s dense foliage for its shade, freshness and breeze and for its figs, which were deemed to reduce the level of sugar in the blood and have a savory taste. On the other hand, the tree’s bark and latex were used for many purposes, some medicinal, as the latex is efficient in treating skin diseases when rubbed on the epidermis. Finally, the hard wood of the sycamore was used for fuel, while the softest part was used for carvings and furniture making, and the leaves constituted a good fodder for domestic animals.

“The sycamore wood was used for the coffins and furniture of the dead included in their graves,” al-Ghadban explains. The ancient Egyptians would also place the sycamore’s fruits in their tombs, as an ex-voto to the dead.

The sycamore tree has become symbolic over time. In Matareya, a fantastically old and sprawling sycamore tree is believed to have provided shade, shelter and food to the Virgin Mary and her son as they traveled through the area.

The sycamore however does not propagate itself naturally in Egypt any more, since the insect responsible for the pollination of the tree became extinct. “The wasp in charge of transporting the pollen from one tree to another is extinct,” says Irina Springuel, former professor of ecology at the University of South Valley in Aswan. Also making it difficult for the tree to proliferate is the fact that it does not create a proper seed, and the few that can be collected from the fruit have a mediocre viability.

Springuel says “the only way to propagate the tree in Egypt today is by making cuttings, which is an artificial way of multiplying this tree.” She adds that only a few hundred individuals are still growing in Egypt today, but the tree’s original functions are still highly appreciated today: “This tree continues to be a symbol of ancient Egypt.”

Considered “rare,” the sycamore tree which used to grow in every village in Egypt is now reduced to a few hundred in number. However the Ministry of Environment currently does not have a project in place to salvage it.

In Cairo, some beautiful specimens of the sycamore tree can be observed in the Museum of Agriculture in Dokki, in Shubra and in Matareya.


Population structure and dynamics of the endemic species Phlomis aurea Decne in different habitats in southern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt

July 2015


Databook on endangered tree and shrub species and provenances



Endemic and Near-Endemic Taxa in the Flora of Egypt

January 2013

 Abstract:  The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  provide  baseline  information  on
endemism  in  Egypt.  A  total  of  191 endemic  and  near-endemic  taxa  are
recorded from Egypt and one or more neighboring countries. Seventy six taxa
are believed  to  be endemic  to  Egypt of  these twenty one are steno-endemic. 
About  31.6%  of  endemics  are  found  in  the  Mountainous  Southern  Sinai
subregion.    61  near  endemics  are  selected  which  are  concentrated  in  four
local  territories  of  endemism  in  Egypt  and  adjacent  countries  (NE  and  SE
Libya,  NE  Sudan,  S  Palestine,  NW  Jordan  and  NE  Arabian  Peninsula).
However, 54 near endemic taxa that are widely distributed or not in the range
of  these  four  territories are  not  included  in  this  work.  It  was  found  that  the
near  endemic taxa  of  Sinai  and  Southern  Palestine are  relatively high  (50.8
%). For each recorded taxon IUCN category was defined, about 94.7% of the
endemics and  98.4  %  of  the  near-endemics are Red Data taxa. Fourteen taxa
are  believed  to  be  extinct  and  118  face  threats  (5  regionally  extinct,  48
critically endangered, 21  endangered, 29 vulnerable and 15  near threatened).
Most  endemic  and  near-endemic  taxa  belong  to  Leguminosae,  Labiatae,
Caryophyllaceae and Compositae which is the largest.


 Endangered Plants of the Desert

21 September, 2017




 Section 16: Water Quality




Effect of Nile River water quality on algal distribution at Cairo, Egypt


Changes of phytoplankton density and their relation to physicochemical characteristics along the Nile River have been noted in the Cairo district between 1976 and 1982. Three major phytoplankton groups were found to dominate the river Nile: green algae, blue-green algae, and diatoms. Diatoms represent the most dominant group and comprised from 42% to 96% of the phytoplankton community during the investigated period. Blue-green algae comprised from 0.7% to 48% of total cell number. Green algae represent the low percentage group, which ranges from 0.2% to 41% of Nile water algae. High species diversity (H′) was detected in green algae (1.22) followed by diatoms (0.84); the lowest diversity was in blue-green algae (0.45). The density of total phytoplankton count fluctuated between 106 and 107 organism/L. The concentration of chlorophyll-a ranged from 5 to 37 mg/m3. Primary production rates in the Nile River ranged from 8.5 to 52 mg O2/m3h. Statistical analysis revealed significant positive correlations between chlorophyll-a content, and concentrations of phosphoruss and nitrate. Phytoplankton diversity, primary production, ammonia, and nitrite content revealed that there is no indication of pollution in the Nile.


Spatio-temporal evaluation of the surface water quality in the middle Nile Delta using Palmer’s algal pollution index

23 Nov 2016


In photos: Growing algae bloom in Arabian Sea tied to climate change

March 15, 2017


Microbial pollution indicators along the Egyptian coastal waters of Suez and Aqaba Gulfs and Red Sea.



Impact of Some Ecological Factors on Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water by Diarrheagenic Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli in Zagazig City, Egypt



Bacteria and Viruses in the Nile

Microbial water quality along the River Nile varies with location and depends on flow rate, water use, population density, sanitation systems, domestic and industrial discharges, demands for navigation, and agricultural runoff. In Lake Victoria, bacterial indicators of sewage pollution and bacteria, morphologically and functionally close to Desulfovibrio, Desulfobacter and Desulfococcus have been detected. The growing population of Bahir Dar Town increasingly pollutes Tana Lake. The microbial load of the Blue and White Niles increases steeply at Khartoum, Sudan. Microbial conditions in Egypt often meet established water quality standards, but some areas are polluted by ca 34 industrial facilities, discharging to the Nile between Aswan and Cairo. Enteroviruses were isolated with a high frequency and positive results were high along 300 km in the south of Egypt. Deterioration is rapid in front of Cairo and in the delta (Damietta and Rosetta Branches), especially during low flow, due to municipal and industrial effluents and agricultural drainage. Here, the bulk of treated and untreated domestic wastewater is discharged to agricultural drains. Total coliform (TC) bacteria reach 106 (most probable number, MPN 100 ml#x2212;1) in many delta drains, 200 times the Egyptian standard of 5 × 103 MPN 100 ml−1. The Damietta Branch receives nutrients (primarily ammonia) and organics from the Delta Company for Fertilizer and Chemical Industries in Talkha, and agricultural drainage water in the vicinity of the Faraskour Dam. Raw sewage from villages also drains to the Damietta Branch. At ca 120 km downstream from the Delta Barrage, the Rosetta Branch receives polluted inflows from five drains (El-Rahawy, Sobol, El-Tahreer, Zaweit El-Bahr and Tala) and from industry at Kafr El-Zayat.


Faecal pollution and water quality


Egypt - Camel pollution

Jul 23, 2015


In Egypt, stray dogs pose growing urban challenge

Jan 29, 2019


Understanding the Ecological Response of Planktic and Benthic Epipelic Algae to Environmental Factors in an Urban Rivers System


The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae



Egyptian algae can clean up oil and soils


[CAIRO] Two groups of Egyptian scientists have reported that algae can remove toxic heavy metals from soils and potentially clean up oil spills by 'feeding' on them. They hope that such algae could provide a cheap, eco-friendly way of removing toxic pollutants from the environment.

The researchers presented their findings at an international conference on environmental challenges facing Egypt, held in Cairo in the first week of June.

Rawheya A. Salah El-Din from Egypt's Al-Azhar University described how, when grown in the presence of lead, cadmium and cobalt, a type of algae called Microcoleus steenstrupii removed between 75 and 81 per cent of the three heavy metals. The alga is native to Egypt and was isolated from salt marshes there.

High concentrations of these metals caused reduced germination rates and plant height in both beans and wheat. But Salah El-Din reported that adding algae to the soil stimulated plant growth and retarded accumulation of the toxic metals in the plants' tissues.

Presenting a separate paper, Gamila Hussein — a biologist at the Water Pollution Research Department of the National Research Centre in Cairo — described how a number of other microscopic algae species that occur in the River Nile can grow on crude oil. They break down the oil and release carbon dioxide and water, but retain two key classes of polluting chemicals, called n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

According to Hussein, these algae have potential to decontaminate areas affected by oil spills. In contrast, conventional clean-up methods are costly, difficult to implement and result in industrial waste.

Yahia Abdel-Jaleel Mahmoud, a microbiologist at Egypt's Tanta University, told SciDev.Net that these research findings are "important steps in the identification of a natural, simple, effective, fast, cheap, safe, and long-term technology for reducing heavy metal pollution and the remediation of crude oil contaminated sites".
He suggests that genetically modifying the algae might enhance their ability to bind with and break down toxic chemicals found in oil. And he highlights the importance of such approaches in the Middle East. For example, approximately eight million barrels of oil were spilled during the 1991 Gulf War, and oil spills resulting from destruction of oil tankers, wells and pipelines are still frequent in Iraq.


Cross-Bioaugmentation Among Four Remote Soil Samples Contaminated With Oil Exerted Just Inconsistent Effects on Oil-Bioremediation


Soil samples were collected from Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, and Germany, and artificially polluted with 3% (w/w) crude oil. Cross-bioaugmentation was done among them, and the oil-consumption and the constituent communities of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria were monitored periodically through 6 months. The results showed that cross-bioaugmentation did not bring about reproducible effects on oil-removal in the four soils. After 6 months, oil-removal values reached between 82 and 95% in most of the samples including the unbioaugmented controls. The numbers of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria showed significant increases followed by significant decreases during the course of bioremediation also in the unbioaugmented controls. In most cases, the inoculated bacterial taxa failed to colonize the soils, and oil-removal was achieved mainly by the native (autochthonous) soil bacterial communities. those belonged to the genera Mycolicibacterium, Mycobacterium, Xanthobacter, Pseudoxanthomonas, Pseudomonas, Zavarzinia, and others. The microbial communities in the four soils also comprised nitrogen fixing bacteria belonging to the genera Gordonia, Rhizobium, Kocuria, and Azospirillum. Such diazotrophs are known to enrich the soils with fixed nitrogen and thus, contribute to enhancing the microbiological hydrocarbon-consumption. It was concluded that cross-bioaugmentation leads to unpredictable and inconsistent effects on oil removal. Therefore, it could not beregarded as the technology of choice for oil-bioremediation.


Identification Of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination In The Egyptian Mediterranean Seashore



Polycyclic Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in two Egyptian Coastal Areas along the Mediterranean Sea


Spatial distribution and potential ecological risk assessment of some trace elements in sediments and grey mangrove (Avicennia marina) along the Arabian Gulf coast, Saudi Arabia

10 Mar 2020


 Saudi Arabia's Water Problem

Mar 27, 2020


Toxic soil cleanup too expensive for governments

New financial tools and sources must be harnessed to fund soil restoration and remediation projects to improve communities’ health, according to a new series of reports from a coalition of researchers from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Norwegian Institute of Water Research and the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning (CAEP). 

“When our soils are contaminated, they pose an immediate threat to our communities’ health and well-being,” says Oshani Perera, Director, Public Procurement and Infrastructure Finance, IISD, one of the authors of the reports. “Although governments want to help their communities, we often see these soil remediation projects costing far more than they can afford alone.”

Governments need to be aware of the financial vehicles available to attract investments for soil remediation projects. These funding opportunities not only remedy degraded lands, but provide adequate funding for greener forms of development, including green urban infrastructure, renewable energy, clean industrial technology, public transportation and more.

Soil contamination has become an urgent issue globally. In China alone, nearly 20 per cent of farmland is contaminated, posing a severe health risk, with remediation efforts expected to cost up to nine trillion Chinese Yuan, or nearly 1.72 trillion Canadian dollars, during the five years between 2016 and 2020. The government itself estimated it might be able to cover only a small fraction of the overall cost. The rest will have to come from private sources.

On August 31, top legislatures in China adopted the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law, proposing the establishment of earmarked funding to fight against soil pollutions. The law also establishes legal basis for issuing tax credits and developing innovative credit enhancement tools to encourage private investments into soil remediation projects.

“The funding challenge may seem daunting, but so are the public health consequences of not addressing soil contamination in our communities,” adds Perera. “The future stability of society, and the very legitimacy of our governments, is closely linked to addressing how to fund soil remediation projects to ensure the long-term health of our current and future generations.”


Detoxification of aflatoxin B1 by certain bacterial species isolated from Egyptian soil

April 18, 2011


Aflatoxin contamination of food and grain poses a serious economic and health problem worldwide. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is extremely mutagenic, toxic and a potent carcinogen to both humans and livestock. A safe, effective and environmentally sound detoxification method is needed for controlling this toxin. In this study, 21 soil samples were screened from various sources with vast microbial populations using a coumarin containing medium. Eleven bacterial isolates showing AFB1 reduction activity in a liquid culture medium were selected from the screening experiments. Isolate 12-3 and 12-5, obtained from soil samples of Kafr-Zaiat Pesticide company drainage and identified to be Pseudomonas putida and Escherichia coli, reduced AFB1 by 69.3% and 58.8%, respectively, after incubation in the liquid medium at 37 °C for 72 h. The culture supernatant of these isolates was able to reduce AFB1 effectively by 76.2% and 62.5%, respectively, whereas the viable cells and cell extracts were far less effective. Factors influencing AFB1 detoxification by the culture supernatant were investigated. The highest detoxification activity for P. putida and E. coli was 83.3% and 63.8%, respectively, at pH 8 and 30 °C for 72 h. The detoxification activity was reduced at 10, 20 and 45 °C. The Mg2+, Mn2+, Se and Cu2+ ions were activators for AFB1 detoxification. However, Zn2+ ion was a strong inhibitor. Treatments with proteinase K, proteinase K plus SDS and heating significantly reduced or eradicated the detoxification activity of the culture supernatant. In conclusion, the detoxification of AFB1 by P. putida 12-3 was enzymatic and the enzymes responsible for the detoxification of AFB1 are constitutively extracellular produced. Also, the AFB1 detoxification by E. coli was conducted by enzymes as well as by cell wall binding mechanism. Both bacteria could have great potential in industrial applications.


Multivariate statistics and contamination factor to identify trace elements pollution in soil around Gerga City, Egypt

18 March 2019


Ethiopia plans to tap groundwater as climate defence

27 February 2014

Ethiopia's government hopes largely unexploited groundwater resources can help it provide nearly all households with potable water by the end of 2015, as well as providing a buffer against climate stresses

ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Famous as the source of the Blue Nile, which flows from Lake Tana in the Ethiopian highlands, this East African country is far less well-known for its promising groundwater potential.

But the Ethiopian government is now planning to tap into its largely unexploited groundwater resources, both to sustain a population of over 90 million – many of whom suffer from water shortages - and to alleviate the impacts of climate stresses.

The Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) hopes to increase potable water coverage to 98.5 percent of households nationwide by the end of next year, from 68.5 percent in 2013. And for that it will need new water supplies.

Scientists from the British Geological Survey and University College London estimated in a 2012 study on Africa’s underground water reserves that Ethiopia has groundwater storage of 12,700 km³, much less than some of its northern neighbours.

Large sedimentary aquifers in North Africa contain a considerable proportion of Africa’s groundwater, with Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Egypt and Chad having the biggest reserves, the researchers noted. But many of these Saharan aquifers are not actively recharged, having been filled more than 5,000 years ago when the climate of the area was wetter, they added.

According to Zebene Lakewe, a hydrologist at Ethiopia’s MoWE, studies show the country’s groundwater is recharged by 36 billion m3 per year thanks to precipitation and other surface water – a substantial amount compared with other less rainy countries in the region, such as Sudan and Egypt.

Pastoralists are among Ethiopia’s main users of groundwater, mainly in lowland areas where there is a scarcity of surface water. They sink small boreholes for subsistence herding and agriculture.

But the government still doesn’t know much about this natural resource. It is currently undertaking a survey of groundwater, hoping to cover 22.7 percent of the total area thought to have underground reserves by 2015, up from just 3 percent surveyed in 2010.


Groundwater could also be used to ease the perennial water tensions between Ethiopia and the two upper Nile riparian countries, Egypt and Sudan, Kebede said.

“So far (the argument) has been framed as a dispute over who gets to use the 85 billion m3 of water the river discharges, of which Ethiopia contributes 86 percent,” Kebede said.

Although Egypt and Sudan receive very little rainfall, they are part of a much bigger fossil water aquifer system called the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, which stretches across four countries and contains an estimated 150,000 km3 of groundwater. Experts say this could be used to offset any reductions in Nile water levels.

“The Egyptians argue that if they pump the (ground) water, it’s going to be depleted because it has so little rainwater recharging it,” Kebede said. “Our argument is to use the water under a managed depletion approach, taking note of the fact that some of it is lost every year to the sea anyway.”

Both Kebede and Lakewe welcomed the potential of groundwater to boost resilience to climate change, but warned against treating it as separate from surface water, as both impact on the other.

“The drying up of Haramaya Lake in eastern Ethiopia was related to the pumping of groundwater for agriculture and household use,” said Kebede. Recent reports indicate the lake is again being replenished thanks to a government rehabilitation project.

Lakewe said the use of groundwater has another advantage in that it is less prone to pollution and less contaminated by waterborne diseases, making it an ideal choice for industry and household use.


Although the government has said it plans to provide almost every household in the country with access to clean water by the end of 2015, some aren’t convinced.

Eyasu Alemayehu, who lives in one of the smart suburbs of the capital Addis Ababa, said that even though his neighbourhood has water coverage in theory, the supply is patchy.

“I have to wake up in the middle of the night every fortnight to see if the water has returned, and wait for my water tank to fill up,” Alemayehu said, adding that water flows in the pipes to his house on average just three times a week.

The problems are so widespread that Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has been forced to admit that at least 25 percent of the capital’s 3 million-plus population has an unreliable water supply.

For Lakewe, however, the solution to the water headache in Addis and the rest of the country lies in tapping more groundwater resources.

“So far only a third of Addis’s water coverage comes from groundwater, with the rest coming from two rainwater-fed dams,” Lakewe said.




Section 17: Crime, Violence & Terrorism




Palm Sunday terror attacks rock Egypt

Apr 10, 2017


Islamist Terror Rocks Egypt

August 9, 2019

Will the Muslim Brotherhood bombings bring radical change in Egypt?


Egypt mosque attack: Death toll rises to 235

 Nov 25, 2017


Egypt army says 16 terrorists killed in Sinai operation

February 11, 2018


Egypt’s counter-terrorism shortcomings hamper political stability



 Egypt’s Expanding Jihadist Threat

31 January 2018

Egypt’s security suffered serious setbacks in 2017 with local jihadist attacks killing hundreds of people. In this excerpt from our Watch List 2018, Crisis Group recommends that the EU and its member states urge the Egyptian government to change its approach to counter-terrorism and improve the security for minority groups.


ITALY: African Muslim destroys invaluable historic Statues in 4 Roman Churches, terrorizes Tourists


 Oct 13, 2016


Kuwaiti preacher, ISIS call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids

Published time: 9 Mar, 2015


The Collapse Of Tourism In Egypt (2012)    


Aug 9, 2016

Tourism on Trial: In Egypt security problems have collapsed the tourism industry, one of the cornerstones of its economy. As radical Islamists push for strict regulations on tourists, Egypt's population is struggling.


STAY ALERT Western tourists in Egypt warned they are ‘easy target’ for terror attacks after Iran general’s execution

6 Jan 2020

BRITISH tourists trying to avoid the winter chill by holidaying in Egypt have been warned they could be "soft targets" for terrorist attacks.

Holidaymakers staying in Egypt resorts popular with Westerners were yesterday issued warnings over the serious risk.


1995 Patterns of Global Terrorism

Middle East Overview

    Israel and the Occupied Territories/Palestinian Autonomous Areas
    Saudi Arabia


Visitors return to Egypt's pyramids after terror attack



Egypt Braces for Fallout After British Airways Suspends Flights to Cairo

July 21, 2019

The airline’s decision is a blow to Egypt’s tourism industry, which had been recovering after a wave of deadly attacks in recent years


a DETAILED HISTORY from 1992 to the PRESENT.


Egypt’s updated terrorism law opens the door to more rights abuses, says UN expert

    9 Apr 2020


Egypt's new anti-terrorism law deepens crackdown on the press

August 17, 2015


Spotlight: Egypt proposes joint force to fight terrorism on African continent



Several Extremists Killed, Four Civilians Kidnapped in Sinai

September, 2019


Egypt: Death sentences against 37 convicted of terrorism after unfair trial

2 March 2020


Egyptian Police Kill Terrorists Planning Easter Attacks

April 15, 2020


US condemns terrorist attack on Egyptian soldiers in North Sinai

May. 1, 2020


Terrorism and tourism in Egypt


Hundreds of Egyptian women and girls kidnapped, forced into Islam, claims report

 June 20, 2014


 Egypt's Christians close ranks as kidnappings spike

November 12, 2013

Close to 100 Christians have been kidnapped for ransom in southern Egypt since the 2011 revolution. Frustrated by police indifference, Christians are now demanding action.


Christian Girls Are Being Abducted in Egypt—Never to Return

October 2, 2017


Egypt: ex-kidnapper admits ‘they get paid for every Coptic Christian girl they bring in’

September 14, 2017


Christian kidnappings on the rise in Egypt

June 13, 2018


Egypt’s silent epidemic of kidnapped Christian girls

DECEMBER 5, 2018

Christian women in Egypt face an epidemic of kidnapping, rape, beatings and torture.


Egypt: Kidnapped Brides (short) - (segment)

Mar 4, 2014


Egypt/Sudan: Refugees face kidnapping for ransom, brutal treatment and human trafficking


Egypt & Child Abduction: 2016 State Department Report


Egyptian MP proposes draft law to execute children kidnappers and molesters

July 12, 2018


                        DANGEROUS THAN THE OLD?



Pray for abducted Coptic Christian women in Egypt


LIBYA: Thirteen Egyptian Christians abducted



 How Stealing and Selling Children Became a Business in South Sudan

May 20, 2020


North Sinai militants kidnap 14 Egyptians deemed supportive of army: Reports

13 June 2019

A judge, lawyers and salt plant workers apparently picked up by insurgents on Wednesday in ambushes and roadside raids


Kidnappings and Murders Targeting Foreigners in Libya



From the Horn of Africa to the Middle East: Human trafficking of Eritrean asylum seekers across borders


Egypt's religious conversion controversy

Oct 21, 2014

With the alleged kidnappings of priests’ wives and forced conversions to Islam, Christian and Muslim leaders are renewing efforts to restore official counseling sessions for those wishing to change their religion.



Rape in Egypt

Rape is one of the most common crimes in Egypt. Marital rape is not illegal in Egypt. By 2008, the U.N. quoted Egypt's Interior Ministry's figure that 20,000 rapes take place every year, although according to the activist Engy Ghozlan (ECWR), rapes are 10 times higher than the stats given by Interior Ministry, making it 200,000 per year. Mona Eltahawy has also noted the same figure (200,000), and added that this was before the revolution, and that today the number is actually higher.

Rapes have been carried out during festivals and the Egyptian protests, and include the public rapes of women, and female journalists.

Mass sexual assault

During protests

On 3 July 2013, it was reported that about 91 women were raped and sexually abused in Tahrir Square in 4 days.

Such incidents don't seem to be opposed by the government or officials, but instead they seemed to have gathered support. Report by Nina Burleigh quotes Egyptian Salafi preacher Ahmad Mahmoud Abdullah, who said that "women protesting in Tahrir Square have no shame and want to be raped".

After revolution, about 50% of women have reported more harassment. 44% said that harassment remained is same as it was before, while, over 58% of men surveyed have told that harassment has been increased after revolution.


The fight against sexual harassment in Egypt | Unreported World

Feb 24, 2019


How women are targeted by gangs in Egypt's Tahrir Square


For many people, the most unbelievable aspect of Natasha Smith's story is that hundreds of people should have been standing there, unable or unwilling to help.


'As an Egyptian Woman, You Spend Your Entire Life Dealing with Sexual Violence'

Sexual harassment is part of everyday life in Egypt and gang rapes continue to shock the country. Where does this excessive violence come from?


Kerry: Egyptian Violence is 'Deplorable'

August 14, 2013

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calls the Egyptian government's use of violence against protesters "deplorable" and a serious blow against reconciliation.

Kerry told reporters at the State Department Wednesday that violence is no solution and can only tear the Egyptian people further apart. He again demanded that the government in Cairo respect basic human rights, while urging the demonstrators to avoid violence.


Egypt: violence against women, gang rape - rights groups ask 'is this Islamist morality'?

Jul 5, 2013


Egypt's image crisis has grown worse

9 May 2016

Public relations manoeuvring can't save Egypt's government from itself.


 Egypt blocks more internet sites

June 12, 2017


2 kidnapped Americans released in Egypt, authorities say

February 3, 2012


US-based Egyptian activist says brother 'kidnapped' by government in Cairo

September 20, 2019

Wael Ghonim lives in self-imposed exile in California.


 Witness: Beaten, Shocked, Tortured – Life for Boys in Egypt’s Prisons

March 23, 2020


 Egyptian Military Fires on Mexican Tourists During Picnic



 Sudanese gangs afflict Cairo streets

 July 2007

Maliah Bekam, 24, came to Egypt to escape the civil war in southern Sudan, but he died in a pool of his own blood in a Cairo street.


 Ambushed in South Sudan (Part 1/5)

Mar 3, 2014


Egypt violence: Gang throws rivals to their deaths from top of a building

7 JUL 2013


Muslim Brotherhood formed 13 terrorist groups in Egypt: NGO

Feb. 18, 2020


Egypt Denies Accusations of War Crimes in Sinai by HRW

May 30, 2019


Egypt steps up brutality with abduction and torture of human rights defender

14 October 2019


Real-life tomb raiders: Egypt's $US3 billion smuggling problem

22 OctOctober 2018




January 27th, 2017 - Islamic Sharia Law & Genocide - The Middle East Conflict Investigation



Crime in Port Said, Egypt


Egypt tackles littering with harsher penalties



Foreign companies fined $1.9M for illegal dumping in Gulf

June 21, 2017



November 28, 2014


A GIS-based zoning of illegal dumping potential for efficient surveillance



Sustainable Guideline for Developing the E-Waste Sector in Egypt

 August 2019


Palmyra recycling firm featured in SCI report about illegal dumping and organized crime

Mar 22, 2017


Rules Negotiations Focus On Anti-Dumping And Fisheries Subsidies


Egypt calls for clarification in the anti-dumping negotiations


Interpol seizes more than 1.5M metric tons of illegal waste in 30-day operation

Aug. 15, 2017


Africa needs to be firm against toxic waste dumping



How Africa is leading the way to a zero waste future

6 May 2020

From Egypt to Tanzania, public waste management schemes are offering green alternatives to privatisation.


Medical Waste in Cairo: Impact and Health Problems

20 May 2017

It poses a waste management challenge, increases disease transmission and threatens public health.


Heavy metals contents in Nasser Lake and the Nile River, Egypt: An overview

December 2019


    TCI Sanmar in Egypt: Safety hazards and environmental risks


TCI Sanmar Chemicals' response regarding a worker strike protesting safety and environmental conditions

3 December 2017


Spotlight: Egypt struggles to tackle daunting population explosion



Abortion: Why Egypt's children are being dumped on the streets

5 October 2015

Although abortion is illegal in Egypt, many women resort to it in the highest degree of secrecy


Egypt's booming population hits 100 million

12 Feb 2020

The figure released by the statistics agency shows an increase of seven million since last census results in 2017.


Population Growth in Egypt


    Egypt’s Nile River Pressured by Population Growth, Rising Sea Level

March 21, 2018/


Niger has the world’s highest birth rate – and that may be a recipe for unrest

March 21, 2019


Rising overpopulation is likely to hinder food standards around the world

07 Nov 2017


Overpopulation: Racist 'dog whistle' or fuel for climate crisis?

11 Jul 2019

UN highlights demographic issues on World Population Day, as young activists meet in Miami to slim carbon footprints.


Fred Pearce: overpopulation worries are a potentially racist distraction

2nd February 2010


Growing Global Overpopulation and Migration are Destabilizing our World

December 15, 2019


The world's population is nearing 8 billion. That's not great news

July 11, 2019


Africa 2050: Demographic Truth and Consequences

January 14, 2019


Is the world in danger from overpopulation?

November 30, 2018


Middle East’s Migrant Population More Than Doubles Since 2005

October 18, 2016

Regional conflict and economic opportunity boost number of migrants from 25 million to 54 million


Overpopulation remains one of the greatest threats to global stability

July 12, 2019


The world’s fastest-growing populations are in the Middle East and Africa. Here's why

03 May 2018


Population Trends and Challenges in the Middle East and North Africa

December 1, 2001


Too Many People, Not Enough Water – Now and 2700 Years Ago

November 10, 2014

Drought and overpopulation helped destroy Assyrian Empire, study says. Researchers see parallels with modern Syria and Iraq, and caution other regions also facing weather stresses.


As World’s Population Booms, Will Its Resources Be Enough for Us?

September 21, 2014

New projections of escalating growth increase the tension between humanity’s expanding needs and what the planet can provide.


The Coming Anarchy

How scarcity, crime, overpopulation, tribalism, and disease are rapidly destroying the social fabric of our planet


Front Lines of the Libyan Revolution (Documentary)

Jul 27, 2012


Live Q&A: What impact is human development having on the world’s elephant populations?

19 May 2017


Isn't it Europe that is overpopulated, rather than Africa?

11 Jan 2016


There’s a strong chance a third of all people on earth will be African by 2100

October 11, 2017


Connected cities in Africa: a solution to overpopulation?

Feb 13, 2018


David Attenborough: The planet can’t cope with overpopulation

09 Oct 2018


What are the health risks related to overcrowding?

 For communities, inadequate shelter and overcrowding are major factors in the transmission of diseases with epidemic potential such as acute respiratory infections, meningitis, typhus, cholera, scabies, etc. Outbreaks of disease are more frequent and more severe when the population density is high.

Other public structures such as health facilities not only represent a concentrated area of patients but also a concentrated area of germs. In an emergency, the number of hospital-associated infections will typically rise. Decreasing overcrowding by providing extra facilities and a proper organization of the sites or services in health-care facilities is a priority.


Overpopulation & Africa

Dec 15, 2019


Are Africa's actual problems a result of overpopulation?



After the lost decade of the 1980s, Africa seems to be mired in debt, ecological devastation, drought, and disease. Malnutrition claims the lives of 11,000 children each day, and exposure to disease is heightened by the fact that 2/3 of all Africans do not have access to clean water for cooking and drinking. Sub-Saharan African countries are currently spending 50% more on servicing their debt than on the health and education of their children and less now on health per capita than they did in 1980. Despite paying out more than US$ 1,300 billion between 1982 and 1990, debtor countries are now 61% more indebted than they were in 1982. The first step toward a solution is to reduce the outstanding debt burden. Debt relief initiatives have resulted in some short-term alleviation, but so far less than 3% of total African debt has been cancelled. The considerable amount of debt owed to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which now absorb 36% of total debt service payments, has not been addressed. Governed by immutable laws, they cannot currently forgive debt, they can only delay its repayment. A major problem with all debt reduction schemes has been that they are linked to adjustment programs. The USA's latest offer to cancel 50% of debt to the very poorest African countries is conditional on their acceptance of such programs. The second step is to make sure that adjustment programs put the needs and aspirations of the poor at the center of any planning. In the past few years, Unicef, Oxfam, Christian Aid, and other non-governmental organizations have called for such reforms. Though some change has taken place in the rhetoric of the World Bank, it is vital to maintain pressure to ensure that reforms are put into practice.


10 Facts About Overpopulation in Africa

    By 2050 Africa’s population is predicted to double. With so many countries having such a high birth rate, the populations of African countries are rising very quickly. Africa’s current population of more than 1.1 billion is expected to exceed 2 billion in the next 30 years. The population is growing at a rate faster than any other continent.
    By 2100, five of the top 10 most populous countries will be in Africa. Currently, Nigeria is the only country in Africa with a population in the top 10. Its population is expected to grow by another 527 million people by that time. With African countries growing at such fast rates, it is estimated that by 2100 the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt will join Nigeria in the top 10.
    Africa holds 27 out of 30 of the countries with the highest birth rates. An overwhelming majority of the countries with the highest birth rates reside in Africa. Niger, Angola and Mali all have an average of around six births per woman. These rates are much higher than in developed nations. To compare, the U.S. has a birth rate of 1.88. Other developing countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have birth rates around 2.1.
    Seventy percent of Africans are under 30 years old. The African population is the youngest in the world. As this younger population reaches working age, the demand for jobs will increase. Jobs will need to be developed to satisfy this job market.
    Africa is urbanizing quickly. Around 80 percent of Africa’s massive population growth will occur in cities. This is in addition to the massive rush to urbanization that has already occurred in Africa. While Africa may not be lacking land, its population is crowded into cities. In 2010, 90 percent of the continent’s population was living on only 21 percent of the land.
    Forty-seven percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s urban population lives in slums. The influx of people into African cities is putting stress on the housing and living situations within the cities. Close to half of all people on the continent are living in slums. They live in conditions that are crowded, lacking proper sanitation and often poorly constructed.
    One cause of overpopulation is actually positive for Africa as a whole. One of the major causes for population increase is actually increased quality of life. More children surviving into adulthood and healthier adults have lowered the death rate in several African countries. The impact of healthcare is a major positive. However, if fertility rates do not fall while death rates continue to decrease, the population will boom and lead to overpopulation.
    There are known solutions to overpopulation. Education is one of the key ingredients to reducing overpopulation. Educating people on how to properly family plan can help them to keep families smaller. Along with this, people must be provided with the resources to implement what they have learned.
    Kenya serves as a model for other countries. In 2009, Kenya started a program called Vision 2030. this vision aimed to lower the country’s birth rate from five in 2009 to three by 2030. By 2018, Kenya had already achieved its goal with a fertility rate of 2.81. Vision 2030 accomplished this with funding from USAID along with education programs and policies that informed people about family planning.
    There are active organizations helping to reduce overpopulation. An organization called Rutgers is already active in Africa to fight overpopulation. This organization works to raise awareness about sexual reproductive health. It recently opened an office in Uganda to carry out its mission through partnerships with schools, government advocacy and local authorities.

These 10 facts about overpopulation in Africa show that it is an issue that continues to plague the continent. Despite the prevalence of the issue, however, there are known solutions that are being implemented to solve the problem.

– Josh Fritzjunker


Six-Day War

The Six-Day War also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between 5 and 10 June 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria.

Relations between Israel and its neighbours were not normalised after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In 1956 Israel invaded the Sinai peninsula in Egypt, with one of its objectives being the reopening of the Straits of Tiran that Egypt had blocked to Israeli shipping since 1950. Israel was eventually forced to withdraw, but was guaranteed that the Straits of Tiran would remain open. A United Nations Emergency Force was deployed along the border, but there was no demilitarisation agreement.

In the months prior to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. Israel reiterated its post-1956 position that the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping would be a cause for war (a casus belli). In May Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the straits would be closed to Israeli vessels and then mobilised its Egyptian forces along its border with Israel, in addition to kicking out UNEF. On 5 June, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields, asserting imminent attack from the Egyptians. The question of which side caused the war is one of a number of controversies relating to the conflict.

The Egyptians were caught by surprise, and nearly the entire Egyptian air force was destroyed with few Israeli losses, giving the Israelis air supremacy. Simultaneously, the Israelis launched a ground offensive into the Gaza Strip and the Sinai, which again caught the Egyptians by surprise. After some initial resistance, Nasser ordered the evacuation of the Sinai. Israeli forces rushed westward in pursuit of the Egyptians, inflicted heavy losses, and conquered the Sinai.


Yom Kippur War

The Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, or October War, also known as the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, was a war fought from 6 to 25 October, 1973, by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel. The war took place mostly in Sinai and the Golan—occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War—with some fighting in African Egypt and northern Israel. Egypt's initial war objective was to use its military to seize a foothold on the east bank of the Suez Canal and use this to negotiate the return of the rest of Sinai.

The war began when the Arab coalition launched a joint surprise attack on Israeli positions, on Yom Kippur, a widely observed day of rest, fasting, and prayer in Judaism, which also occurred that year during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Egyptian and Syrian forces crossed ceasefire lines to enter the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, respectively. Both the United States and the Soviet Union initiated massive resupply efforts to their respective allies during the war, and these efforts led to a near-confrontation between the two nuclear superpowers.


 The October Arab-Israeli War of 1973: What happened?

8 Oct 2018

Forty-five years since the October war in 1973, Israel still occupies Palestinian territories and Syrian Golan Heights.


List of wars involving Israel


Israel’s Secret Plan to Nuke the Egyptian Desert

Fifty years ago, Israel built a nuclear device—and then had to decide what to do with it.

June 05, 2017


Average IQ in Egypt: 81

Economically, Egypt, according to African standards, is a developed country, with an agrarian-industrial bias. Strong diversified agriculture brings a significant income. The main crop plants are cotton, rice, sugar cane, corn. However, the level of intelligence here is low.


How did the Egyptians build the pyramids if they only had an average IQ of 81?


Mummy DNA shows that the ancients don’t have much in common with modern Egyptians

 May 30, 2017


Ancient Egyptian race controversy

Caucasian / Hamitic hypothesis

In 1844, Samuel George Morton wrote that the Nile valley "was originally peopled by a branch of the Caucasian race", and acknowledged that Negroes were present in ancient Egypt but claimed they were either captives or servants. George Gliddon (1844) wrote: "The Egyptians were white men, of no darker hue than a pure Arab, a Jew, or a Phoenician."

The similar Hamitic hypothesis, which developed directly from the Asiatic Race Theory, argued that the Ethiopid and Arabid populations of the Horn of Africa were the inventors of agriculture and had brought all civilization to Africa, and asserted that these people were Caucasians, not Negroid. It also rejected any Biblical basis despite using Hamitic as the theory's name. Charles Gabriel Seligman in his Some Aspects of the Hamitic Problem in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1913) and later works argued that the ancient Egyptians were among this group of Caucasian Hamites, having arrived in the Nile Valley during early prehistory and introduced technology and agriculture to primitive natives they found there.

The Italian anthropologist Giuseppe Sergi (1901) believed that ancient Egyptians were the Eastern African (Hamitic) branch of the Mediterranean race, which he called "Eurafrican". According to Sergi, the Mediterranean race or "Eurafrican" contains three varieties or sub-races: the African (Hamitic) branch, the Mediterranean "proper" branch and the Nordic (depigmented) branch. Sergi maintained in summary that the Mediterranean race (excluding the depigmented Nordic or 'white') is: "a brown human variety, neither white nor Negroid, but pure in its elements, that is to say not a product of the mixture of Whites with Negroes or Negroid peoples". Grafton Elliot Smith modified the theory in 1911, stating that the ancient Egyptians were a dark haired "brown race", most closely "linked by the closest bonds of racial affinity to the Early Neolithic populations of the North African littoral and South Europe", and not Negroid. Smith's "brown race" is not synonymous or equivalent with Sergi's Mediterranean race.

The Hamitic Hypothesis was still popular in the 1960s and late 1970s and was supported notably by Anthony John Arkell and George Peter Murdock.


King Solomon's Temple Investigation Marathon


Pollution Science 101 - Israel


White Native Americans 101 - White Native Americans Investigated




Two administrations of the Coloured Progressive Matrices in Egypt were compared. The first was administered to a large, representative national sample between 2011 and 2013. The second was administered to primary school pupils in villages in Menoufia in northern Egypt in 2017. Adjusting for the Flynn Effect, the IQ of the rural northern Egyptians was shown to be statistically significantly higher than the national average. It is demonstrated that this is consistent with regional socioeconomic differences in Egypt, which strongly imply that northern Egypt has a higher average IQ than southern Egypt.


Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

Apr 26 2005


World War II: The North African Campaign

September 4, 2011

The North African Campaign began in June of 1940 and continued for three years, as Axis and Allied forces pushed each other back and forth across the desert. At the beginning of the war, Libya had been an Italian colony for several decades and British forces had been in neighboring Egypt since 1882. The two armies began skirmishing almost as soon as Italy declared war on the Allied Nations in 1940. Italy invaded Egypt in September of 1940, and in a December counterattack, British and Indian forces captured some 130,000 Italians. Hitler's response to this loss was to send in the newly formed "Afrika Korps" led by General Erwin Rommel. Several long, brutal pushes back and forth across Libya and Egypt reached a turning point in the Second Battle of El Alamein in late 1942, when Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery's British Eighth Army broke out and drove Axis forces all the way from Egypt to Tunisia. In November, Operation Torch brought in thousands of British and American forces. They landed across western North Africa, and joined the attack, eventually helping force the surrender of all remaining Axis troops in Tunisia in May of 1943 and ending the Campaign for North Africa. (This entry is Part 12 of a weekly 20-part retrospective of World War II)


 How North Africa Became a Battleground in World War II

March 1997


The rise and experience of Egyptian communism: 1919–1952



Egyptian Communist Party

The Egyptian Communist Party (ECP) is the title of a modern political party in Egypt. The same name was also used by an older Egyptian party founded in 1921.


Egyptian Communist Organisation


Italy invades Egypt


    September 13

On September 13, 1940, Mussolini’s forces finally cross the Libyan border into Egypt, achieving what the Duce calls the “glory” Italy had sought for three centuries.

Italy had occupied Libya since 1912, a purely economic “expansion.” In 1935, Mussolini began sending tens of thousands of Italians to Libya, mostly farmers and other rural workers, in part to relieve overpopulation concerns. So by the time of the outbreak of the Second World War, Italy had enjoyed a long-term presence in North Africa, and Mussolini began dreaming of expanding that presence—always with an eye toward the same territories the old “Roman Empire” had counted among its conquests. Chief among these was Egypt.



  Islam in Egypt

Islam is the dominant religion in Egypt with around an estimated 90% of the population.


Egypt Population

The estimated population for Egypt in May 26th, 2020 is 102,149,625 people.


{We should reduce the population in Egypt by over 90%, this would still make Egypt have a bigger population than Libya. We can see the environmental and desertification going on in Libya, while Libya only has less than 7 million people, while Egypt has more than 100 million people. We should reduce the population by 90% in all Islamic countries. We do not think it is worth wasting resources on many of these low IQ third world groups. We must stop Egypt, Iran and Islamic Countries from gaining nuclear weapons. If we reduced the population by 90% in many Islamic nations, that this would mean that these countries no longer would need nuclear power from uranium.

Many people want a better quality of life, and we see an increase in population, while an increase
in pollution from so many chemicals and industrialization}. 


Population of Libya

The estimated population for Libya in May 26th, 2020 is 6,862,405 people.


Experts urge Egypt to rethink two-child population strategy

3 Jan 2019

Medics say limiting families not the answer for a country where a baby is born every 15 seconds


 {We believe that many people with an IQ of under 85 should stay out of the gene pool}.


Africa Population

The estimated population for Africa in May 26th, 2020 is 1,337,503,000 people.


{The problem with North Africa is that there are too many Islamic terrorists, and we must remove all of these Islamic terrorists out of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. We should eliminate the religious Islamic government in Egypt and replace this incompetent Islamic government out of Egypt.

We realize that Egypt is overpopulated. One Scientist and Nobel Prize Winner by the name of Dr. Shockley said that we should sterilize anyone with an IQ of under 100. We think that if many of these third world Africans were sterilized many years ago, that having less of these Africans around would have saved many extinct species of animals in Africa, including many endangered plants in Africa.

It was a mistake letting Africa get to over 1.3 billion Africans, especially with so much desertification going on. This would also include the number of animals being illegally poached, and Jungles being ruined by the people of Africa.

 Society now must ask the question if the planet can sustain over 1.3 billion Africans.

We can also see a problem with too many African refugees trying to illegally immigrate into Europe from North Africa. It becomes difficult to take a proper census and know how many people are in Europe. We can see a giant heatwave in Europe right now, and we can now see patterns of desertification in Europe. Europe is now overpopulated with illegal Africans, Arabs and Muslim   refugees.

We must stop many of these third world refugees from flooding first world nations, we must stop these third world refugees and low IQ 3rd world groups from ruining the best part of society and humanity. We can see that when these third world people get done destroying their own lands, they now come migrate to ruin first world nations. African, Middle Eastern and Indian South American refugees are a plague to the rest of the world, they bring disease, pestilence, ignorance, crime and terrorism.

We are calling for over a 90% reduction of all Africans, Middle Easterners and Indians on this planet. 

I will be honest when I say this, I have a lot of respect for the Ancient Egyptians for the pyramids they built and the technology the Egyptians had.

We can see many of these modern day Egyptians with an average IQ of 81 are not the same group of people who built the pyramid. Most of the people living in Egypt are degenerates and they are expendable. We must get rid of 90% of surface population in Egypt, in order to save the rest of Africa and Europe from these low IQ savages.

One thing many scientists and historians agree on is that black Africans were not in charge of designing the ancient Pyramids of Egypt}.


{We believe that we should reduce the population in Africa from 1.3 billion people, down to less than 100 million - 200 million people. We can see that many of these black and Arabic looking Egyptians were not even the true people of Egypt that built the Egyptian Pyramids. Many of these modern day black and Arabic looking Egyptians are low IQ degenerates. It was a mistake to let many of these black Africans overpopulate and ruin Africa, we would have been better off if the Europeans eliminated the majority of the blacks out of Africa many hundreds of years ago. We would still have many thousands more of extinct plants and animals if we would have gotten rid of these low IQ black African savages that are now illegally poaching endangered animals and burning down the rainforest.
Letting these low IQ black Africans overpopulate and now flood into Europe as third world refugees was a big mistake by many authorities and people.

Blacks are different than other races, black Africans have ghost DNA and do not share the same
ancestors as other humans.

As far as I am concerned we should have invaded Egypt and Africa in World War II and limited the number of blacks in Africa. It was a disaster that Western white nations fought each other in World War II, or that the nations with the higher levels of IQ were fighting each other, then the world let many low IQ third world degenerates overpopulate instead, this includes the blacks that overpopulated and ruined many parts of Africa. This is why now Egypt now has an average IQ of 81, and that we can see too many low IQ Islamic terrorists taking up valuable resources that could be used for the higher IQ populations of the planet.

A lot of Africa would have been better if we had European Colonies such as in South Africa, we must limit the number of low IQ blacks Africans as well.

Our goal is to classify blacks and these brown skinned Africans as their own species, and regulate the white race as a different species. We would want to limit the number of blacks to less than 100 million blacks on this planet. We could save the white race without using any violence also, if we were to get the world to see that blacks are separate species, and that white humans are their own distinct species from black Africans.

It was not wise for the planet to let many of these Egyptians and Africans overpopulate. It almost isn't right seeing the people of the future suffer because of these low IQ Africans ruining the environment.

We should sterilize any black with an IQ of under 100, this should have been done many years ago.

We must save humanity from these low IQ savages ruining the rainforests in Africa and turning these forests into deserts, then coming over to Europe and now overpopulating Europe with third world savages that only have an IQ of 81. We must stop these people that have an IQ of 80 from trying to breed in the gene pool. The scientific community has declared that we must stop these blacks from ruining the rainforests and poaching animals illegally, this goes for the Indians in South America as well.


Many of these black people were not the true Egyptians that built the Pyramids.
The Pyramids of Egypt were on the very outskirts of Africa, and that black Africans were not
in charge of building the pyramids. We can see that Egypt regressed in technology when many of the newer dynasties in Egypt formed. We can see that blacks eventually invaded Egypt and why the technology in Egypt regressed, including the IQ of the people of Egypt.

View our video series on Solomon's Temple for more information on the Ancient race of Ancient Egypt. We believe that a more fair skinned people from Europe or the Middle East created the Pyramids, and that black Africans were not in charge of designing the original Ancient Pyramids of Egypt. We can see that some of the newer Pyramids in Egypt were far inferior compared to the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids.



  Who were the ghost people of Africa? DNA reveals ancient Africans bred with new unknown race of humans just 50,000 years ago

 13 February 2020

    The researchers studied the genetic material of 405 people from West Africa
    They discovered mystery genetic material, which they have termed 'ghost DNA'
    It suggests that humans mixed with an unknown group about 50,000 years ago


The 'Ghosts' of 2 Unknown Extinct Human Species Have Been Found in Modern DNA

17 JULY 2019


 Aboriginal Australians, Pacific Islanders carry DNA of unknown human species, research analysis suggests

October 2016




5 Amazing Finds Beneath the Sands of the Sahara


3:50 - Skeletons of Niger

The skulls of Kiffians were darker and had larger eye sockets than Tenerians, the bones of Kiffians were denser and more ridgid.



 4/10/2020 - The Cephalic Investigation - Race Eugenics & Dysgenics (Skull Evolution & The History of the Lineage of Man)


3/5/2019 - Race Dysgenics: Evolution, Dysgenic De-evolution, Eugenics & Genetic Modification - The History of the Lineage of Man  -


04/19/2018 The Dysgenics Investigation - Race, Science & the Human Genome Project - The Eugenics Investigation (Akoniti) -


5/12/2019 - Race Virus 101 - The Eugenics Investigation (The Dysgenics Investigation) -


8/15/2017 - Genetically Modified Vaccines Investigated - The Eugenics Investigation ( -


 Race Dysgenics Brazil | Eugenics in Brazil


July 7th, 2017 - Genetically Modified Humans & Viruses - The Eugenics Investigation -


 4/4/2019 - The Rockefeller Dynasty Investigation 2020 - The Eugenics Investigation -


Pollution Science 101 - China


 Pollution Science 101 - Brazil - Emergency Report


Pollution Science 101 - Mexico


Pollution Science 101- Russia


Pollution Science 101 - India


Pollution Science 101 - Cancer Investigated (California)


Pollution Science 101 - Texas


Pollution Science 101 - Solutions


The DuPont Investigation


4/15/2020 - Coronavirus Investigation News - Race Virus 201 - Pollution Science 101 (COVID-19 & SARS-CoV-2)


Pollution Science 101 - Brazil - Emergency Report



